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1. Atmospheric Chemistry Air Quality Glossary Definitions in this glossary were initially generated by the students in a senior level class studying Category Science Earth Sciences atmospheric chemistry......atmospheric chemistry Glossary. 2002 Version The definitions in thisglossary were initially generated by the students in a senior http://www.shsu.edu/~chemistry/Glossary/glos.html | |
2. NCAR/Atmospheric Chemistry Division The overall scientific goal of ACD is to identify and quantify the natural and anthropogenic processes that regulate the chemical composition of the troposphere and middle atmosphere and to assess future changes caused by human activities. http://www.acd.ucar.edu/ | |
3. Centre For Atmospheric Chemistry At the University of York, Ontario, CAC was formed to foster cooperative research in atmospheric chemistr Category Science Earth Sciences atmospheric chemistry......atmospheric chemistry at York University York University this field. Yorkalso offers M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in atmospheric chemistry. http://www.cac.yorku.ca/ | |
4. PMEL Atmospheric Chemistry Studies the effects of natural and humanproduced aerosols in the atmosphere. Based at NOAA's Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory. U.S. Dept. of Commerce / NOAA / OAR / PMEL / atmospheric chemistry. At NOAA's Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory http://saga.pmel.noaa.gov/ | |
5. University Of Cambridge: Centre For Atmospheric Science The following websites are hosted by this server atmospheric chemistry Modelling. Support Unit (UGAMP) http://www.atm.ch.cam.ac.uk/ | |
6. Airsite - Atmospheric Chemistry On The Web Our goal is to provide a focal point for information on atmospheric chemistry research taking place around the world. http://airsite.unc.edu/ |
7. Atmospheric Chemistry Program The overall objective of the ACP is to provide DOE with advanced information on the atmospheric environment that is required for longrange energy planning. The atmospheric chemistry Program (ACP) is a Global Change Research program sponsored by the Environmental Sciences http://www.atmos.anl.gov/ACP | |
8. SPEA Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratory Research in our group focuses on the characterization of the chemical mechanisms in the atmosphere that influence regional air quality and global climate change. http://www.indiana.edu/~atmoslab/ | |
9. Atmospheric Chemistry And Dynamics Branch Research is focused on the chemical and transport processes that determine atmospheric composition, Category Science Earth Sciences atmospheric chemistry......atmospheric chemistry and Dynamics Branch. NASAAmes Research Center, Moffett Field, CA USA. http://geo.arc.nasa.gov/sgg.html | |
10. University Of Rhode Island/Center For Atmospheric Chemistry Studies http://euros.gso.uri.edu/ | |
11. UNH Global Atmospheric Chemistry Group A multidisciplinary group of researchers concerned with understanding the fundamental factors (both Category Science Earth Sciences atmospheric chemistry......The Global atmospheric chemistry Group. Complex Systems Research CenterInstitute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space University http://www.gac.sr.unh.edu/ | |
12. IGAC | International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Aimed at developing a fundamental understanding of the processes determining atmospheric composition, Category Science Earth Sciences atmospheric chemistry...... A Core Project of the International GeosphereBiosphere Programme (IGBP), In Cooperationwith IAMAS Commission on atmospheric chemistry and Global Pollution. http://www.igac.unh.edu/ | |
13. NERC ACSOE Programme Home Page UK NERC Thematic Research Programme to investigate the chemistry of the lower atmosphere (0 12 km) Category Science Earth Sciences atmospheric chemistry......atmospheric chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment (ACSOE), which took placebetween 1995 and 2000, is a UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC http://www.uea.ac.uk/~acsoe/ | |
14. EGU - Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics atmospheric chemistry and Physics An Interactive Scientific Journal. Editorialand Advisory Board. ACP ISSN (Print) 16807316 ISSN (Online) 1680-7324. http://www.copernicus.org/EGU/acp/ | |
15. Research In Atmospheric Chemistry At Leeds A focal point for information on atmospheric chemistry research taking place around the worldCategory Science Earth Sciences atmospheric chemistry......Research in atmospheric chemistry at Leeds. We are currently involved AtmosphericChemistry International Research Site. We mirror the Atmospheric http://www.chem.leeds.ac.uk/Atmospheric/intro.html | |
16. ESD ACA Home Page Activities include research on airborne releases of mercury compounds, airborne mercury speciation, atmospheric deposition in mountainous terrain, atmospheric mercury cycling, biogeochemical cycling of mercury in northern wetlands, and development of laserinduced plasma spectroscopy for continuous multielemental emission monitoring. http://www.esd.ornl.gov/programs/ACA/ | |
17. Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics (ACP): Contents atmospheric chemistry and Physics (ACP) Contents, ISSN 16807316 (Print)ISSN 1680-7324 (Online), Search (in ACP/ACPD). Final Revised Papers. http://www.copernicus.org/EGU/acp/acp.htm | |
18. NASA's GES DISC DAAC: Upper Atmosphere Data Support NASA pages offers data and images from satellites, educational resources, news, videos, software and a collection of related links. Upper Atmosphere Data Support. Chemistry, Dynamics and Solar Interactions from other missions dedicated to studying the chemistry, dynamics and solar interactions of the upper http://daac.gsfc.nasa.gov/CAMPAIGN_DOCS/ATM_CHEM/ac_main.html | |
19. CENTRE FOR ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY What is atmospheric chemistry? Atmospheric Further information Public healthstatement PCB's. atmospheric chemistry at York University. York http://www.cac.yorku.ca/general/intro.html | |
20. Molecular Physics Laboratory - Research And Development In Laser Sensors And Dia SRI's Physics and atmospheric chemistry group has a worldwide reputation for its fundamental and applied research in collisional and radiative processes involving ions, atoms, and molecules. http://www.sri.com/psd/physics/index.html | |
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