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         Sql:     more books (99)
  1. Oracle PL/SQL Best Practices by Steven Feuerstein, 2007-10-22
  2. Beginning SQL Server 2005 Programming (Programmer to Programmer) by Robert Vieira, 2006-02-27
  3. The Guru's Guide to Transact-SQL by Ken Henderson, 2000-03-04
  4. SQL in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (O'Reilly)) by Kevin Kline, Brand Hunt, et all 2008-11-25
  5. SQL Server MVP Deep Dives by Paul Nielsen, Kalen Delaney, et all 2009-11-03
  6. Microsoft SQL Server 2008 MDX Step by Step (Step By Step (Microsoft)) by Bryan C. Smith, C. Ryan Clay, et all 2009-02-25
  7. SQL Server 2008 Administration in Action by Rod Colledge, 2009-08-28
  8. Beginning SQL Server 2008 Express for Developers: From Novice to Professional by Robin Dewson, 2008-11-10
  9. Beginning SQL Queries: From Novice to Professional by Clare Churcher, 2008-04-09
  10. MICROSOFT SQL SERVER 2008 A BEGINNER'S GUIDE 4/E by Dusan Petkovic, 2008-07-09
  11. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services by Brian Larson, 2005-12-12
  12. OCA Oracle Database 11g SQL Fundamentals I Exam Guide: Exam 1Z0-051 (Osborne ORACLE Press Series) by John Watson, Roopesh Ramklass, 2008-05-29
  13. Microsoft SQL Server 2008 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies by Robert D. Schneider, Darril Gibson, 2008-09-29
  14. The Practical SQL Handbook: Using SQL Variants (4th Edition) by Judith S. Bowman, Sandra L. Emerson, et all 2001-07-06

81. SQL Server User Group - PASS
The Definitive Global Community for sql Server ProfessionalsCategory Computers Software Databases MS sql Server...... Next Chat Date Wednesday, March 26 Topic VLDB and sql Server Raising the Bar. MembershipSurveys Find out about your peers in the sql Server community.
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82. Atlanta Consultants - The SQL Server Experts
Microsoft sql Server OLAP and Analysis Services consulting firm.
Microsoft SQL Server Consulting Services
Remote and Onsite Database Administration
Backup and Restore Services
Data Migration from Oracle and Microsoft Access ...
Data Transformation Services and Analysis Services
Phone: Email:

83. ECoastDesign
Offers web design, redesign of existing sites, webmaster services, sql, ecommerce, and hosting services.

84. Surado SCM SQL Enterprise CRM Solution -- Index
Describes an enterpriselevel CRM Help Desk solution that covers multiple customer care disciplines.

