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         Lazenby George:     more books (22)
  1. On Her Majesty's Secret Service (Novel): On Her Majesty's Secret Service (Film), James Bond, Ian Fleming, Jonathan Cape, EON Productions, George Lazenby
  2. How To Live The James Bond Lifestyle by Paul Kyriazi, 2007-06-07
  3. Mystery at Cranbourne by George Lazenby, 1957
  4. Seal Isalnd Secret by George Lazenby, 1971
  5. On Her Majesty's Secret Service: VHS Video Movie by Dianna Rigg, Telly Savalas Starring George Lazenby, 1969
  6. The James Bond Movie Guide by Kyle W. Bell, 2010-06-18
  7. The Mysteries of Verbena House; or, Miss Bellasis Birched for Thieving by Etonensis [pseud.], 2010-07-25

21. The James Bond Diner Gallery - George Lazenby Section
George lazenby george lazenby george lazenby george Lazenby Sean ConneryGeorge Lazenby Roger Moore Timothy Dalton Pierce Brosnan.
Click the name for full view!

22. - George Lazenby
George Lazenby If only I knew 30 years ago what I know now about acting.If only I knew then what I know now about life! . So says

23. George Lazenby
George Lazenby. Color ..$40.
George Lazenby

24. George Lazenby
Australian actor george lazenby, who replaced Sean Connery as James Bond in 1969 george lazenby. george lazenby was born on September 5, 1939 in Goulburn, Australia.
George Lazenby
George Lazenby was born on September 5, 1939 in Goulburn, Australia. After serving in the Australian Army, he turned to selling cars for a living, before cashing in on his matinee-idol looks to become a top male model in London, where he had arrived in 1964 (the very same year that 11-year old Pierce Brosnan also arrived there and that Ian Fleming died, coincidentally). The search for a new actor to portray James Bond had begun in 1968, after Sean Connery had announced he was finished with the role. Lazenby won the role of Bond in On Her Majesty's Secret Service despite having no prior acting experience save for TV commercials, where he was very popular doing commercials for Big Fry Chocolates. Lazenby was competing against John Richardson, Anthony Rogers, Robert Campbell and Hans de Vries, but Lazenby won the role based on a screen-test fight scene. There was apparently much conflict on the set of that film, with Lazenby having strained relationships with director Peter Hunt and Bond Girl and former Avengers star Diana Rigg, as well as the producers. Today he admits he took bad advice, when he announced that he would not be doing any more Bond films. Connery was lured back for the next one, and Lazenby's acting career floundered. Ironically, Lazenby's Bond film is considered by many fans to be one of the best in the series.

25. George Lazenby
Provides vital stats and a biography with a photograph.
George Lazenby
"Just Keep My Martini Cold"
  • Name: George Lazenby
  • Born: 5 September 1939, Goulburn, Australia
  • Height:
  • Weight: 186 lbs
  • Wife: None
  • James Bond:
  • Best Bond Film: On Her Majesty's Secret Service ('69)
  • Famous Bond Line: "This Never Happened to the Other Fellow." (On Her Majesty's Secret Service 1969) George Lazenby was the second actor to ever portray James Bond on the movie screen. After Sean Connery had given up doing Bond films, the producers searched for a new 007; and Lazenby was it. Producers "Cubby" Broccoli and Harry Saltzman looked at several candidates to replace Connery. Among them were Anthony Rogers, John Richardson, Robert Campbell and Hans de Vries, but Lazenby got the nod reportedly after performing well in a screen-test fight scene. It is reported that Lazenby even went as far as to get a haircut exactly like Connery's. Also, rumour has it that Broccoli offered Lazenby the role of 007 while at the barber. Fans at the time were not very receptive to life after Connery in the Bond sense, which is why Lazenby's 007 adventure, On Her Majesty's Secret Service was considered an outright failure at the boxoffice. There was also much conflict on the set of the film between Lazenby and director Peter Hunt as well as differences with bond girl Diana Rigg.
  • 26. Universal Exports-George Lazenby
    Presents vital statistics, a biography, credits, and movie review.
    George Lazenby
    Birth Date: September 9, 1939
    Birth Place: Australia
    BIOGRAPHY: Born September 9th, 1939 in Goulburn, Australia...this model turned actor will forever be a question mark in the series, a trivia answer on Jeaporady! and an enigma and controversial topic of conversation for diehard Bond fans. To be fair to Lazenby, it wasn`t easy being the first actor to try and replace Sean Connery. Nor could it have been easy jumping into the material he was given to start off with (the love and death of Bond`s wife, Tracy). But Lazenby also made it harder on himself than was neccessary. At the time the Bond talent hunt was under way in 1968, Lazenby was working as a male model and car salesman in London. On the advice of his agent, he made solid plans to challenge each and every eligible male actor for the role. Considering the lengths Lazenby went to to get the role, one has to wonder why he became so cavalier about returning to it. He spent his last pound on acquiring a tailor made suit from Sean Connery`s clothier, along with a very Bondish Rolex watch. A chance encounter with series producer Cubby Broccoli in a hair salon gave Lazenby his first shot at getting the role. Broccoli made a mental note to remember Lazenby as a possible candidate. Lazenby was up against John Richardson, Anthony Rogers, Robert Campbell and Hans de Vries, but Lazenby won the role based on a screen-test fight scene.Several months went by while hundreds of other men auditioned for the role. On the strength of his interviews, fight skills, audition footage and lack of substantial competition, Lazenby got the role. From there the situation went downhill.

