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         Stabler Gerhard:     more detail
  1. Angefugt, nahtlos, ans Heute: Zur Arbeit des Komponisten Gerhard Stabler : Standpunkte, Analysen, Perspektiven (German Edition)

information on Helen (stabler) LINCOLN, a sister to Jack stabler of Newton his secondwife, Maria (BLAZER) DALKE and several stepchildren gerhard, David, Marie

62. Margaret Lancaster
Musical theater pieces she has performed include works by Karlheinz Stockhausen,gerhard stabler, Sal Martirano, Robert Cantrick (for which the The New York
Margaret Lancaster Flute, Bass Flute, Alto Flute, and Piccolo Flutist of choice for hoards of composers, Margaret Lancaster is an artist who hasn't merely 'pushed the envelope' of flute performance and repertoire, she's redefined it with fearless technique, musicianship, wit, and a clear sense of performance values. Lancaster's early interest in new music, specifically the works of Elliott Carter, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Steve Reich, was fostered while studying music at the University of Louisville and Brooklyn College where her primary teachers were Francis Fuge and Harold Jones. Noted for her inter-disciplinary collaboration with writers and composers, she has built a large repertoire of contemporary flute works composed specifically for her, that employ extended techniques, movement, drama, multi-media, and electronics. Lancaster is a member of Essential Music and Downtown Ensemble, and is a core performer at the BONK Festival of New Music and the ThreeTwo Festival. Notable performances include Bargemusic, Musical Observations 2000, the Lincoln Center Festival, and Spoleto Festival USA. She has appeared as a lecturer/soloist at Dartmouth College Festival of New Musics, Princeton University, North Carolina School of the Arts, University of South Florida, Buffalo State University, and the National Flute Association annual convention. Musical theater pieces she has performed include works by Karlheinz Stockhausen, Gerhard Stabler, Sal Martirano, Robert Cantrick (for which the The New York Times cited "a virtuoso versatility was both demanded and achieved"), and Jon Appleton whose Stop Time is a lively performance piece for tap-dancing flutist. Lancaster has had lead roles in the independent features "Rockabilly Vampire" and"Ultraviolet City" and appears in the fitness video Balletbootcamp®. Lancaster resides and freelances in New York City She has recorded on OO Discs, Columbia Records, and Tzadik. Her first solo CD, is a collection of new electroacoustic works, entitled Future Flute. It is distributed through The Orchard

63. April 25, 1996-Vol27n27: June In Buffalo Festival To Debut In New York City
Avenue. The program will feature the works of UB Professor David Felder,as well as composers Morton Feldman and gerhard stabler.
June in Buffalo Festival to Debut in New York City
June in Buffalo, one of America's most ambitious contemporary music festivals, and the premiere festival of emerging composers in North America, will make its debut in New York City in June. The first Buffalo in New York concert will be held June 13 at the Goethe House Institute for German Culture, 1014 Fifth Avenue. The program will feature the works of UB Professor David Felder, as well as composers Morton Feldman and Gerhard Stabler. The works will be performed by UB emeritus professor Jan Williams and two UB alumni, Nils Vigeland and Jens Barnieck, and Eberhard Blum, former creative associate of the UB Center for the Creative Arts. Feldman and Williams were former directors of the Center. Felder, one of the leading American composers of the younger generation, and holder of the Birge-Cary Chair in Composition, is artistic director of June in Buffalo, which was founded by the distinguished American composer Morton Feldman, who died in 1987. The program is free and open to the public.

64. Untitled Document
Other presenters at CNMAT have included representatives from Be, Inc., PatrickOzzardLow, gerhard stabler, Jean-Claude Risset, and members of the Ensemble
Andrews, Richard S.,
Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT)
1750 Arch Street
Berkeley, CA 94709 USA
Phone: 510 643-9990 x300
Fax: 510 642-7918
Submission type: Short paper
Title: Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT): Studio Report
Keywords: performance, interactive, synthesis, gestural, spatialization
Content Area: Studio Report
Resources: DAT, Apple Macintosh Computer Abstract: (450 words) The Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT) is an interdisciplinary research center within the UC Berkeley Department of Music. CNMAT's mission is to explore the creative interaction between music and technology with a focus on composition and performance, often improvisational in character. In addition to our classes for UC Berkeley students in music technology (now taught in the Max/MSP environment), computer composition, and music perception/cognition, CNMAT's education program now features the Max/MSP Night School, a week-long intensive course that is open to the general public. CNMAT also hosts a course about the SuperCollider programming language and environment for real-time synthesis, as well as a presentation of the Ircam Forum. Other presenters at CNMAT have included representatives from Be, Inc., Patrick Ozzard-Low, Gerhard Stabler, Jean-Claude Risset, and members of the Ensemble Intercontemporain. The CNMAT graduate degree program is moving ahead with the formulation of admissions requirements, curriculum development, degree requirements, faculty, and financial support.

