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21. Life Drop An educational site about evolution. It includes a 3D Javabased virtual world using artificial life, as well as information about the main evolution theories. http://www.virtual-worlds.net/lifedrop/ | |
22. Tutorials On Self-Organisation, Complexity And Artificial Life Links given to Introductions and Tutorials in complex systems, selforganisation,self-organised systems, artificial life, attractors, cellular automata http://www.calresco.org/tutorial.htm | |
23. Artificial Life Archive and webzine of the Artifical Life project at European Graduate School, Media and Communication studies. http://www.egs.edu/Art_Life/content.html | |
24. Ariel Dolan Web Site: Artificial Life And Other Experiments artificial life and genetic algorithm experiments in java and tcl with free source code; 3D doll pictures Category Computers artificial life......artificial life Alife Genetic algorithms and web application experimentsin Java XML DHTML VML .NET with free source code. http://arieldolan.com/ | |
25. Links On Complexity, Self-organization And Artificial Life A collection of annotated links. http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/COMSELLI.html | |
26. Melanie Mitchell's Home Page Machine learning, evolutionary computation, artificial life (Santa Fe Institute) http://www.santafe.edu/~mm/ | |
27. Applets For Neural Network And Artificial Life (japanese) The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.aist.go.jp/NIBH/~b0616/Lab/Links-j.html | |
28. Uni Tübingen: Artificial Life Forschungsarbeiten an der Universit¤t T¼bingen. Berichtet ¼ber die Arbeiten und zeigt Bilder der konstruierten Roboter. http://www-ra.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/forschung/alife/welcome.html | |
29. Artificial Life VIII The 8th International Conference On The The 8th International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems. University of Category Computers artificial life Conferences Past Conferences......artificial life VIII The 8th International Conference on the Simulationand Synthesis of Living Systems alife ALife. up Up Alife.org http://parallel.hpc.unsw.edu.au/complex/alife8/ |
30. Artificial Life VII artificial life VII, Portland, OR, USA, August 2000Category Computers artificial life Conferences Past Conferences......Seventh International Conference on artificial life Reed College, Portland, Oregon,USA 16 August 2000. artificial life VII. artificial life VII has ended. http://alife7.alife.org/ | |
31. ArtFutura2002 International festival held in Barcelona, Madrid and Seville (Spain) since 1990. Devoted to anticipate the future of art associated to the new technologies through Virtual Reality and artificial life, from Robotics to Virtual Communities. http://www.artfutura.org/english/index.html |
32. Artificial Life VII Seventh International Conference on artificial life Reed College, Portland, Oregon,USA 16 August 2000. artificial life Links. What is artificial life? http://alife7.alife.org/links.shtml | |
33. The Museum Of Evolution And Artificial Life MEAL demonstrates concepts in evolutionary biology to impatient visitors with modest hardware. http://home.pacbell.net/s-max/scott/meal.html | |
34. Artificial Life Links Erik Max Francis' categorized list of links to sites regarding artificial life and related fields.Category Computers artificial life......artificial life links, 4 Lx 1 Links. Links to artificial life and relatedpages I've found. Introduction. Here are some artificial http://www.alcyone.com/max/links/alife.html | |
35. Arbeitskreises Artificial Life In den Studien der Einrichtung der Universit¤t Dortmund werden Selbstorganisationsvorg¤nge, d.h. die Bildung und der Zerfall von Strukturen, in Systemen miteinander wechselwirkender mathematischalgorithmischer Objekte untersucht. http://ls11-www.informatik.uni-dortmund.de/al.jsp |
36. Artificial Intelligence - Artificial Life - AI, TSP, GA, GP, Ants Links to artificial life/intelligence projects, with a collection of links including swarming Java applets. http://www.lalena.com/ai/ | |
37. Pattie Maes' Home Page Associate Professor at MIT's Media Laboratory. Areas of expertise are Artificial Intelligence, artificial life, Human Computer Interaction, Computer Supported Collaborative Work, Information Filtering and Electronic Commerce. http://lcs.www.media.mit.edu/people/pattie/ | |
38. Artificial Life - The MIT Press Mark A. Bedau and Charles E. Taylor, Editors artificial life is devoted to a newdiscipline that investigates the scientific, engineering, philosophical, and http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=4&tid=41 |
39. The Game AI Page: Building Artificial Intelligence Into Games Publications, predictions, source code, and quotes having to do with AI and artificial life in games; mostly commercial video games, some board and card games. http://www.gameai.com/ai.html | |
40. Springer LINK: Artificial Life And Robotics The Springer Journal artificial life and Robotics publishes papers on the developmentof new technologies concerning artificial life and robotics, especially http://link.springer-ny.com/link/service/journals/10015/ | |
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