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Shabazz El Hajj Malik El: more detail | |||||
61. Stamps Malcolm X (elhajj malik el-shabazz) Stamp image The 22nd stamp in the Black Heritageseries honors Malcolm X, one of the most influential African-American http://usinfo.state.gov/usa/blackhis/stamps.htm | |
62. 76(R) HR 178 Enrolled Version - Bill Text for all African Americans; and 113 WHEREAS, During a pilgrimage to the Holy Cityof Mecca, 1-14 Malcolm X became known as el-hajj malik el-shabazz; he founded http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/tlo/76R/billtext/HR00178F.HTM |
63. Www.oma.washington.edu - Home Page Education is your passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs tothe people who prepare for it today. el-hajj malik el-shabazz. http://www.oma.washington.edu/index2.htm |
64. Malcolm X Inspiration Though not the authoritative site on the Internet for information and insightinto the Honorable elhajj malik el-shabazz, it should serve to pique your http://www.gilscottheron.com/malxintro.htm | |
65. H499: People & Places Malcolm X, elhajj malik el-shabazz (1925-65). Member of the Nation ofIslam and outspoken activist for African Americans, particularly http://chnm.gmu.edu/courses/h499/malcolm.html | |
66. CAIR-NY Council On American-Islamic Relations-NY LECTURES ON HUMAN RIGHTS AND SOCIAL JUSTICE. What Would Malcolm Say? A Commemorativeel hajj malik el shabazz Lecture. Friday, March 1, 2002 600 pm 900 pm. http://www.cair-ny.com/ACCOMPL/20020301-lect-shabazz.html | |
67. The Message - "Al Hajj Malik El Shabazz's Declaration Of Orthodox Islam" Al hajj malik el shabazz's Declaration of Orthodox Islam. The following isa handwritten copy of the Kalimah Shahadah of Al-hajj malik el shabazz. http://icna.org/tm/shabazz6.htm | |
68. Gale - Free Resources - Black History Month - Biographies - Malcolm X Black nationalist who advocated self-help, self-defense, and education. Assassinated in 1965.Category Kids and Teens People and Society Malcolm X......Malcolm X (elhajj malik el-shabazz ). In 1964 he made a pilgrimage to Islam'sholy city, Mecca, and adopted the name el-hajj malik el shabazz. http://www.galegroup.com/free_resources/bhm/bio/malcolmx.htm | |
69. The Road To Makkah || Hajj And Umrah || Hajj Diary Of Malcolm X The Pilgrimage To Mecca By Alhajj malik el-shabazz (Malcolm X). WhenAl-hajj malik el-shabazz was in Mecca, he wrote this letter http://www.jannah.org/hajj/malcolmxhajj.html | |
70. District Home el hajj malik el shabazz, MS. CARMelA MURDEN Click here to map this address500Macon Street Brooklyn, NY, 11233 Administrative District, 16. School Number, 262. http://www.nycenet.edu/SchoolsDistricts/Schools/Default.aspx?DBN=16K262 |
71. District Home el hajj malik el shabazz, MS. Middle Schools, Holiday, 88.1, 88.9, 87.3, ,88.1, 88.4. el hajj malik el shabazz ( K262), Holiday, 87.3, 90.2, 86.6, -,88.0, 89.6. http://www.nycenet.edu/SchoolsDistricts/Schools/Attendance.aspx?DBN=16K262 |
72. Muttaqun OnLine: The Little Ankaboot Islamic Search Engine: Comparative Religion About the Nation of Islam. URL http//www.islaam.com/sunnah/noi2.htm2. Malcolm X's (Alhajj malik el-shabazz) Letter from Mecca. http://muttaqun.com/links-compare.html | |
73. Malcolm X: El Hajj Malik El Shabazz - Live Interview With Malcolm X Malcolm X Videos. Malcolm X el hajj malik el shabazz Live Interview with MalcolmX Videos Malcolm X Videos Item 8 View Previous Product View Next Product http://www.videosvideosvideos.com/m/Malcolm_X_Videos/Malcolm_X_El_Hajj_Malik_El_ | |
74. Malcolm X - No Sell Out! gif (4594 bytes), This page is dedicated to the life, the times, the messages, thestruggles, the victories, and the memory of el hajj malik el shabazz, the man http://users.rcn.com/beecee.interport/mxonvhtm.htm | |
75. HallAudiobooks.com The Black Book The True Political Told at $7.00. The Black Book The True Political Philosophy of MalcolmX, el hajj malik el shabazz. Catalog Book Manufacturer Clarity http://hallaudiobooks.com/index.php/Mode/product/AsinSearch/0932863035/name/The% |
76. Islam Online The Pilgrimage To Mecca By Alhajj malik el-shabazz (Malcolm X) The Pilgrimage ToMecca By Al-hajj malik el-shabazz (Malcolm X) When Al-hajj malik el-shabazz http://www.islam-online.net/English/hajj/2001/HajjMemories/article1.shtml | |
77. Account Disabled by Alhajj malik el-shabazz (Malcolm X) Makkah, Hijaz. When Al-hajj malik el-shabazzwas in Makkah, he wrote a letter to his loyal assistants in Harlem http://www.the-webplaza.com/hajj/personalpages/MalikShabazz.shtml | |
78. List Of Charter Schools - Michigan 14, elhajj malik el-shabazz Academy, el-hajj malik el-shabazz Academy 2130 WestHolmes Lansing, MI 48910, Grades K-5, Ingham ISD / Lansing PS, 107, Central Michigan http://www.wmich.edu/evalctr/charter/schools/list.html | |
80. Malcolmx Malcolm X's (Alhajj malik el-shabazz) Letter from Mecca. THE PILGRIMAGE Worlds. .Sincerely,. Al-hajj malik el-shabazz (Malcolm X). (From http://www.shef.ac.uk/uni/union/susoc/ics/whatis/articles/malcolmx.htm | |
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