65. Parlamentarische Materialien
Translate this page Rat gerhard Pilz, Dr. Peter Polkorab, Rosemarie Pöschl, Hanno Prinz, Walter Prochaska Dr.Wilfried Smejkal, Ingrid Smoliner, Marco Sramek, Heinz stabler, Mag.
1341/J XXI.GP
der Abgeordneten Gaal
und Genossen
"Polizeidaten" im Auftrag der FPÖ zeigen die Mängel bei der Überprüfung der Zugänge zu
solch sensiblen Datenbanken auf, wobei sich solche extremen Gesetzesverletzungen im
Wiener Landespolitiker bezogen haben. Anfrage:
1.Wie oft wurde in den letzten 5 Jahren eine EKIS - Abfrage hinsichtlich der genannten
(ehemaligen) Landtagsabgeordneten
Bedingungen zum Zugang zum System EKIS gab es jeweils bei jeder dieser Abfragen? Gab es einen nachweisbaren Aktenvorgang? 4. Wenn ja, welche (ehemaligen) Landtagsabgeordneten waren davon betroffen (ersuche 5. Wie wurden in Folge die abgefragten Daten jeweils verwendet? Abgeordneter zum Wiener Landtag eine politische Unvereinbarkeit? und sie ihm entzogen wird? Geschichte des Dokuments HTML-Dokument erstellt: Oct 13 15:15

66. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of STA
Stablein, Donald, Virginia Commonwealth University, 1979. stabler, George, BrownUniversity, 1975. Stachel, Hellmuth, Stammler , gerhard, Universität Berlin, 1921.

67. RESULT: Comp.soft-sys.wxwindows Passes 164:13
gerhard gerhard Haering gerhard.Gruber gerhard Gruber Armin DominicBarraclough matt Matthew W. Roberts stabler E
RESULT: comp.soft-sys.wxwindows passes 164:13
Dave Cornejo
Fri, 23 Feb 2001 07:31:14 GMT

68. Kattt Sammon
Bickley and others. She also actively collaborates with performanceartists/composers gerhard stabler and Kunsu Shim. Ms Sammon has
Kattt Sammon (mezzo-soporano, actress) started out in Dallas radio. She began her formal vocal studies with Laurie Amat, and has gone on to study a wide range of musical styles. She studied voice, acting and movement with Lissa Tyler Renaud. Movement studies have included the work of Moshe Feldenkrais, Rudolph Laban, Andre Bernard and Bonnie Bainridge Cohen. She collaborates with such Bay Area Improvisers as Ron Heglin, Bob Marsh, Marianne McDonald, Aaron Bennett, Tom Bickley and others. She also actively collaborates with performance artists/composers Gerhard Stabler and Kunsu Shim. Ms Sammon has performed at venues such as Beanbenders, Luggage Store Gallery, 21Grand, Starry Plough, New Langton, 23ten Sound Gallery and The Lab. Please check out for more information. home exhibitions online gallery music ... email

