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1. Center For Molecular Modeling Center for molecular modeling Several tutorials related to molecular modeling, directory of software Category Science Chemistry Computational...... http://cmm.info.nih.gov/modeling/ |
2. Accelrys - Formerly MSI Develops modeling and visualization software for researchers in materials science and the life sciences. Download trial versions. the combination of a number of leading names in the molecular modeling industry to be the leading company in the area. http://www.msi.com/ | |
3. MathMol Instructional materials related to the use of molecular modeling in the undergraduate chemistry curriculum molecular modeling was introduced at Lebanon Valley College through support by the College and a $49 188 grant titled http://www.nyu.edu/pages/mathmol | |
4. Journal Of Molecular Modeling German journal presents papers on computeraided modeling, using color, and 3D images. View the table of contents and abstracts. Journal of molecular modeling. Probably the most successful electronic journal in chemistry http://www.ccc.uni-erlangen.de/jmolmod | |
5. Molecular Modeling Home Page Links to information on chemical structures, graphics, slide shows, and modeling experiments. http://www.molecules.org/ | |
6. NCBI Structure Group MMDB, the molecular modeling Database, contains experimentally determined biopolymer structures obtained from the http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Structure | |
7. Springer LINK: Journal Of Molecular Modeling - Contents Molecular, protein, peptide and drug design, computational modeling, molecular mechanics/dynamics Category Science Biology Publications Journals Fulltext J......Springer LINK, Forum Springer Journal of molecular modeling. ForumWhat's New Search Orders Helpdesk Up. Online First 2003 9/1, 2002 http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00894/tocs.htm | |
8. Representation Models In Molecular Graphics Concepts in Science through molecular modeling Activities for Students and Teachers Concepts in Mathematics through molecular modeling http://scsg9.unige.ch/fln/eng/toc.html | |
9. Rasmol In Neuem Gewand Der Bericht beschreibt, welche neuen Funktionen in Rasmol 2.6AB implementiert wurden und beleuchtet ein wenig die Bedeutung und Entstehung des Programms. Beispielgrafiken deuten die F¤higkeiten des Programmes an und eine Linkliste weist den Weg zu weiteren RasMolSites. http://www.dkfz-heidelberg.de/spec/linux/rasmol/ | |
10. Welcome To Hypercube, Inc. Producer of HyperChem, a molecular modeling package for windows and HyperNMR, a program for prediction of onedimensional NMR spectra. http://www.hyper.com/ | |
11. Form For PDB Query Search engine for visualizing 3D biomolecular models. http://molbio.info.nih.gov/cgi-bin/pdb | |
12. Introduction To Molecular Modeling Read an indepth introduction to molecular modelling with diagrams, equations, and notes. What is molecular modeling? molecular modeling, also known as molecular mechanics, is a method to calculate the http://chemistry.gsu.edu/glactone/modeling/MMintro.html | |
13. CAChe Group/Fujitsu | Chemistry Products Experimental chemists use CAChe to view and predict 3D molecular structure, to predict properties and to analyze the relationship between structure and properties or structure and reactivity. CAChe is a tool for medicinal, polymer, process and synthetic chemists. http://www.cachesoftware.com/ | |
14. TINKER Molecular Modeling Package A free molecular modeling package for molecular mechanics and dynamics, with some special features Category Science Chemistry Software Biomolecular...... The TINKER molecular modeling software is a complete and general package for molecularmechanics and dynamics, with some special features for biopolymers. http://dasher.wustl.edu/tinker/ | |
15. Center For Molecular Modeling http://cmm.info.nih.gov/ |
16. Molecular Modelling Summary of lecture course which aims to introduce the hierarchy of computational modeling methods used in Organic Chemistry. Links to background and supplemental information. http://origin.ch.ic.ac.uk/local/organic/mod/ | |
17. Springer LINK: Journal Of Molecular Modeling The Journal of molecular modeling is the perfect medium for publishing of researchresults produced by frequent and sophisticated use of computational methods http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00894/ | |
18. B Home Page B (formerly known as Biomer) is a Javabased molecular modeling program for small organic molecules and biopolymers. Supports nucleic acids (DNA/RNA), polypeptides, polysaccharides, the AMBER force field, geometry optimization, simulated annealing. Exports jpeg, gif, and ppm images. http://www.scripps.edu/case/Biomer/ |
19. Molecular Modeling Heidelberg Category Science Chemistry Computational http://www.dkfz-heidelberg.de/spec/ | |
20. Molecular Modelling Group One of the Specialist Interest Groups of the Royal Society of Chemistry. Links to research groups, meeting reports, software archives, selected articles. http://www.rsc.org/lap/rsccom/dab/ind006.htm | |
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