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Aldridge Ira Frederick: more books (15) |
21. Celebrities/A/Aldridge, Ira Frederick - Fractured Atlas Links Directory Home Celebrities A aldridge, ira frederick. ADVERTISEMENTHelp build the largest humanedited directory on the web. http://www.fracturedatlas.org/site/links/Celebrities/A/Aldridge__Ira_Frederick/ | |
22. Celebrities/A - Fractured Atlas Links Directory Alba, Jessica (84). Albarn, Damon (8). Alda, Alan (5). Aldred, Sophie (2). aldridge,ira frederick (0). aldridge, Kay (0). Aldrin, Buzz (7). Alexander, Jason (2). http://www.fracturedatlas.org/site/links/Celebrities/A/ | |
23. Ira Aldrigde wydanie aldridge, ira frederick (ur. tlum. lk. The Oxford Companionto the Theatre, 4. wydanie aldridge, ira frederick (180467). http://www.teatry.art.pl/portrety/aldrigde/135r.htm | |
25. Ira Aldridge ira frederick aldridge was born on July 24, 1807, in New York City, to Daniel aldridge,who was a lay preacher and a straw vendor, and his wife, Lurona; ira's http://www.africanpubs.com/Apps/bios/1003AldridgeIra.asp?pic=none |
26. Black Drama Demonstration aldridge, ira frederick, 1807(?)1867. 2. aldridge, ira frederick, 1807(?)-1867,The Black Doctor. Copyright © ira frederick aldridge, 1846. http://www.alexanderstreetpress.com/Tour BLDR/page3.htm | |
27. Black Drama Demonstration 1. Abdallah, Mohammed ben, Biographic Details, 1, 0. 2. aldridge,ira frederick, 1807(?)1867, Biographic Details, Biography, 1,0. 3 http://www.alexanderstreetpress.com/Tour BLDR/page2.htm | |
28. Ira Aldridge: Great African-American Actor - Suite101.com ira frederick aldridge was born on July 25, 1807 in New York City.His father Daniel, who was a lay preacher and straw vendor, and http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/harlem_renaissance/89051 | |
29. Arts And Entertainment ira frederick aldridge was born on July 24, 1807. His place of birthis variously listed as New York (most likely), Maryland and http://www.ahsd25.k12.il.us/School Info/Greenbrier/BlackHistory/Arts.html | |
30. Arts Links Links Photo Credits Play Jeopardy. ira frederick aldridge. http//library.thinkquest.org/10854/aldridge.html.http//www.bridgesweb.com/aldridge.html. http://www.ahsd25.k12.il.us/School Info/Greenbrier/BlackHistory/Artslinks.htm | |
31. Meaning Of Aldridge dictionaryDictionary Aldridge Pronunciation (ôl'drij), key n. ira frederick(the African Roscius), 1804?67, US actor, primarily in Europe. http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0312072.html | |
32. Arts Celebrities A Aldridge, Ira Frederick Polish Yellow Pages - Polska - Poland TOP Arts Celebrities A aldridge,_Ira_Frederick. Help build thelargest humanedited directory on the web. Submit a Site - Open http://www.yellowpages.pl/ca/564720/Arts/Celebrities/A/Aldridge,_Ira_Frederick/ | |
33. Arts Celebrities A Polish Yellow Pages - Polska - Poland - Polen David, +1 Alagao, Nina Ricci, +1 Alaimo, Marc, +3 Alba, Jessica, +63 Albarn, Damon,+6 Alda, Alan, +4 Aldred, Sophie, +2 aldridge, ira frederick, aldridge, Kay http://www.yellowpages.pl/ca/42332/Arts/Celebrities/A/ | |
34. Biography.com Aldrich, Nelson (Wilmarth), 1841 1915. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 1836 1907. aldridge,ira (frederick), 1807 1867. Aldrin, (Edwin Eugene, Jr.) Buzz'', 1930 . http://search.biography.com/bio_browse.pl?letter=A&num=350 |
35. Black Biography aldridge, ira Actor. Armstrong, Louis- PBS Jazz Kids Biography. aldridge, ira -Great Actor. Douglass, frederick Stamp on Black History Temporarily Unavailable. http://paulrevereschool.org/Blackbio.html | |
36. Articles ira frederick aldridge, one of the world's greatest actors, was bornin the early years of the nineteenth century, probably 1810. http://www.marcusgarvey.com/zIra Aldridge.htm | |
37. Home ira aldridge, Jose T Desousa Martins, Claudio JD Brindis de Sala. St Maurice of Aganaum,Felix Eboue, Estevanico. Nat Turner, frederick Douglas, Jan Ernest Matzeglier. http://www.marcusgarvey.com/gmc.htm | |
38. Meaning Of Aldridge dictionaryDictionary Aldridge Pronunciation (ôl'drij), key n. ira frederick(the African Roscius), 1804?67, US actor, primarily in Europe. http://print.factmonster.com/ipd/A0312072.html |
39. Grove Theatre ira frederick aldridge as Othello, painting by Henry Perronet Briggs,c. 1830; in the National Portrait Gallery, Washington, DC. http://www.igranick.com/portfolio/website/african/unit2.html | |
40. I2403: ? (____ - ____) _John aldridge + (1644 1685) m 1675 _Seth aldridge (1679 BIRTH26 JUL 1962. Father frederick Lee Hoffman Mother Patricia ira Loverin. http://www.dws.org/dlovrien/genweb/g0000054.html | |
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