85. Powered By: Doteasy - Bannerless Free Web Hosting And Email For Small Business A
Persistent database connection pooling, proxying and load balancing system for Unix with a Python API. Open Source
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86. SQL .RU - Âñå ïðî SQL è êëèåíò/ñåðâåðíûå òåõíîëîã�
The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
client/server technologies FAQ Íàø ñåðâåð ïåðååõàë íà íîâûé õîñòèíã! Â ñâÿçè ñ ïåðååçäîì áóäóò íåäîñòóïíû íåêîòîðûå ðàçäåëû, à ôîðóì áóäåò ðàáîòàòü â ðåæèìè READ-ONLY 30 Ìàÿ. Ðàññûëêà ïðîåêòà SQL.RU "MS SQL Server - äåëî òîíêîå..." áûëà ïåðåâåäåíà ñëóæáîé SUBSCRIBE.RU â êàòåãîðèþ çîëîòûõ. "Äîêóìåíòàöèÿ ïî MySQL" Borland IB Database FAQ "Ïîíèìàíèå SQL" Transact SQL ... "Microsoft SQL Server - äåëî òîíêîå ..."
Ñêèäêà 15% íà óñëóãè õîñòèíãà PARKING.RU äëÿ ïîñåòèòåëåé SQL.RU
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Microsoft SQL Server SQL Server Performance Microsoft SQL Server ... Ñ#.NET ×ÒÎ Â ÌÈÐÅ? (CNEWS) var allColor = new Array('#FF0000','#F0F8FF','#00FF00','#0000FF','#FFFF00','#00FFFF','#FF00FF','#20B2AA','#FF0099','#44FFAA','#44AAFF','#CCBBCC','#FF44AA','#00CC0F','#DB440F','#FFCC00','#A0CCFF','#EE2288','#44CC99','#40A255','#DDB888','#808080','#AA8C8C','#DD78EE','#800000','#FFA500','#008080') questionID=2; addanswer( 104,79); addanswer( 95,236); addanswer( 94,108); addanswer( 97,267); addanswer( 92,1632); addanswer( 90,2375); addanswer( 99,383); addanswer( 102,58); addanswer( 96,558); addanswer( 91,1157); addanswer( 100,71); addanswer( 93,187); addanswer( 103,49); addanswer( 98,221); addanswer( 101,208); addanswer( 105,83); balls=7672 rowcount=16 bar=240 ADABAS Cache Informix InterBase/Firebird/Yaffil Microsoft SQL Server MS Access MUMPS MySQL Oracle Paradox PostrgreSQL SQLBase Sybase Visual FoxPro Îñíîâû MS SQL Server Analysis Services Áåçîïàñíîñòü Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (ÏÐÎÄÎËÆÅÍÈÅ) Íîâûå òåõíè÷åñêèå ñòàòüè Microsoft ÔÎÐÓÌ SQL.RU

87. SQL Bookmark - SQL Resource Directory
sql programming resources, beginners guides, tutorials, sample codes, Q A, and links.
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For Her For Him "This page is designed to be a central source of information about the SQL standards process and its current state. It will contain a number of pointers to other sources of information about the SQL standard..." PASS - The Professional Association for SQL Server PASS is the first independent Microsoft, user-run, not-for-profit association committed to providing SQL Server technology users around the world with the resources and knowledge necessary to achieve business results. SQL Auditor Pages The first web site devoted to SQL Server security issues. Brought to you by DbSecure, the pioneers in database security, also presents SQL Auditor for MS SQL Server - the first and only security assessment tool for SQL Server.

88. SQuirreL SQL Client Home Page
Java GUI program that allows viewing the structure of a JDBC compliant database, browse the data in Category Computers Programming Databases and Persistence Clients......SQuirreL sql is an opensource Java sql Clientprogram for any JDBC compliant database.
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SQuirreL SQL Client is a graphical Java program that will allow you to view the structure of a JDBC compliant database, browse the data in tables, issue SQL commands etc. The minimum version of Java supported is 1.3, however some people have had problems with Java 1.3.0 so it is recommended that you upgrade to at least Java 1.3.1. Java 1.4 is preferred. See the Old Versions page for versions of SQuirreL that will work with older versions of Java. SQuirreL's functionality can be extended through the use of plugins The user manual can be found here SQuirrel was originally released under the GNU General Public License . Since version 1.1beta2 it has been released under the GNU Lesser General Public License . The change log gives the history so far while this file explains the main enhancements to 1.1.

89. GSQL - A Mosaic-SQL Gateway
Gsql a Mosaic-sql gateway. What is Gsql. Gsql is a gateway programthat provides a forms interface in Mosaic to sql databases.
GSQL - a Mosaic-SQL gateway
What is GSQL
GSQL is a gateway program that provides a forms interface in Mosaic to SQL databases. It creates forms based on commands found in proc files, and then assembles the user inputs into a SQL query that a DBMS can process. A sample form and the proc file used to create it can be found here
Try me
Some working examples of sites using GSQL:
Download and Install
The gateway comprises 2 programs, gsql and sqlmain . gsql is the form-creation program. sqlmain is the database backend program that processes queries. You can download the source for GSQL from this URL:

