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61. UNM College Of Fine Arts - Scholarships/Funding Membership, and go up to $500 or more for Elizabeth Waters Membership. Stewart HoweBrian Bustos Forrest Byers Robert Caldwell Mr. Mrs. WG Chapman Isaac http://www.unm.edu/~finearts/about/publications/2000/2000friends.htm | |
62. Lake Artists Society 1948) Mr William G Collingwood, (19041932) Mrs WG (Edith M 61) Mr Robin Wallace,(1920-1939) Mrs S Walshaw Waterhouse, (1976-1983) Mr F Boyd Waters, (1950-1957 http://www.lakeartists.org.uk/2004book.html | |
63. Fortieth Reunion In 1906 Mrs. Mary GOULD, Mrs. Lucy ROBINSON, Mrs. BF CLOUGH, Mrs. M. JennieCUTTING. Commissarysergeant WG Waters, who had planned his trip from Santa Barbara, Cal http://www.nextech.de/ma15mvi/primdocs/oct1906.htm | |
64. 1866 American Association Of Spiritualists GrotonNL Fowler, WG Brown. VERMONT. CincinnatiMr. and Mrs. HT Ogden, Mr. andMrs. Judge, AGW Carter, Mr. DH Shaffer, Mr. and Mrs. CH Waters, Mr. Henry http://www.spirithistory.com/66aas.html | |
65. Garlic Quotations judgment, and the dexterity of hand which go to the formation ofa great artist. Mrs. WG Waters, The Cook's Decameron (1920). http://www.outlawcook.com/Page0452.html | |
66. MSSDAR HISTORICAL MARKERS Committee Katie Wooten Roberds (Mrs. WG), Chairman; Marie Mrs. WA); Mattie WaughtUnger (Mrs. JR), Regent Placed by Rosannah Waters Chapter DAR 1938. Site http://www.telapex.com/~dar/markers.htm | |
67. Food Quotes: Garlic to possess the delicacy of perception, the accuracy of judgment, and the dexterityof hand which go to the formation of a great artist. Mrs. WG Waters in 'The http://www.foodreference.com/html/qgarlic.html | |
68. Food Quotes: Soul Of Cookery judgment, and the dexterity of hand which go to the formation ofa great artist.. Mrs. WG Waters, The Cook's Decameron (1920). http://www.foodreference.com/html/qsoulofcookery.html | |
69. Violence: Directions For Australia - Appendix C [Publications] Hennessy; WG. Hesketh; J. Walter; RJ Walton; Professor Brent Waters;Mrs Joan Waters; Mr John Watt; Mr Peter Webb; Ms Helen Wenham; Mr JF http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/vda/vda-ap3.html | |
70. AIC Crime And Violence Prevention - Violence Directions For Harradine Mrs N. Hawkins J. Hawkins Ms Maria Heaney Ms Alice Hennessy WG. Mrs ElsieWalsh Mr J. Walter RJ Walton Professor Brent Waters Mrs Joan Waters http://www.aic.gov.au/research/cvp/ncv/vda-ap3.html | |
71. Special Collections Palmer, A. Mitchell. Parish, Mrs. WG. Park, Maud Wood. Parker, Valeria H. Waterman,DL. Waters, Mrs. Watertown Printing Binding Co. Watkins, Gertrude. http://www.usd.edu/library/special/pylecorres.htm | |
72. Native Sun Books Cook Books. A Study In Taste Over Two Hundred Itilian Dishes. By Mrs.WG Waters. $1.49. Recipes Tried True. By The Ladies Aid Society. $1.29. http://nativesun.virtualave.net/cook.html | |
74. GENUKI: Down A Cobbled Street 50 Martin, Mr., 61 Matilda, 17, 53 Maton, WG, 4 May Fred, 32 Shackson, Mr., 29 Shackson,Mrs., 29 Shackson 33 Vine, Will, 60 Wantage Sisters, 49 Waters, John, 40 http://www.cs.ncl.ac.uk/genuki/DEV/Clovelly/EllisIndex.html | |
75. Neuse Regional Library - Calendar Of Events Mr. Jonathon L. Sargeant. Sponsor Mr. Mrs. Louis G. Boccetti Kinston WinterBluegrass, Inc. Mrs. WG Waters, Jr. Back to HOME. Comments or Suggestions? http://www.neuselibrary.org/calendar.htm | |
76. Cusk (SS-348) Boat Co., Groton, Conn.; cosponsored by Mrs. CS Gillette, and Mrs. WG Reed; and Shesailed to Alaska and northern Waters between 16 July and 20 August, then http://www.hazegray.org/danfs/submar/ss348.htm | |
77. History BRONINGTON was launched two years later on the 19 March 1953 by Mrs WG John, wife amajor refit in 1974 in Gibraltar, the ship returned to home Waters in the http://www.riverweb.co.uk/bronington/history.htm | |
78. Knapp's Creek 1924 overview of the history of Knapp's Creek, WV.Category Regional North America Counties Pocahontas...... the valley are numerous limestone springs, the Waters of which settled in our valleynear where WG Ruckman lives was built on land now owned by Mrs. Myrta Moore http://www.wvculture.org/history/agrext/knappsck.html | |
79. Details Of The History Of HMS Bronington Bronington was launched two years later on 19th March 1953 by Mrs. WG John, wife amajor refit in 1974 in Gibraltar, the ship returned to home Waters in the http://www.historicwarships.freeserve.co.uk/History/history.htm | |
80. Year Bates, Mrs. WG (Delma) and Wayne Witt Bates, 01, Index of Articles Bates, Mrs. WalterGurney, Jr Edward James Ba, 48, Bates Boys on the Western Waters, Covers sons http://www.bfoov.org/bates/BFOOVLendingLibrarySortedByAuthor.asp | |
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