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61. Bowling Green State University, Official Athletic Site :: Women's Soccer For MIAMI 30 TERRY, leigh, 3 NG, katie, 4 SHAPIRO, Meghan, 5 HURD, Emily, 7GILL, Tricia, 8 WEIMAN, Audry, 9 ALTIERO, Danielle, 12 SWINEHART, Ashley http://bgsufalcons.ocsn.com/sports/w-soccer/stats/092002aaa.html | |
62. Page 3 Alternate Karen Keller Pin - Adrienne Anderson, Karen Keller, Amanda Osborne, JenniferOsborne Certificate - katie Betts, Nicole Dailey, leigh Myers, Rosanna http://licking.osu.edu/4h/pg4.html | |
63. TV Guide Online - [Movie Database] February 6, 2003. Your Search for katie leigh returned 2 movies. 1. MYLITTLE PONY (1986). Your Search for katie leigh returned 2 movies. 1. http://www.tvguide.com/movies/database/MovieSearch.asp?Name=Katie Leigh&SearchTy |
64. Katie Holmes And Rachael Leigh Cook In Pictures katie Holmes and Rachael leigh Cook in pictures. ). Follow Ups Re katieHolmes and Rachael leigh Cook in pictures Scott 224411 9/15/99 (1) http://rlc.hal-9000.net/messages/2/5/254.html |
65. Re: Katie Holmes And Rachael Leigh Cook In Pictures Re katie Holmes and Rachael leigh Cook in pictures. In Reply to katie Holmes andRachael leigh Cook in pictures posted by Ham on April 15, 1999 at 023447 http://rlc.hal-9000.net/messages/2/7/274.html | |
66. College 02-23 Trinity Women Take Three Ho 91, 9-1, 9-2 7. TC- Suzy Shwartz d. Nina Handelman 9-1, 9-0, 9-1 8. TC- katiePeck d. Jenny Guyther 9-1, 9-0, 9-0 9. TC- leigh Endresen d. katie Siegel 9-0 http://www.squashtalk.com/college/feb03/news_03-5.htm | |
67. I259046: Anna ( - ) 16 2003. katie leigh THORNBERRY. Father Polycarp Irenius THORNBURGMother Minnie leigh LINEBERGER Family 1 George Albert LEWIS http://midatlantic.rootsweb.com/database/d0021/g0000042.htm | |
68. AMCTV.com BIOGRAPHY - Norman Leigh TONIGHT 800PM, THE SONS OF katie ELDER. 1025PM, THE FLIGHT OFTHE PHOENIX. DID YOU KNOW? Go2Broadband, Norman leigh Gender Male. http://www.amctv.com/person/detail/0,,4285-1-EST,00.html | |
69. Katie Jig Testimonials & Project Photos - Hampton House, Inc., Maker Of The Kati the leigh and the Omni Jig and can honestly say that they both make nice dovetails,but both are very, very intimidating to set up. On the other hand the katie http://www.katiejig.com/testimonials.html | |
70. Getting To Know Katie Holmes watching basketball. * * * *. katie's Filmography. Teaching Mrs. Tingle(1999) . leigh Ann Prescott; Muppets From Space (1999) . http://members.tripod.com/PJLS/katie.html | |
71. Movies.com - katie leigh. Babe Pig in the City (1998) Kitten My Little Pony (1986) Fizzy/BabySundance, Get movie news to help you choose! © TV Guide Online, Inc. http://movies.go.com/filmography/Filmography?person_id=276085 |
72. MIAMI Vs Ball State 13 BERKEMEIER,DANIELLE, 7 GILL, Tricia, 8 WIEMAN, Audry, 19 DUNMEAD,LINDSAY, 16COUSINO,SHAEDYN, 12 SWINEHART, Ashley, 6 MILLIGAN,katie, 30 TERRY,leigh. http://www.ballstatesports.com/media/html/soccer/match-14.htm | |
73. Leigh End Bells - Ringing Mark Walker. mark.walker@clara.net. Peals and Quarter Peals rung on the leigh EndBells. Thursday 11th May 2000. 32 minutes. 1 Paul Morley. 2 katie Lane. 3 John Beck. http://www.mark.walker.clara.net/leighend/contact.html |
74. Leigh, Katie Website Results :: Linkspider UK leigh, katie Websites from the Linkspider UK. leigh, katie Directory. CompleteResults for leigh, katie Related Topics. Keyword leigh, katie. http://www.linkspider.co.uk/Arts/Animation/VoiceActors/L/Leigh,Katie/ | |
75. Principals Contact leigh Ann leighann@doubleexpose.com. katie leighton, Vice President With10 years experience in defining what stories will headline the news, katie http://www.doubleexpose.com/about_us/principals/principals.html | |
76. B DAIRY CATTLE (J /B B Unior) /B Holstein. Junior Heifer Calf, born 3/1/02 After. 1. Jeremy Bock, Peoria. 2.katie McLaughlin, Eureka. 3. leigh Thorman, Macomb. 4. Cory Thorman, Macomb. http://www.pjstar.com/news/hoifair/2002/results/g109601a.html | |
77. B DAIRY (Open) /B Holstein. Junior Heifer Calf, born 3/1/02 After. 1. Leland Bontz, Bartonville.2. katie McLaughlin, Eureka. 3. leigh Thorman, Macomb. 4. Cory Thorman, Macomb. http://www.pjstar.com/news/hoifair/2002/results/g108386a.html | |
78. The Semi-Daily Journal Of My Depressed Life much I love people. I want to hang out with leigh or katie later tonightIhope they call! I LOVE leigh/katie! Jamie C. 1142 AM. http://jamie.chickenlib.org/ | |
79. DANCESHOW: Selected Choreography Denominator Solo - SMART SET - Evening length loose contemporary Great Gatsby(collaboration w/ leigh Garrett, Ayla Yavin) * Catch katie Workum's SMART SET http://home.earthlink.net/~epist/_wsn/page3.html | |
80. Hollywood Honeys - Christina Applegate, Kim Catrall, Katie Holmes, Traci Lords, Christina Applegate, Kim Catrall, katie Holmes, Traci Lords, Nicole Kidman, Keri Russell, Elizabeth Category Arts Celebrities Image Galleries Female......Hollywood Honeys Christina Applegate, Kim Catrall, katie Holmes, Traci Lords, NicoleKidman, Keri Russell, Elizabeth Shue, Kari Wuhrer, Jennifer Jason leigh,. http://hollywood.virtualave.net/ | |
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