90. Apache PL/SQL Gateway Module
Open source Apache module allowing PL/sql to generate dynamic web pages.
Apache PL/SQL Gateway Module
Doug McMahon
November 12, 2002
This module is a demonstration and example of the use of Oracle technology. It is made available for use at your own risk with no warranty of any kind. Please read the open-source license June 2001 Last 8i-based release Directory Windows-format source, demos, tests, and binaries for WIN32 Zip file for Windows unix_src.tgz Unix-format source, demos, tests Gzipped tar file for Unix linux_intel.tgz Binaries for Linux/Intel platform Gzipped tar file for Unix solaris_sparc.tgz Binaries for Solaris/Sparc platform Gzipped tar file for Unix hpux_pa32.tgz Binaries for HP/UX PA-RISC 32-bit platform Gzipped tar file for Unix aix_power.tgz Binaries for AIX Power-PC platform Gzipped tar file for Unix Binaries for backports to 8i, 8.0, and 7.3 Zip file unix_misc.tgz Apache 2.0 mod_owa, owad, and Java servlet Gzipped tar file for Unix Apache 2.0 mod_owa, owad, and Java servlet Zip file for Windows owa.tgz

91. Oracle/SQL Tutorial
Oracle/sql Tutorial. This Oracle/sql tutorial provides a detailed introduction tothe sql query language and the Oracle Relational Database Management System.
Oracle/SQL Tutorial
This Oracle/SQL tutorial provides a detailed introduction to the SQL query language and the Oracle Relational Database Management System. Further information about Oracle and SQL can be found under References to other SQL Tutorials and Oracle related material can be found here. The tutorial is now also availabe in Italian! Many thanks to Roberto Meloni! The complete PDF version can be downloaded here An updated version will be completed soon. This version then will include Oracle9i features and a section on query optimization.
Files (PDF or compressed Postscript)
Section 1 page per sheet, Postscript/gzipped (ps.gz) 2 pages per sheet, Postscript/gzipped (ps.gz) 1 page per sheet, PDF (.pdf) 2 pages per sheet , PDF (.pdf) Overview 1-side ps.gz 1-side.pdf 2-sides.pdf 1. SQL 1-side.pdf 2-sides.pdf 2. SQL*Plus 1-side.pdf 2-sides.pdf 3. Data Dictionary 1-side.pdf 2-sides.pdf 4. Application Programming (PL/SQL, Proc*C)

92. Akemi
Not a site for sql Guru's offers a limited introduction to sql.

93. Linux SQL Databases And Tools
A survey of free and commercial Linux sql databases. TM GnuCash Personal Finance ManagerGnuCash! Linux sql Databases and Tools. Recommended by Linux Journal!
Promoting Linux Requires Advertising. That's What Counts. TM
Linux SQL Databases and Tools
All major and most minor databases are now available on Linux (with the lone exception of MS-SQL). This is a sea-change compared to summer of 1996, when this list was slim indeed, listing mSQL, Postgres and a handful of others (Solid, Empress, Adabas). But at the end of 1998 and start of 1999, all of the major commercial DB vendors (IBM, Oracle, Informix, Ingres, Sybase) made their wares available on Linux, and there has been no going back. It was around that time that I lost interest in tracking new developments closely; thus, while I do make occasional stabs at updating this page, you may discover that it contains more link-rot than there should be. This page is not a complete listing. Use the following cross-references to form a more complete picture.

94. SQL Und Oracle Web-Server
Eine Einf¼hrung zu sql, Stored Procedures und Webseitenerstellung mit dem Oracle Webserver.
SQL und Oracle Web-Server
Zum Starten hier klicken
SQL und Oracle Web-Server Softwarekomponenten Tabellen Datentypen für Attribute ... Übung Autor: Peter Bruhn E-Mail: Homepage: http://miss/~lbruhn/

95. SQL Security
News, FAQs, and scripts focusing on Microsoft sql Server security.Category Computers Software Databases MS sql Home FAQ Injection FAQ Checklist Discussions Links Apps .
Home FAQ Injection FAQ Checklist Discussions ... Apps

