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61. Stretton Handley Friends Of School Meeting November 6th 2001 Present H Badhams, S Bevan, K Spencer, M Gill, N Mahadevan, K Hind, I SimsA Maris, L taylor, L Ashley, A Buckland, M Buckland, R Hague. Apologies http://www.strettonhandley.derbyshire.sch.uk/friendsofschool/minnov2001.html | |
62. Mark-Taylor Realty - Agents Gloria handley has helped hundreds of satisfied clients find, sell and purchasetheir homes. Like all Marktaylor Realtors, Gloria sees herself as more of a http://mark-taylorrealty.com/agents.htm | |
63. CelebrityFiles : H 3); Halpin, Luke (2); Hamill, Mark (33); Hamilton, Linda (7); handley,taylor (4); Hanks, Tom (21); Hanley, Bridget (1); Hannah, Daryl (3 http://www.celebrityfiles.net/htmls/Celebrities/H/index.shtml | |
64. SpectroscopyNow.com - The New Online Resource Serving The Louden, D., handley, A., taylor, S., Lenz, E., Miller, S., Wilson, ID, Sage, A. Reversedphasehigh-performance liquid chromatography combined with on-line UV http://www.spectroscopynow.com/Spy/basehtml/SpyH/1,1176,0-1-2-0-0-news_detail-0- |
65. Celebrity Photographs And Pictures - H Hamill, Mark (32); Hamilton, Linda (7); Hancock, Tony (4); handley,taylor (4); Hanks, Tom (21); Hanley, Bridget (1); Hannah, Daryl (2 http://www.onetry.com/celeb/celebs_h.html | |
66. The Cawthron Biosecurity Group 11. Hay, C.; handley, S.; Dodgshun, T.; taylor, M.; and Gibbs, W. 1997.Cawthron's ballast water research programme final report 199697. http://www.cawthron.org.nz/biosecurity_marine_publications.htm | |
67. SCHS Guestbook Vol. 2 Looking forward to hearing from you. Linda taylor Bruner. Name Frances Powell fpowell@attbi.com . vigocounty. Sullivan County surnames, handley, Turner, Bell. http://resources.rootsweb.com/~guestbook/cgi-bin/public_guestbook.cgi?gb=3958&ac |
68. HoustonChronicle.com - projected to be $23.3 million, taylor said. District personnel aren't the only onesconcerned. I'm appalled, absolutely appalled, said Susan handley, who has http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/story.hts/thisweek/zone05/news/1754016 | |
69. Celebrities/H - Fractured Atlas Links Directory Halpin, Luke (2). Hamill, Mark (37). Hamilton, Linda (8). Hancock, Tony (4).handley, taylor (5). Hanks, Tom (22). Hanley, Bridget (2). Hannah, Daryl (3). http://www.fracturedatlas.org/site/links/Celebrities/H/ | |
70. Taylor & Francis Journals Simon J. handley; Aidan Feeney; Catherine Harper. taylor Francis Group London New York Oslo Philadelphia Singapore Stockholm UK Head Office http://tandf.catchword.com/titles/psych/02724987/v55n3/contp1-1.htm | |
71. TV Guide Online - [Movie Database] February 7, 2003. Your Search for taylor handley returned 1 movies. 1. JACKFROST (1998). Your Search for taylor handley returned 1 movies. 1. http://www.tvguide.com/movies/database/MovieSearch.asp?Name=Taylor Handley&Searc |
72. Prideaux Harrison GIBSON b. 5 May 1847 Devonport, Plymouth, England, For more, link toGavin taylor's pages Note that Gavin gives Harrison's wife as Mary handley. http://www.chrisandjudith.netfirms.com/prideaux.htm | |
73. OCLC Office Of Research - Research Review taylor, Mary. Research Advisory Committee Meeting. VizineGoetz, Diane. Cataloger'sAssistant. Weibel, Stuart L. Project ADAPT. . January 1989 handley, http://www.oclc.org/research/publications/internal/researchreview/index.shtm | |
74. - World Squash - QuarterFinals 1 Nick taylor (ENG) bt Q John Rooney (IRL) 15-7, 15-5, 15-3 Mark ENG)15-12, 15-12, 15-12 2 Tim Garner (ENG) bt 5 Scott handley (ENG) 15 http://www.worldsquash.org/event_results.xml?oid=1790 |
75. BIRTH REGISTRATIONS FROM JULY 1837 UNTIL DECEMBER 1900 no trace. Dec 1874 Sturtevant John George handley Basford 7B 157.Jun 1875 Sturtivant George Thomas taylor Croydon 2A 259. Sep 1875 http://www.sturtivant.org.uk/births.html | |
76. Daniel "eikeon" Krech: FOAF: Web View 2084 workplaceHomepage http//homepage.ntlworld.com/tim.straffordtaylor Knows AndyProyer Julian Bond Kam Bharj Malcolm McQuarrie Michael handley Mike Butcher http://eikeon.com/foaf/?mbox=mailto:tim.texcom.it@ntlworld.com |
78. Zulu Proverb From Chris Handley Zulu proverb from Chris handley. To John Cowan cowan@snark.thyrsus.com ,Ken taylor taylor@gca.com ; Subject Zulu proverb from Chris handley; http://balance.wiw.org/~jkominek/lojban/9112/msg00071.html | |
79. Ooops! And Re Chris Handley 12/9/91 To John Cowan cowan@snark.thyrsus.com , Ken taylor taylor@gca.com ; SubjectOoops! and re Chris handley 12/9/91; From Logical Language Group cbmvax!uunet http://balance.wiw.org/~jkominek/lojban/9112/msg00029.html | |
80. DVD Welt - Taylor Handley Translate this page Alle Artikel taylor handley, DVD Welt - Der schnelle, sichere und preiswerteVersandhandel. taylor handley Alle Artikel taylor handley (1 Treffer). http://escapi.com/dvdwelt/Cross_body.asp/CrossID=4881 | |
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