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101. Artificial Life In Computer Graphics artificial life in Computer Graphics. Herds, Flocks, and Schools; com/cwr/boids.html.Videos from the SIGGRAPH 9 Course on artificial life http://www.siggraph.org/education/materials/HyperGraph/animation/art_life/art_li |
102. ALife Links artificial life evolutionary computing. artificial life a wonderfulhypertext introduction by Thomas Ray, the creator of Tierra. http://www.world-of-dawkins.com/Catalano/rl_alife.htm |
103. Moshe Sipper, Artificial Life Definitions What is artificial life? The study of manmade systems ArtificialLife. In CG Langton, editor. artificial life, Volume VI of SFI http://www.cs.bgu.ac.il/~sipper/alife.html |
104. Cellular Automata Reversible Cellular Automata, neighbourhoods, billiard ball machines, Java applets. By Tim Tyler.Category Computers artificial life Cellular Automata...... simple reversible model. Links. Cellular Automata links; Conway's Gameof Life links. Tim Tyler tim@tt1.org http//cellauto.com/. http://cell-auto.com/ |
105. Artificial Life Researches In Japan artificial life Researches in Japan. What's New. (in Japanese); Dr.Kanada's artificial life and Complex Systems A Subject Catalogue; http://www.intlab.soka.ac.jp/ArtificialLife/ |
106. Kasprzyk's ALife Page artificial life for the Macintosh.Category Computers artificial life Software......Kasprzyk's ALife Page. artificial life for the Macintosh. LEE is an artificiallife model and simulator of controlled complexity, using endogenous fitness. http://www.kasprzyk.demon.co.uk/www/ALHome.html |
107. James Greenbank's HomePage Wonders Of The World Java application simulates creature behaviours and movement. Available for free download, including Category Computers artificial life Artificial Worlds...... artificial life and Creature Behaviour An overview. artificial life Overview The Simulator Other things Great Links Art Quotes About Me http://skyscraper.fortunecity.com/altavista/819/ |
108. Society For Philosophy And Technology - Volume 2, Numbers 3-4 Article on a much debated subject by John Sullins III published in Philosophy and Technology.Category Computers artificial life Publications Papers...... GÖDEL'S INCOMPLETENESS THEOREMS AND artificial life. 1994. Why Do We Needartificial life? artificial life 13 (Spring). Emmeche, C. 1994. http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/SPT/v2n3n4/sullins.html |
109. A-Life Vida Artificial Algoritmos Geneticos, Artculos Sobre Evoluci³n y Vida artificial. Actualizaci³n Frecuente. http://www.geocities.com/krousky |
110. Entropy-Way Learn Simulation Using Java Applet Features include Elizalike talk to computer artificial intelligence, enhanced Conway Game of life, featuring two-colonies universe and monte carlo polymer simulations. http://www.entropy-way.com |
111. Engines Of Creation 2000 Confronting Singularity The Foresight Institute's Senior Associates Gathering. Covering nanotechnology, life extension, patent abuse, nanoweapons, superabundance, uploading, transparency, space expansion, and artificial intelligence. Palo Alto, California. http://www.foresight.org/SrAssoc/spring2000/index.html |
112. Erik Max Francis Resource Moved Erik Max Francis, 1 e Error. This page has moved! Note. The page you were tryingto reach has moved. The new URL is http//www.alcyone.com/max/links/alife.html. http://www.alcyone.com/max/links/alife/ |
113. Moshe Sipper's Site Prof. Moshe Sipper, http://lslwww.epfl.ch/~moshes/cp.html |
114. Www.catchword.com/rpsv/cw/mitpress/10645462/contp1.htm http://www.catchword.com/rpsv/cw/mitpress/10645462/contp1.htm |
115. ECAL'99 Home Page http://diwww.epfl.ch/lami/ecal99/ |
116. Philosophy Of Alife Bibliography The site has moved to http//artsci.wustl.edu/~philos/pnp/alife/alife_bib.html.Please update your bookmarks. You will be automatically http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/~bkeeley/work/alife_bib.html |
117. This Page Has Moved This page has moved to http//www.red.com/cwr/alife.htmlLast modified October 18, 1999 http://www.hmt.com/cwr/alife.html |
118. The Official ECAL2003 Webpage http://www.ecal2003.org/ |
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