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81. Boulez, Pierre encyclopediaEncyclopedia boulez, pierre, pyer bOOlez' PronunciationKey. boulez, pierre , 1925, French composer and conductor. http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0808498.html | |
82. Boulez, Pierre HUTCHINSON ENCYCLOPEDIA. boulez, pierre. French composer and conductor. He is thefounder and director of IRCAM, a music research studio in Paris opened in 1977. http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0017949.html | |
83. Boulez, Pierre Opiniones, Comparativas, Precios Y Compras Online Translate this page boulez, pierre. Valoración media Recomendado a amigos 100 http://www.dooyoo.es/product/131225.html | |
84. BOULEZ, Pierre :Gilder-MusicWeb Dictionary Of Composers boulez, pierre. b Montbrison, France, 26 March 1925. His early interests were mathematicsand science, but in 1943 he began to study composition with Messiaen. http://www.musicweb.uk.net/Classpedia/Boulez.htm | |
85. Fr boulez, pierre 90; boulez,pierre 90; boulez, pierre 90; boulez, pierre 90; boulez, pierre 90; http://www.smirnov.fsworld.co.uk/fr.html | |
86. BOULEZ, PIERRE Biografía Translate this page boulez, pierre. Compositor francés, n. en Montbrison (Loire), el 25mar. 1925. Ingresa en el Conservatorio de París en 1941 y estudia http://canalsocial.net/biografia/biografiacontenido.asp?nom=BOULEZ, PIERRE |
87. InHarmoniques Médiathèque De L'Ircam © Ircam, 1996-2003 - Institut De Recherc Translate this page Dufourt, Hugues pierre boulez, musicien de l'ère industrielle boulez, pierreLe système et l'idée Barrière, Jean-Baptiste Mutations du matériau http://mediatheque.ircam.fr/articles/inharmoniques.html | |
88. Boulez, Pierre - Gedächtnis Berlin Translate this page boulez, pierre. * 26.03.1925 Montbrison (Département Loire, Frankreich). FranzösischerKomponist. Kunstpreis Berlin Jubiläumsstiftung 1848/1948 Musik, 1996. http://www.luise-berlin.de/Ehrung/b/boulez_pierre.htm | |
89. Pierre Boulez htdocs/hosted/mrbritlinks/chamberlibs/stats_inc.php on line 57 PierreBoulez. Born 1925 Died 0000. Compositions. Livre pour Quatuor. http://www.chambermusic.co.uk/database/composer.php/Boulez, Pierre/ | |
90. DINO - Kultur - Musik - Genres - Klassische Musik - Komponisten - B - Boulez, Pi Genres Klassische Musik Komponisten B boulez, pierre boulez, pierre, http://www.dino-online.de/dino_page_cd9a110026a0ab7b603e85759af53f97.html | |
91. Boulez,Pierre (geb.1925) Le Marteau Sans Maitre - Jpc Translate this page boulez,pierre (geb.1925) Le Marteau sans Maitre Preis- und BestellinformationCD Cordaria,DDD,00 Weitere Informationen zu diesem Titel Klangbeispiele http://www.jpc-klassik.de/3447956.htm | |
92. Zurück Universität Rostock - Institut Für Musikwissenschaft Translate this page Entwicklungen von Hard- und Software. Literatur boulez, pierre Willeund Zufall. boulez, pierre Anhaltspunkte. Essays, Kassel 1979. http://www.stange-elbe.de/lehre/hro-ws01-3.html | |
93. Sony Music Norway - Produktkatalog - Klassisk - R RAVEL, boulez, pierre, SA, SS89121. RAVEL CHANSONS DECASSE, boulez, pierre,CD, SK64107. RIDDAR BLÅSKÄGGS BORGboulez, boulez, pierre, CD, SMK64110. http://www.sonymusic.no/no/produkter/klassisk/klas_r.html | |
94. GR MUSIC: Composers & Musicians Luciano Biography; Bland, Ed; Bley, Carla; Bley, Carla ECM Records;boulez, pierre 1; boulez, pierre -2; boulez, pierre -3; Brant, Henry; http://users.rcn.com/gremusic/compsers.html | |
95. Chicago Symphony Orchestra - Meet The Performers Born in 1925 in Montbrison, France, pierre boulez is one of the most distinguishedcomposers and conductors in the world today. More about pierre boulez. http://www.cso.org/conductors_pboulez.taf | |
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