    27. Kurzbiografie George Lazenby -
    lazenby, george lazenby. george lazenby wurde am 5. September 1939 in Goulburn, Australien geboren.
    George Lazenby
    Du bist Besucher
    Lazenby, George Lazenby
    George Lazenby wurde am 5. September 1939 in Goulburn, Australien geboren. Er spielte 1x in der Rolle des James Bond.
    Nebenbei spielte Lazenby in mehreren Werbefilmen u.a. für Schokolade mit, was ihm dem Spitznamen "Shoko-Man" einbrachte. Als dann 1968 ein Nachfolger für Connery gesucht wurde, riet ihm sein Agent anzunehmen und schon war der zweite Bond geboren. Doch schon während der Dreharbeiten kam es zu Differenzen zwischen ihm und dem Produzenten und so schnell wie Lazenby Bond wurde, wurde ihm auch wieder die Lizenz zum Töten entzogen.
    Durch den Misserfolg des zweiten Bondfilms und der nur begrenzten schauspielerischen Möglichkeiten Lazenbys mieden ihn viele Produzenten. Seine weiteren Auftritte beschränkten sich auf Gastrollen in der Serie "Hawaii 5-0", Talkshows und drittklassige Erotikfilme wie zum Beispiel "Emanuele".
    George Lazenbys Bond-Filme Filmografie Bilder Links
    Weitere Bond-Darsteller
    Sean Connery
    Roger Moore Timothy Dalton Pierce Brosnan
    ©2001-2003 by

    28. George Lazenby, George

    29. George Lazenby
    Internet Movie Database provides a look at the filmography for this actor best known for his onetime role as James Bond. Includes related links.,+George

    lazenby, george. george lazenby went into car sales in England. ChardJenkins, a photographer, found lazenby and persuaded him to model.
    Although his movie got really good ratings in some magazines, George Lazenby is a good actor, but he just didn't have that bondiness that came with Sean Connery. Marvelous actor with nice British attire, though.
    Born: September 5, 1939 in Goulbum, Australia
    Parents: N/A
    Jobs Before Bond Role: Australian Army, apprentice motor mechanic,
    car selling, male modeling
    Movies Before Bond Role: None
    Movies After Bond Role: DEATH DIMENSION, KENTUCKY FRIED MOVIE, SAINT JACK George Lazenby went into car sales in England. Chard Jenkins, a photographer, found Lazenby and persuaded him to model. Lazenby became a well-paid male model, appearing in the commericals for a chocolate bar called "Big Fry." One of his friends had a blind date with a woman named Maggie Abbot, but he decided to back out. George Lazenby took his place, not caring that Abbott was a movie agent. She convinced him to try for the part of James Bond. Lazenby then went and bought a Rolex, cut his hair to match Connery's, and went to get an unscheduled audition. His words were, "I hear you're looking for James Bond." Albert R. Broccoli had seen Lazenby in a barbershop and had taken down his name. When Lazenby appeared for the audition, they gave him a screen test. Out of 400 applicants, Lazenby was awarded the part. One night he found out that he had stopped breathing, and he turned his life around. He appeared on "Hotel," "Kung Fu: The Legend Continues," and other TV shows. He also appeared in movies and did a magnificent job in SAINT JACK. He was also in th movie GETTYSBURG.