69. Ges-Rang Stnr Name Titel Jg IAAF Verein/Ort Altersklasse-Rg Zeit
Translate this page gerhard, 60, AUT, Die OSPI`S, Herrenteam - 84, 02318. 86, 1440, Schitnig Harald,76, AUT, Landesgericht Für Zivilrechtssachen, Herrenteam - 85, 02319. 87, 1133,stabler
Ges-Rang Stnr Name Titel Jg IAAF Verein/Ort Altersklasse-Rg Zeit Bauer Harald AUT ÖBV Sport 2000 Hubmann Herrenteam Tösch Andreas AUT Running-Roche Herrenteam Ratschob Andreas AUT ÖBV Sport 2000 Hubmann Herrenteam Kemmer Edmund AUT ÖBV Sport 2000 Hubmann Herrenteam Lebler Bernhard AUT SVB Herrenteam Krebs Willibald AUT ÖBV Sport 2000 Hubmann Herrenteam Jereb Wilhelm AUT Firma Hofmann Herrenteam Spari Manfred AUT ÖBV Sport 2000 Hubmann Herrenteam Hohensinger Werner AUT ÖBV Sport 2000 Hubmann Herrenteam Krenn Hannes AUT Topstyle Herrenteam Rybar Martin AUT Running-Roche Herrenteam Möstl Friedrich AUT Running-Roche Herrenteam Goritschnig Dietmar AUT Tabak Herrenteam Weingust Walter AUT Vögele Herrenteam Welz Christian AUT Johann Kamper GesmbH Team 1 Herrenteam Rombold Wilfried AUT Kleine Zeitung Herrenteam Elsner Walter AUT Baumit 1 Herrenteam Aldrian Roland AUT Sports Experts Running Team Herrenteam Haring Gerhard AUT Die OSPI`S Herrenteam Hubmann Reinhard AUT EVG 3 Herrenteam Kreimer Mario AUT SK Sturm Graz Herrenteam Schöngrunder Walter AUT Arbeiterkammer Graz Herrenteam Friedl Christian AUT SK Sturm Graz Herrenteam Gselmann Markus AUT SK Sturm Graz Herrenteam Stelzer Friedrich AUT BAWAG Graz 2 Herrenteam Scheer Robert AUT ÖBV Sport 2000 Hubmann Herrenteam Nowak Christoph AUT SK Sturm Graz Herrenteam Wurzinger Jürgen AUT Tabak Herrenteam Biegel Reinhard AUT SK Sturm Graz Herrenteam Kager Peter AUT Atronic-Great Runners 1 Herrenteam Cooke Russel AUT Tabak Herrenteam Fallend Christian AUT Magna Steyr Informatik 1 Herrenteam Reisenhofer Franz AUT Landesgericht Für Zivilrechtssachen Herrenteam Ambros Stefan AUT Baumit 1

70. Profile About Players & Composers
Luca Francesconi, Keiko Harada, Toshio Hosokawa, Hiroyuki Itoh, Hitoshi Nakamura,Uros Rojko, Salvatore Sciarriano and gerhard stabler, and premiered their
Musicians Florent Boffard (piano)
Born in 1964, Florent Boffard studied at the Lyon Conservatoire and at the age of twelve he enrolled in the class of Yvonne Loriod at the Paris Conservatoire where he was awarded a First Prize. He earned another First Prize in chamber music in the calss of Genevieve Joy and completed his training as a concert pianist under Germaine Mounier. In addition, he was awarded distinctions in harmony, counterpoint and accompaniment.
The laureate in the Claude Kahn International Piano Competition, Paris in 1982, Florent Boffard won the First Prize in the Vianna da Motta International Piano Competition in Lisbon the following year.
Whilst a member of Ensemble Inter-Contemporain from 1988 to 1999, he gave first performances of works by Pierre Boulez, Franco Donatoni, Gyorgy Ligeti, Philippe Schoeller, among others. He has been a guest at several festivals (Salzburg, Berlin, Bath, Brussels, La Roque d'Antheron, etc.) and has played under conductors like Simon Rattle, Leon Fleischer, Pierre Boulez and David Robertson. His versatility enables him to perform as a soloist, a chamber musician and as a member of a larger ensemble. Recently, he took part in a performance of Messiaen's Turangalia Symphony conducted by Eliahu Inbal. In 1997 Florent Boffard was appointed professor of piano at the Paris Conservatoire.

71. Concert #2
Composers she has worked with include Milton Babbitt, Larry Polansky, Jon Appleton,Steve Mackey, gerhard stabler, Christian Wolff, and Anne Lebaron.
Concert #2

Sunday, October 21, 2002 at 4:30 PM MARGARET LANCASTER interdisciplinary solo flute program
for solo flute Paul Reller
In Praise of Buddy Hackett Robert D. Polansky
Beatitudes Jon Appleton
Stop Time for tap-dancing flutist (NY Premiere) Eve Beglarian
Preciosilla Steve Reich
Vermont Counterpoint Larry Polansky
Daughter of Piker for solo piccolo MARGARET LANCASTER Noted for her interdisciplinary collaborations with writers and composers, flutist Margaret Lancaster has built a large repertoire of new works that employ extended techniques, movement, drama, multi-media, and electronics. Her first solo CD is a collection of new electro-acoustic works, all of which have been written specifically for her, entitled Future Flute Recognized for her fearlessness and versatility, Lancaster is widely in demand by composers of different styles and genres and has been cited as the "go-to girl" for contemporary flute music (Splendid e-zine). Composers she has worked with include Milton Babbitt, Larry Polansky, Jon Appleton, Steve Mackey, Gerhard Stabler, Christian Wolff, and Anne Lebaron. Upon the premiere of Robert Cantrick's music theater piece Three Mimes , Bernard Holland of The New York Times remarked "Ms. Lancaster's flute spit and barked beyond its usual repertory ... a virtuoso versatility was both demanded and achieved."