96. Java 2 Platform SE V1.3.1 Package Java.sql
.......Package java.sql. Provides the API for accessing and processing data in a datasource using the Java TM programming language. Package java.sql
Overview Package Class Use Tree Deprecated Index ... Help Java TM 2 Platform
Package java.sql
Provides the API for accessing and processing data in a data source using the Java TM programming language. See:
Interface Summary Array
The mapping in the Java programming language for the SQL type ARRAY Blob The representation (mapping) in the Java TM programming language of an SQL BLOB value. CallableStatement The interface used to execute SQL stored procedures. Clob The mapping in the Java TM programming language for the SQL CLOB type. Connection A connection (session) with a specific database. DatabaseMetaData Comprehensive information about the database as a whole. Driver The interface that every driver class must implement. PreparedStatement An object that represents a precompiled SQL statement. Ref The mapping in the Java programming language of an SQL REF value, which is a reference to an SQL structured type value in the database. ResultSet A table of data representing a database result set, which is usually generated by executing a statement that queries the database. ResultSetMetaData An object that can be used to get information about the types and properties of the columns in a ResultSet object.

97. Java(TM) 2 Platform, Standard Edition, V1.2.2 API Specification
.......Package java.sql. Provides the JDBC package. sqlWarning, An exception that providesinformation on database access warnings. Package java.sql
Overview Package Class Use Tree Deprecated Index ... Help Java TM 2 Platform
Package java.sql
Provides the JDBC package. See:
Interface Summary Array
JDBC 2.0 Blob JDBC 2.0 CallableStatement The interface used to execute SQL stored procedures. Clob JDBC 2.0 The mapping in the Java TM programming language for the SQL CLOB type. Connection A connection (session) with a specific database. DatabaseMetaData Comprehensive information about the database as a whole. Driver The interface that every driver class must implement. PreparedStatement An object that represents a precompiled SQL statement. Ref JDBC 2.0 A reference to an SQL structured type value in the database. ResultSet A ResultSet provides access to a table of data. ResultSetMetaData An object that can be used to find out about the types and properties of the columns in a ResultSet. SQLData JDBC 2.0 The interface used for the custom mapping of SQL user-defined types. SQLInput JDBC 2.0 A input stream that contains a stream of values representing an instance of an SQL structured or distinct type. SQLOutput JDBC 2.0 The output stream for writing the attributes of a user-defined type back to the database.

98. Algoritmos SQL
Foro de ayuda y discusi³n.

99. Teach Yourself SQL In 21 Days, Second Edition -- Table Of Contents --
Teach Yourself sql in 21 Days, Second Edition. Next chapter. Table of Contents Day1 Introduction to sql. Day 2 Introduction to the Query The SELECT Statement.

Teach Yourself SQL in 21 Days, Second Edition
Table of Contents:
Week 1 at a Glance
Day 1 Introduction to SQL
Day 2 Introduction to the Query: The ...
F Answers to Quizzes and Excercises

100. Quest Software SQL Navigator
The Professional PL/sql ServerSide Development Environment PL/sqldevelopment can be a tedious and time-consuming job – often
Entire Site About Quest Solutions Events News Partners Careers SQL Navigator Home Data Sheet in PDF System Requirements Download Trial ... Get Acrobat Reader
The Professional PL/SQL Server-Side Development Environment
SQL Navigator provides the tools you need to cut Oracle PL/SQL server-side development time in half. In this integrated environment for developing and testing stored procedures, schemas, and SQL scripts; you can drag-and-drop PL/SQL syntax to build SQL queries, get expert tuning advice, browse the database and quickly edit and create database structures.
  • Ensure optimal productivity and application performance
  • Improve database development with the ability to drag-and-drop SQL code
  • Easily develop and tune database code with enhanced GUI
  • Advanced support for version control integration
  • Enhanced support for Oracle 8i, 9i and JAVA databases
SQL Navigator Standard Edition
SQL Navigator Professional Edition
PL/SQL Debugger
SQL Navigator Xpert Edition Xpert Tuning . Xpert Tuning allows developers to analyze and automatically rewrite inefficient SQL queries while they are being built. Xpert tuning is an absolute must have for developers who want the highest performance from their database applications. SQL Navigator Suite and . This complete development suite provides all the tools necessary to design, develop, test and manage your database.

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