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1. Michael Benedikt's Homepage Has Moved "Benedikt, Michael" search on This category needs an editor Copyright © 19982002 Netscape Terms of Use Last update 937 PT, Sunday, May 19, 2002 - edit Guide To Sites in Michael Benedikt Mini-Web - About.com calls Michael Benedikt 'Poet Laureate of The Net.' http://www.bell-labs.com/user/benedikt | |
2. Mario Benedetti - The Academy Of American Poets Biography, photograph, and selected poems. http://www.poets.org/poets/mbenedikt | |
3. Michael Benedikt Michael Benedikt. Roessner Professor of Architecture. Director, Centerfor American Architecture and Design School of Architecture http://www.chairetmetal.com/bene-bio.htm | |
4. Michael Benedikt Home. Information, People, Courses, Research, Events, Login . MichaelBenedikt. M Contact Information. University of Chicago 1100 E 58th http://www.cs.uchicago.edu/people/benedikt | |
5. Michael Benedikt Michael Benedikt. Michael Benedikt, Guozhu Dong, Leonid Libkin, and LimsoonWong. Relational expressive power of constraint query languages. http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/~jacm/Authors/benediktmichael.html | |
6. Michael Benedikt Michael Benedikt. Michael Benedikt, Timothy Griffin, and Leonid Libkin.Verifiable properties of database transactions. Information http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/~iandc/Authors/benediktmichael.html | |
7. Michael Benedikt Michael Benedikt. Guide To Sites in email Benedikt, Michael - Of AnOnly Child's World - About single child families. Compares only http://www.bigcelebrities.com/celebs/michaelbenedikt.html | |
8. Benedikt Tyllack Translate this page Hallo,. ich heiße benedikt michael Josef Tyllack. Geboren wurde ich am 13. 12.2001. Inzwischen habe ich 2 Zähne und bekomme schon lecker Karottenbrei. http://www.tyllack.com/Benedikt.htm | |
9. Untitled Julien.Aubineau@cern.ch; Michael benedikt michael.Benedikt@cern.ch; ChristianCarli Christian.Carli@cern.ch; Pierre Charrue Pierre.Charrue http://nicewww.cern.ch/~goddard/squash/email.html | |
10. Michael Benedikt: 'THESAURUS' & OTHER NEW VERSE' (from 'OF:'--Mss.-In-Progress) Website devoted to the recognized poet and former poetry editor of Paris Review.Category Arts Literature Authors B benedikt, michael......The Thesaurus Other New Verse by michael benedikt. From OFA ManuscriptIn-Progress. ABOUTbenedikt. michael benediktPages at Academy of American Poets . http://www.angelfire.com/ny/MichaelBenedikt/ind2.html | |
11. Michael Benedikt 'OF AN ONLY CHILD'S WORLD'--From OF: (mss.-in-progress) About single child families. Compares only-child status to the status of Earth as the sole habitable planet.Category Arts Online Writing Poetry Personal Pages B......MiniSite by michael benedikt. Last Modified 5/15/02. Webversion © l998 michaelbenedikt. Revisions © 2002. From manuscript-in-progress entitled OF Top. http://www.angelfire.com/ny/MichaelBenedikt/onlychld.html | |
12. Michael Benedikt--Early Poetry Books: THE BODY (Wesleyan L968) & SKY (Wesleyan L michael benedikt Early Books of Poetry http://members.tripod.com/~MichaelBenedikt/ind2.html | |
13. Benedikt, Michael benedikt, michael. benedikt, michael, * 17. 11. 1928 Wien, Philosoph. http://www.aeiou.at/aeiou.encyclop.b/b286546.htm | |
14. MICHAEL BENEDIKT: 'Xmas On Bay State Road, Boston' & Other Poems From Boston & C Writings by poet, michael benedikt, told in verse and prose. http://members.aol.com/benedit1/xm99ny00.html | |
15. Center For American Architecture And Design - Michael Benedikt's CV June 2001. michael L. benedikt. Hal Box Chair in Urbanism http://www.ar.utexas.edu/center/benedikt_cv.html | |
16. Michael Benedikt: JULY 4TH FIREWORKS--NEW YORK, NEW JERSEY, & LAURA & ME 2 lovers from NY NJ join in celebrations along the Hudson. About meaning of 'Independence' in 'Independence Day.' Poem by muchpublished US poet michael benedikt. http://members.aol.com/benedit2/4july.html | |
17. Benedikt, Moriz Translate this page Beiser-Jochum, Trude - Benesch, Kurt (21/25). benedikt, michael, benedikt,Rudolf. benedikt, Moriz. © Copyright Moriz benedikt. Foto, um 1910. http://www.aeiou.at/aeiou.encyclop.b/b287076.htm | |
18. Cyberspace: First Steps (Michael Benedikt) michael benedikt (editor). michael benedikt's own Cyberspace Some Proposals is the centrepiece of the collection, running to over a hundred pages. http://dannyreviews.com/h/Cyberspace_First_Steps.html | |
19. Michael Benedikt: OF ORSON WELLES' "WAR OF THE WORLDS"--BASED ON A SCI-FI NOVEL By michael benedikt. Poem chronicling the events surrounding Welles' 1938 dramatic radio production of War of the Worlds . http://members.aol.com/benedit2/owelles.html | |
20. The Prose Poem. Michael Benedikt--Brief Prose Poems & Critical Prose These authormaintained pages include online texts of benedikt's poetry, prose-poem "micro-fictions, Category Arts Literature Authors B benedikt, michael......Prose Poems by michael benedikt Brief Prose Poems Critical Prose. michaelbenedikt TALKS ABOUT PROSE POETRY'. Interviewer Dennis Stone. http://members.aol.com/benedit4/ | |
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