72. Resume Of Keith Moore
19881991 Premiered many new works including compositions by Martin Bresnick, NeelyBruce, Dick Higgins, Klaus Huber, Alvin Lucier, gerhard stabler and Anthony

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Keith Moore
Return to Keith Moore home page Keith Moore Composer 436 High St. 2nd floor Middletown, CT 06457 Phone: (203) 344-1831 Education M.A., Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT, Composition (currently) B.M., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Composition (1993) Prlncipal Teachers Anthony Braxton, (Wesleyan University) Neely Bruce, (Wesleyan University) Alvin Lucier, (Wesleyan University) Salvatore Martirano, (University of Illinois) John Melby, (University of Illinois) Commisslons THUMP plano duo, Baltimore, MD (for 97-98 season) Ricciotti Ensemble, Netherlands (for 96-97 season)

73. Discography-Warmth In The Wilderness
Joseph Anasatcio Glean, May Lian, Neil Zaza, Mistheria, gerhard Pichler, Joe Coincidentally,our alltime favorite quarterback is Ken stabler who played with
Lion Music released Warmth In the Wilderness a tribute to Jason Becker on July 22, 2001 (Jason's birthday). The album features the following artists: Here are some quotes from participating artists: "I first met Jason at a NAMM show in Anaheim, CA back in January of 1989 or 1990. We were both leaving the show to have dinner at a restaurant with some mutual friends and ended up walking together. Jason was an extremely nice guy, and we seemed to get along really well instantly. For some reason, Jason happened to be carrying a football (American football that is), and we had a great time having a catch and running some of our favorite "pass patterns" on our way. We are both huge football fans and talked endlessly about our all-time favorite players and teams. Coincidentally, our all-time favorite quarterback is Ken Stabler who played with the Oakland Raiders. I noticed that Jason was limping a little and asked if he had hurt his leg. He told me that he had just recently been diagnosed with ALS. I had no idea at the time what ALS was, and I remember asking him if he had to take medication and how long it would take to get better. When he said that there was no known cure and that the symptoms caused from this disease usually worsened over time, I was really stunned but tried not to show my worry and instead offered some positive words. I will never forget how courageous Jason seemed about all of this. He must have been going through hell, but seemed totally calm and graceful. This was the last time that I saw Jason.

74. Bezirk22
Translate this page 2633558. stabler Monika, Dr, Steigenteschg 13, 1220, Wien, 01/2036340. Strohmayer 0.Ullmann gerhard, MedR Dr, Emichg 1/21, 1220, Wien, 01/2825121. Varkonyi
w w w a e r z t e- a u s t r i a .a t Name Strasse PLZ ORT Telefon Alimohammadi Mehdi, Dr Erzherzog Karl-Str 84-88/1 Wien Amin Sedigheh Golriz, Dr Anton Sattler-G 82/3/2 Wien Ammer Bedina, Dr Süßenbrunner Hauptstr 22 Wien Appel Hans-Peter, MedR Dr Ziegelhofstr 36/6/4 Wien Balzer Ulrike, Dr Siebenbürger Str 48/1 Wien Boghos-Schababian Edward, MedR Dr Rennbahnweg 27/7/5 Wien Brandstetter Christine, Dr Wulzendorfstr 2/2 Wien Czerny Wolfgang, Dr Alfred Kubin-Pl 4/1a/1 Wien Dissmaier Peter, Dr Saikog 6/22/1 Wien Dr. Franz Niederekker Eßlinger Hauptstr 84-86 Wien Dr. Gerhard Westphal Wagramer Str 59/14 Wien Dr. Hamid-Reza Ghahramani Hausgrundweg 48/57/2 Wien Dr. Thomas Wasinger Aribog 28/4 Wien Dr. med. Thomas Balzer Arzt Siebenbürger Str 48/1/1 Wien Dr. med. Wolfgang Ströbl Arzt Schiffmühlenstr 73-77/2 Wien Dr. med.Christian Marek praktischer Arzt Schiffmühlenstr 76/1 Wien Eigelsreiter Sibylle, Dr Theodor Kramer-Str 10/1/1 Wien Elfar Gertraude, Dr Gmarchhaufenstr 16 Wien Fiebiger Felix, Dr Schüttaustr 24/1 Wien Fritzmann Sepideh, Dr Melang 3/64a/3 Wien Garcia Virve, Dr Spargelfeldstr 162 Wien Gössl Iren, Dr

