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4. In Memory Of Stevie Ray Vaughan Stevie Ray Vaughan. October 3, 1954 August 27, 1990. The Albums of StevieRay Vaughan. All the officially released albums from Epic and Sony Music. http://comp.uark.edu/~scherry/srv/ | |
5. Texas Flood - Stevie Ray Vaughan Stevie Ray Vaughan The Texas Flood mailing list, and informationabout Stevie Ray Vaughan Double Trouble. This page uses frames http://www.texasflood.com/ | |
6. Stevie Ray Vaughan Stevie Ray Vaughan. This directory contains information about and picturesof the late, great Stevie Ray Vaughan. Vince's Stevie Ray Vaughan Page. http://www.austinlinks.com/Music/srv.html | |
7. Vaughan Stevie Ray Sheet Music :: 25 Products In Stock! Important News Click Here. vaughan stevie ray Sheet Music. $24.95, Stevie Ray VaughanThe Stevie Ray Vaughan Guitar Collection Performed by Stevie Ray Vaughan. http://www.musicverve.com/v/vaughan-stevie-ray/ | |
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12. Who2 Profile: Stevie Ray Vaughan STEVIE RAY VAUGHAN Rock/Blues Guitarist. Stevie Ray Vaughan learned to play theguitar as a kid, influenced by his older brother, guitarist Jimmie Vaughan. http://www.who2.com/stevierayvaughan.html | |
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