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1. Grand Inspiritors: Matsuo Basho Links to a variety of sites on Matsuo basho in English and in Japanese. http://www.globaldialog.com/~thefko/tom/gi_basho.html | |
2. Basho's Life A brief, accurate biography of Matsuo basho (16441694). Part of a much larger site at the department of history at Hong Kong University, with extensive information about Tokugawa Japan and particularly the highway system which basho used. http://hkuhist2.hku.hk/Nakasendo/basho.htm | |
3. Biography Of Basho 200 Best Haiku of Japanese Literature basho. basho (bahshoh), pseudonym of Matsuo Munefusa (1644-94), Japanese poet, considered the finest writer of Japanese http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Island/5022/bashobio.html | |
4. History Of Haiku Haiku by 10 classical and modern masters, with brief biographiesCategory Arts Literature Poetry Forms Haiku and Related Forms......Written by Ryu Yotsuya in Tokyo, Japon. History from basho Matsuo to Koi Nagata. Writtenby Ryu Yotsuya. Index. Before basho (The 1516th centuries). http://www.big.or.jp/~loupe/links/ehisto/ehisinx.shtml | |
5. Basho The Poetry of basho, Waking in the night; the lamp is low, the oil freezing.It has rained enough to turn the stubble on the field black. http://members.aol.com/markabird/basho.html | |
6. Basho A haiku is the expression of a temporary enlightenment, in which we see into the life of things. Whether temporary or not, basho gives in his seventeen syllables a significant intuition into Reality. http://www.poetrystore.com/commenta.html | |
7. Blue Moment Arts, Home Of Steffen Basho-Junghans & Robbie Basho Archives, Main-i Website of guitarist, composer Steffen bashoJunghans - archives, biography, discography, reviews, and listening room. http://www.bluemomentarts.de/ | |
8. Basho's Pond Zen Buddhists, The Orchard Sangha, offer a spiritual site for interfaith dialogue and teachings. Poetry, newsletter, meditations, books, and links featured. http://www.prajnaparamita.com/ | |
9. mÔibashoDBj 年表ãå¥éãé¢ä¿è ãªã©ãåé²ãããã¼ã¿ãã¼ã¹ã http://www.ese.yamanashi.ac.jp/~itoyo/basho/basho.htm | |
10. Minnesota Zen Center History of Zen monk, basho's, creation of Zen haiku. http://www.mnzenctr.com/sangha/matsuo.html | |
11. Basho Matsuo Previous Page. Chapter 2 basho Matsuo (1644 ~ 1694). basho Matsuo is knownas the first great poet in the history of haikai (and haiku). basho. http://www.big.or.jp/~loupe/links/ehisto/ebasho.shtml | |
12. Basho-ki bashoki 1998 November 25 is basho-ki, basho's Day. basho is the founderof haikai and haiku as we know them today. He wrote the famous haiku http://members.aol.com/brephoenix/basho.htm | |
13. Haiku Poet's Hut Haiku by Soji, aka Gary Barnes, haiku by the masters, basho, Buson, Issa, and by a number of contemporary practitioners of the art in English. http://www.haikupoetshut.com |
14. Basho's Life The master haiku Poet Matsuo basho by Makoto Ueda, Twayne Publishers, Inc.,1970. basho's Life. Yet basho's career began in an ordinary enough way. http://www.uoregon.edu/~kohl/basho/life.html | |
15. Topics Page Matsuo basho and Zen Haiku influence upon the practice of this art. Matsuo basho (16441694) was the poet who lifted the 17-syllable haiku out http://www.columbia.edu/itc/eacp/asiasite/topics?topic=Haiku+subtopic=Intro |
16. Basho's Chronology basho's Chronology. 1644 Matsuo basho born at or near Ueno in Iga Province. 1656His father's death. 1644 Matsuo basho born at or near Ueno in Iga Province. http://www.uoregon.edu/~kohl/basho/chronology.html | |
17. Buddhism And Poetry Short essays about basho, Zen Buddhism and poetry. Selections from R. H. Blyth. A section of the Poetry Store Archive. http://www.poetrystore.com/secthing.html | |
18. Basho basho, pseudonym of Matsuo Munefusa (164494), is considered the master of the haiku form. In his youth basho was a samurai, but after 1666 he devoted his life to writing poetry. http://www.randomviolins.com/~dwap/literati/renga/basho.htm | |
19. Some Haiku By The Masters Small selection of haiku by basho, Buson, Issa and Shiki in English translation. http://home1.pacific.net.sg/~loudon/favs.htm | |
20. Histoire Du Haïku L'histoire du ha¯ku du XVe au XXe si¨cle au travers de dix auteurs de basho nos jours. Courtes biographies et s©lection de quelques oeuvres. http://www.big.or.jp/~loupe/links/fhisto/fhisinx.shtml | |
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