75. ESSR_About Us
Translate this page GERMANY, Lucia Fodera-Pierangeli, Paradiso. gerhard Adam, Aachen, Jean Garcia,Geneva. Axel stabler, Munich, TOTAL COUNTRIES, 29. Martin Vahlensieck, Bonn,

Executive Committee Members ESSR 1998-2000
Executive Committee Members ESSR 1998-2000 Members Executive Committee Members ESSR 1999-2000 President Dr. Iain Watt (1998-1999)
Professor Herwig Imhof (1999-2000) Past-President Dr. Vladimir Jevtic (1997-1998)
Dr. Iain Watt (1998-1999) President-Elect Dr. Daniel Vanel (2000-2001) Vice-President Dr. Daniel Vanel (1998-1999) Treasurer Prof. Dr. Klaus Bohndorf Secretary Dr. A. Mark Davies Term of office due to end Councellors Dr. Marco Mastantuono
Dr. Daniel Vanel
Prof. Helena Zidkova
Dr. Juerg Hodler
Dr. Adam Mester
Prof. Serge Sintzoff
Prof. Koenraad Verstraete ISS Liaison Prof. Holger Pettersson President Holger Pettersson (Sweden) Max Reiser (Germany) Alain Chevrot (France) Vladimir Jevtic (Slovenia) Iain Watt (United Kingdom) Herwig Imhof (Austria) Daniel Vanel (France) Treasurer Herwig Imhof (Austria) Klaus Bohndorf (Germany) Secretary Mark Davies (United Kingdom) Councellors Baudouin Maldague (Belgium) Hans Bloem (Netherlands) Sandor Forgacs (Hungary) Carlo Masciocchi (Italy) Francisco Aparisi (Spain) Jean Garcia (Switzerland) Kaj Tallroth (Finland) Helena Zidkova (Czech Rep.)

76. Composers
Gerard Pape Antonio Doro Pascal Dusapin Thierry Miroglio Krzysztof Penderecki JamesClarke Cathy Berberian Silvia Belfiore gerhard stabler Riccardo Piacentini
INTERPRETERS AND COMPOSERS INVITED AND/OR PERFORMED IN THE LASTS 96, 97, 98 EDITIONS OF THE FESTIVALS: Giacinto Scelsi Franco Donatoni Ennio Morricone Karlheinz Stockhausen Sylvano Bussotti Luciano Berio Jhonn Cage Maurizio Barbetti Steve Reich Michael Finnissy Masayuki Honda Iannis Xenakis Brian Ferneyough Orchestra G.B. Pergolesi Akanthos Ensemble James Dillon Horatiu Radulescu James Giroudon Yann Orlarey Gerard Pape Antonio Doro Pascal Dusapin Thierry Miroglio Krzysztof Penderecki James Clarke Cathy Berberian Silvia Belfiore Gerhard Stabler Riccardo Piacentini Catherine M. Tunell Luca Francesconi Tristan Murail Tetraktris Percussion Mario Lavista Nicola Sani Elisabeth Grard Nicholas Isherwood Aldo Brizzi Stefano Cardi Federico Mondelci Helmuth Flammer Robert HP Platz Mauro Bortolotti Nicola Cisternino Satoshi Minami Toshio Hosokawa Klaus K. Hubler Francis Miroglio Aldo Clementi Octavio Lopez Jarmo Sermila Jack Fortner Bernfried Prove Hugues Dufourt Youghi Pagh Pann Horst Lohse

77. Hancock & Monks - Second Hand CDs
Albrecht. Orfeo C137862H. 2CDs. £17.98 Order Ref7035. stabler, gerhard.STÄBLER Karas.Krähan; Gagaku; Palast des Schweigens. Mayumi
This page Last Updated 21 st March 2003 - Bookmark this page and return regularly to view our updated stocklists