    záí 1939 Goulburn (Austrálie) Po dokonení sluby v armád se ivil prodejem aut. V roce 1974 pijel lazenby do Londýna, kde se chtl ivit jako profesionální model.
    GEORGE LAZENBY * 5. záøí 1939 - Goulburn (Austrálie)
    • Po dokonèení služby v armádì se živil prodejem aut. V roce pøijel Lazenby do Londýna , kde se chtìl živit jako profesionální model. V Londýnì ale nakonec Lazenby vydìlával pøedevším díky úèinkování v reklamì (zejména na èokoládu). Roli Jamese Bonda získal v roce , kdy Sean Connery poprvé prohlásil, že s Bondem definitivnì konèí. Lazenby vyhrál konkurs hlavnì díky svým bojovým schopnostem. Nahradit v roli Jamese Bonda Seana Conneryho se zdálo témìø nemožné, Lazenby se s tím vypoøádal pøekvapivì dobøe. Vztahy nového agenta 007 k režisérovi filmu On Her Majesty's Secret Service Peteru Huntovi i k producentùm filmu byly však velmi napjaté a èasto docházelo ke konfliktùm. Jak Lazenby sám pøiznává byl v této dobì pøíliš mladý a arogantní. Trpìl také pocitem, že vlastnì prokazuje filmaøùm laskavost. Po dokonèení tohoto svého prvního a zároveò nejslavnìjšího filmu se tedy rozhodl, že žádnou další bondovku již dìlat nebude. V sedmdesátých letech úèinkoval Lazenby v nìkolika hongkongských akèních filmech a mìl dokonce hrát po boku Bruce Leeho . V devadesátých letech se po dlouhé pøestávce, kdy pùsobil jako automobilový závodník, opìt vrátil k filmu. Naposledy se objevil v seriálu

    32. On Her Majesty's Secret Service Discussion
    Analytical review of the plot, setting, theme, and structure of the film starring george lazenby, Diana Rigg, and Telly Savalas.
    Choose from hundreds of plot, theme, character, and setting options to find precisely what you're looking for!
    Sci-Fi/Fantasy Action Dramas Movies - Reviews - James Bond
    Go to the exciting
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service Message Board Search for another movie (click here) Resident Scholar Profiles
    SCHOLARS: steve Gian Frederick McGraff Arthur F. McVarish ... Xenos Existo Would you like to be a scholar? Click here to submit a review! On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    Starring: George Lazenby Diana Rigg Telly Savalas
    Review Summary "George Lazenby takes over for Sean Connery in this 6th installment of the popular Bond series. 007 is off to the Swiss Alps to uncover a S.P.E.C.T.R.E. plot of germ warfare that could kill millions. And could this secret agent actually settle down with the lovely Tracy Di Vicenzo (Rigg) and get married? Considered by many to be the best Bond film of all! Followed by Diamonds Are Forever (Sean Connery returns as 007)."
    Alan, Resident James Bond Scholar
    Overall Review Our unique search engine provides a wealth of detail about
    books by breaking them down into many different literary
    elements, all of which are

