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121. Cheng, Nathan W Java, C/C++, Perl, VB/vbscript, JavaScript, HTML/DHTML, XML, TCL, JSP, ASP, CGI, WebLogic, Blue Martini, COM, ISAPI, etc. http://nathancheng.com |
122. VBSdb Vbscript For Database Open source object for fast database-driven ASP development.Category Computers Programming Languages vbscript......Put your database on the Web! VBSdb is an open source vbscript objectfor fast databasedriven web development. You'll be able to http://www.vbsdb.com/sources/pages/home/default.asp |
123. Visual Basic Italia Portale dedicato anche ai linguaggi Sql, Asp e vbscript. Include un elenco con le definizioni dei comandi inseribili nel codice, incluse le chiamate alle API di Windows. http://www.vbitalia.it |
124. 1001Line ASP (Active Server Pages Og VBScript) Webside til dem som arbejder med udvikling af ASP til Internet og Intranet.Category World Dansk På Nettet Portaler Edb og Internet......Denne hjemmeside er beregnet til Netscape2.x eller Microsoft Explorer 3. Indhold. http://1001line.dk/Filop/ |
125. ASP ManÃa Lista de discusi³n sobre ASP, XML, PHP, UML, DHTML, HTML, JavaScript y vbscript. http://www.elistas.net/lista/aspmania |
126. VB Script VB Script. http://www3.domaindlx.com/vbscript.shtm |
127. VbsEdit vbscript editor that includes syntax coloring, find / replace, undo / redo, insert and overstrike modes, printing and print preview with many other features. http://www.adersoft.com/vbsedit/ |
128. Www.siteexperts.com/nntp/outputThreads.asp?msg_group=microsoft.public.scripting. Similar pages Visual Basic 4 allSponsor serwisu vbscript. AKTUALNOSCI. vbscript to alnernatywa JavaScript, alejest obslugiwany jedynie przez Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 lub nowszy. http://www.siteexperts.com/nntp/outputThreads.asp?msg_group=microsoft.public.scr |
129. NetDurance Design, Flash, ASP, vbscript, JavaScript, ecommerce, shopping cart, and hosting. Located in Tustin, California, United States. http://www.netdurance.com/ |
130. Introduction à VBScript Translate this page vbscript (aussi appelé Visual Basic Scripting Edition) est un sous-ensemble dulangage Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), un langage propriétaire de http://www.commentcamarche.net/vbscript/vbsintro.php3 |
131. Encrypt HTML Source Code Password protect web page content and images. Encryption of HTML, ASP, JavaScript, vbscript, SHTML, and CSS source code. http://www.encrypt-html.com/ |
132. HTML.it - Guida VBScript Translate this page intermedio. Approfondimenti e tutorial vbscript In pro.html.it, approfondimentie soluzioni pratiche per utilizzare vbscript. Primi passi http://www.html.it/vbscript/ |
133. Practical Software Custom programming and design. Procurement, PO, travel industry, timberline, property management, Website. Visual Basic, vbscript, ASP, SQL Server, Client/Server, ActiveX development. http://www.practicalsoftware.com/ |
134. The Flangy News - The Flangy Guide To Hating VBScript The Flangy Guide to Hating vbscript. By Adam Vandenberg. vbscriptis, to put it mildy, not my favorite language. Python http://theflangynews.editthispage.com/stories/storyReader$168 |
135. 'VBScript' - Librando - Sapere Per Fare - La Libreria Italiana Kingsley-Hughes ; Adrian Kingsley-Hughes ; Brian Matsik ; Erick Nelson http://www.librando.it/scheda.asp?codice=173&SID=4 |
136. Visual Basic Tutorials Online! vbscript. DevGuru A Developer's Resource This is an extremely comprehensive247 page reference source that explains and gives examples http://www.webwareindex.com/tutorials/VBScript.html |
137. Microsoft Scripting Technologies A gateway to JScript and vbscript. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/nhp/Default.asp?contentid=280 |
138. VBScript Tutorial Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition vbscript Tutorial, vbscriptLanguage Reference. What Is vbscript? Adding Page vbscript Basics. http://www.csidata.com/custserv/onlinehelp/VBSdocs/VBSTUTOR.HTM |
139. Planet Source Code Collection of scripts and programs, with reviews from other users. vbscript, JavaScript, C, Delphi, Perl, Visual Basic, ASP. http://www.planetsourcecode.com/ |
140. VBScript Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition vbscript , vbscript. ? vbscript vbscript . vbscript http://www.k12.com.cn/webpage/vbscript/ |
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