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61. NEEME JÄRVI - Conductor | Dirigent COMPOSER WORK ORCHESTRA CATALOG NO TIME DATE YEAR /SOLOIST nielsen, carl Aladdin,Suite for Orchestra GSO DG447 757-2 23'18 5/95 1996 nielsen, carl Clarinet http://www.neemejarvi.com/cd_n.htm | |
62. Ccm Composers-classical-music Com : Nielsen, Carl Nielsen home. nielsen, carl August 18651931 Denmark, Norre Lyndelse - Copenhagen.Title, Parts. Symphony no4 Inextinguishable op29, 1 - Allegro http://composers-classical-music.com/n/NielsenCarl.htm | |
63. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Nielsen, Carl August (M-R) Looking for the best facts and sites on nielsen, carl August? World Book OnlineArticle on nielsen, carl AUGUST; Brief Profile; nielsen, carl August; http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Art | |
64. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Nielsen, Carl August (Composers) Looking for the best facts and sites on nielsen, carl August? World Book Online Articleon nielsen, carl AUGUST; nielsen, carl August; nielsen, carl Biography. http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/Elementary/Arts | |
65. Fejlsituation Posterne 1 til 20 ud af 30 (ldk=99.4 nielsen, carl). Musik er liv 99.4nielsen, carl, f. 1865 nielsen, carl carl nielsen til sin samtid. http://bib.gladsaxe.dk/is/WHERPUB/query-sh.asp?base=her&ccl=ldk=99.4 Nielsen, Ca |
66. Academic Directories Back to Educational Resources. nielsen, carl, carl nielsen Danish Composer Thissite offers a fine illustrated biography of the composer by Knud Ketting. http://www.allianceforlifelonglearning.org/er/tree.jsp?c=42610 |
67. NIELSEN, Carl carl nielsen (1865 1931) Western Europe Sonata in A major, Op. 9for violin and piano TP067 Violin recital Marina Marsden violin http://www.btmi.com.au/Repertoire2000/TPDemo/t_nc0000.htm | |
68. Carl Bergstroem-Nielsen's Writings And Writings About CBN Bergstrømnielsen, carl (flere forf.) Stockhausen privat , Dansk Musiktidsskrift4,, 1982/83. Bergstrøm-nielsen, carl Fortschreitender Pluralismus. http://hjem.get2net.dk/intuitive/cbnw.htm | |
69. Intuitive Homepage On Improvised Music music and related topics including Denmark's Intuitive Music Conference, Quotationof the Month,composer and improvisor carl Bergstrøm-nielsen(DK),Links. http://hjem.get2net.dk/intuitive/ | |
70. Nielsen, Carl - Music By Mainseek.com nielsen, carl und informationen um nielsen, carl. nielsen, carl Symfonier 1 2. Song titles Mehr nielsen, carl Albums Symfonier 1 2. Symfonier 3 6. http://classical-music.mainseek.com/27892/25/Nielsen,_Carl.html | |
71. Nielsen, Carl (1865 - 1931) - Music By Mainseek.com nielsen, carl (1865 1931) und informationen um nielsen, carl (1865 - 1931). nielsen,carl (1865 - 1931) Clarinet Concerto, Flute Concerto etc. http://classical-music.mainseek.com/51674/25/Nielsen,_Carl_(1865_-_1931).html | |
72. Nielsen - The Fog Catalogue Andrew Jackson presents a rendering of the FS catalogue, first compiled in 1965 by Dan Fog and Torben Category Arts Music Composition Composers N nielsen, carl......carl nielsen. The FS catalogue, originally compiled in 1965 by Dan Fog and TorbenSchousboe, is the authoritative listing of musical works by carl nielsen. http://members.aol.com/dmlovelock/nielsen_fog.htm | |
73. Audio Visual Collections - Fordham University Libraries Sound in art Exhibition. nielsen, carl, 18651931. Concerto for flute and orchestra; Concerto for clarinet and orchestra, op. nielsen, carl, 1865-1931. http://www.library.fordham.edu/av/browse_av.asp?letter=N&mediatype=audio |
74. List Of Performances - Composer Names Starting With N nielsen, carl, Flute Concerto, 4/6/2002, BHS Performing Arts Center, Hyannis,MA, Cape Symphony Orchestra, Claude Cobert/Fl Royston Nash, cond, No. http://www.yesterdayservice.com/PerfN.html | |
75. Nielsen, Carl August A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y,Z. Or search the encyclopaedia HUTCHINSON ENCYCLOPEDIA. nielsen, carl August.Danish composer. http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0002443.html | |
76. Alphamusic - Carl Nielsen http://www.alpha-musicshop.com/600/3201600.html | |
77. Alphamusic - Carl Nielsen Translate this page Februar 2003. nielsen,carl (1865-1931) Commotio op.58 für Orgel CD (Orgelmusik)Herald, DDD, 99 VÖ-Datum 2.1.2001 Bestell-Nr. 3379681 19.49 EUR. http://www.alphamusic-shop.com/681/3379681.html | |
78. Fejlsituation Der er fundet mange poster! Søgning lfo=nielsen, carl. Antal poster618. Du kan vælge at se de første poster i sættet eller http://hebeweb.helsbib.dk/is/WHKB/query-sh.asp?base=bib&ccl=lfo=Nielsen, Carl |
79. Carl August Nielsen Translate this page nielsen, carl August * 9. Juni 1865 in Nørre Lyndelse bei Odense (InselFünen) 3. Okt. 1931 in Kopenhagen. Opern Saul og David 28. Nov. http://www.operone.de/komponist/nielsenca.html | |
80. Fejlsituation Stort søgesæt. Søgning lfo=nielsen, carl. Antal poster 75. Dukan vælge at se de første poster i sættet eller at indsnævre http://www.ikast.bibnet.dk/is/ikast/query-sh.asp?base=undefined&ccl=lfo=Nielsen, |
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