    33. George Lazenby
    Translate this page george lazenby. Doch george lazenby kam beim Publikum überhaupt nicht anund nach Im Geheimdienst Ihrer Majestät war gleich wieder Schluss.
    George Lazenby Der am 05.09.1939 geborene Australier, sprang 1969 als 007-Mann ein, als Sean Connery nach seinem fünften Abenteuer, als Geheimagent erst mal genug hatte. Doch George Lazenby kam beim Publikum überhaupt nicht an und nach Im Geheimdienst Ihrer Majestät war gleich wieder Schluss. Er wurde durch TV-Spots bekannt und war nach 007 nie mehr erfolgreich. Seine Liste an Filmen ist deswegen auch sehr kurz. IM GEHEIMDIENST IHRER MAJESTÄT Kentucky Fried Movie Universal Soldier Der letzte Harem The Child - Die Stadt wird zum Alptraum Ninja Warrior 2 Stoner Lance - Stirb niemals jung Todeskommando Queensway Nighteyes Der Mann aus Hongkong Die Babysitter The Newman Shame Fatally Yours Der Einzelkämpfer The James Bond Story ( TV ) Saint Jack
    George Lazenby 1995
    George Lazenby am 23.11.2002 in Hamburg.

    Sir Sean Connery
    George Lazenby Roger Moore
    Timothy Dalton
    Barry Nelson

    34. Lazenby, George
    george lazenby, 1 Nomination. New Star Of TheYear On Her Majesty's Secret Service 1969.
    George Lazenby 1 Nomination New Star Of The Year
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service

    35. George Lazenby
    A short biography and credits. Lazenby

    36. 007 James Bond - George Lazenby: Biography, Film Reviews And Information
    Short biography and film information on the James Bond 007 actor.
    Site Index Film Index Literature Index Biography ... Roger Moore George Lazenby On Her Majesty's Secret Service George Lazenby, who only lived once as James Bond, is thought of by many as a tragic figure, and the biggest mistake in the history of James Bond. However, the latter statement could not be in my opinion further from the truth. Lazenby won over the Broccoli-Saltzman partnership with excellent screen tests, and went on to star in one of the best films in the Bond cannon. Despite all this though, Lazenby got a raw deal. He was criticised heavily in the press, although I think Lazenby did a very creditable job (better the Moore would have done) at handling the character of Bond. On Her Majesty’s Secret Service was a dangerous and unsuccessful experiment, with Eon returning to the days of gadgetless realism, and they even had Bond getting married and suffering a tragic end to the film. This blunder more than Lazenby’s acting, which while credible was admittedly forgettable, was the reason why OHMSS failed. Although Lazenby handled the media poorly and is thought to have become arrogant on set, it was Lazenby who turned down the chance to star in

    37. George Lazenby
    Translate this page george lazenby. (Bond Nr. 2). Persönliche Daten. Im Geheimdienst ihrer Majestät,1969. Andere Filme mit george lazenby. Filmtitel, Erscheinungsjahr.
    George Lazenby
    (Bond Nr. 2)
    geboren 5.9.1939 in Goulburn/Australien Schulbildung Familie Karriere Wohnort
    Seine James Bond Filme
    Filmtitel Erscheinungsjahr
    Andere Filme mit George Lazenby
    Filmtitel Erscheinungsjahr Universal Soldier Kentucky Fried Movie Return of the Man from U.N.C.L.E. Emmanuelle
    Die anderen Bonds

    Letzte Aktualisierung: 22.07.2000

    Translate this page george lazenby. Wohl nur für Nr. 2 george lazenby, der 1969 seinen Dienstbeim Secret Service antrat, ein Begriff. Kaum verwunderlich

    39. - Lazenby, George
    SearchCeleb. george lazenby Occupation Actor Search for the latestnews Discuss at the forum Add your site to this page. We do not

    40. Die Welt Des James Bond 007 - George Lazenby
    Translate this page george lazenby - Filmbiographie. Bürgerlicher Name george lazenbygeb. am 9. September 1939 in Australien. Filme Im Geheimdienst
    George Lazenby - Filmbiographie
    Bürgerlicher Name : George Lazenby
    geb. am 9. September 1939 in Australien
    Filme :
    Im Geheimdienst Ihrer Majestät (war sein erster Film !) (1969)
    Der Einzelkämpfer (1978)
    The Return of the man from Uncle (auch bekannt als Thunderball) (1983)
    Lance - Stirb niemals jung (1986)
    Blicke in den Abgrund (1992)
    Gettysburg (1993)
    Emanuelle in Tibet (1993) Die Babysitter (1994) Gut Feeling (1998) Eingebracht wurden nur die Filme, von denen auch der deutsche Titel bekannt ist !

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