SECONDHAND CDs These links are alphabetical by composer. M iscellaneous. All our Used CDs are carefully inspected and fully Guaranteed Prices NET A-B C-F G-L M-O ... S-Z SACKMAN, Nicholas SACKMAN: Hawthorn. BBC SO/ Andrew Davis. NMC D027S CD single. Order Ref:2566 SAINT -SAENS SAINT-SAËNS: Cello Concerto No:1; DVORAK: Cello Concerto. Mstislav Rostropovich/London Philharmonic/Carlo Maria Giulini. EMI Great Recordings of the Century CDM5675932. 1CD. Order Ref:12887 New Entry SAINT-SAËNS: Cello Concerto No:1; LALO: Cello Concerto in d minor; MASSENET: Fantaisie, cello/orch. Sophie Rolland/BBC Philharmonic/Gilbert Varga. ASV CDDCA867. 1CD. Order Ref:9554 SAINT-SAËNS: Piano Concerto No:2; RACHMANINOV: Paganini Rhapsody. Bella Davidovich/Concertgebouw Orch/Neeme Järvi. Philips 410 052-2. 1CD. Order Ref:9205 SAINT-SAËNS: Piano Concertos 1-5. Pascal Rogé/Philharmonia/Royal Philharmonic/London Philharmonic/ Charles Dutoit. Double Decca 443 865-2. 2CDs. Order Ref:9212 Order Ref:2044 mono.

78. CSLI Publications Complete Listings
Nonmonotonic Reasoning An Overview gerhard Brewka, Jürgen Dix, and Kurt Konolige; GrammarA Study of Language Invariants Edward Keenan and Edward stabler;
Here is a complete listing of all our publications... CSLI Lecture Notes

79. Výsledky Mistrovství Svìta - VIII. Eugene 27.7. - 5.8.1989 - Veteránská Atl
18,3 Bini Cesare, ITA 3455,7 Walenta Mathias, GER 3921,7 stabler Edward, USA 12,44Kolhonen Esko, FIN 11,80 Svennevik Erling, NOR 12,25 Schepe gerhard, GER 11
VIII. Mistrovství svìta - Eugene 27.7. - 5.8.1989
Ve výsledcích chybí maraton a obì štafety. Èerpal jsem je z denního tisku (pùjèený od Pepy Vonáška) a chybí noviny z posledního dne. Má-li nìkdo možnost poslat mi tyto výsledky, prosím, doplòte chybìjící výsledky.
Hart Edwards, USA 10,87 Bell Thaddeus, USA 11,49 Whitley Stan, USA 11,04 Foster Ian, GBR 11,62 Ray Clarence, USA 11,19 Little Frank, USA 11,66 Dennis Ken, USA 11,48 Taylor Ronald, GBR 11,89 Austin Reginald, AUS 11,69 Williams Charles, GBR 12,50 Mc Phail Bruce, NZL 11,97 Keegan Robert, USA 12,62 Mirkes Peter, GER 12,36 Kleinmann Ewald, GER 13,52 McPherson Clifford, GUY 12,62 Murphy Tim, USA 13,52 Pirie Malcolm, AUS 12,63 O´Connor Fred, AUS 13,53 Jordan Payton, USA 13,28 Tateishi Yuichi, JPN 15,30 Weinacht Bill, USA 13,81 Brandvold Torgeir, NOR 15,39 Muehle Fritz, GER 13,81 Gonzalez Gilberto, USA 15,42 Gathercole H., AUS 15,63 Booth Charles, AUS 16,98 Singh Gulab, IND 16,47 Boas Konrad, USA 18,91 Fike Byron, USA 16,52 Pitcher Arling, USA 19,41 Wang Ching-Chang, TPE 23,15 Salonen Mikko, FIN 28,41

80. GRAQ Workshop Abstracts
D. Bargelli and J. Lambek Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
McGill University, Montreal
805 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal QC CANADA H3A 2K6
We study the rich system of Arabic conjugation, which, according to one way of counting, comprises 936 finite
verb-forms. Surprisingly, these can be generated by a relatively small number of morphological rules.
In contrast to other familiar languages, even 'irregular' verbs are subject to rule-governed phonological modifications. back
Wojciech Buszkowski Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Adam Mickiewicz University ul Matejki 48/49 We consider learning algorithms for categorial grammars. These algorithms are sensitive to negative data. We discuss certain aspects of learnability with negative data and elaborate its particular direction: using negative data to restrict the class of grammars to be learned. This lecture is based on the common research of W. Buszkowski and B. Dziemidowicz.

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