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61. Www.crosswire.org/feeds/arm/Packages Around the World in EightyDays Around the World in Eighty Days by Verne, Jules, 18281905 Text from...... scribe@crosswire.org Architecture noarch http://www.crosswire.org/feeds/arm/Packages | |
62. Jules Verne - Pitbook.com Translate this page Jules Verne (1828-1905). Ses oeuvres - Cinq semaines en ballon -Vingt mille lieues sous les mers - Le tour du monde en 80 jours http://www.pitbook.com/auteurs/verne_jules.htm | |
63. Verne, Jules 5 Weeks in a Balloon. 20,000 Leagues Under The Seas Verne, Jules 18281905.science fiction. We need your support to convert more books. http://www.dentonsoftware.com/DigitalLibrary/Verne_Jules/Catalog.htm | |
64. La Recherche Des Liens Perdus : Napoléon 1er / Jules Verne Translate this page Jules Verne (1828-1905) Jules Verne est né en 1828, à Nantes, et morten 1905, à Amiens. Pendant ses études de droit, il fréquente http://www.cndp.fr/cyberconcours/archives/niveau2/2_napoleon-verne.htm | |
65. LISWA Online Catalogue /All Locations J 1983 1 Verlinden C Charles 1991 1 Verma Babita 2 Vermes Eva 1999 1 VermeulenLeon 1992 1 Vermeulen Marleen 1964 1998 1 Verne Jules 1828 1905 31 Vernerey http://henrietta.liswa.wa.gov.au:90/kids/581,609/search/aVerne, Jules, 1828-1905 | |
66. Jules Verne Genootschap: Leven En Werk Van Jules Verne Leven en werk van Jules Verne (18281905). http://www.jules-verne.nl/bio.html | |
67. Verne, Jules Verne, Jules. 18281905, French novelist, originator of modern sciencefiction. After completing his studies at the Nantes lycée http://www.slider.com/enc/55000/Verne_Jules.htm | |
68. Jules Verne Homepage And Biography On Bibliomania.com Introduction. (18281905). Jules Verne was born to family of a seafaringand legal beackground in Nantes in 1828, where he was also educated. http://www.bibliomania.com/0/0/55 | |
69. Fictionwise EBooks: Jules Verne Jules Verne, Bio (18281905). He lived alone, and so to speak, outsideof every social relation; and as he knew that in this world http://www.fictionwise.com/eBooks/JulesVerneeBooks.htm | |
70. O.B.S. Jules Verne Openbare Basisschool te Alkmaar. Met informatie over de school, veel verhalen van leerlingen en links Category World Nederlands Gemeenten Alkmaar Onderwijs...... directeur 'Jules Verne'. Verne.jpg (13704 bytes). Jules Verne (18281905).Deze pagina's zijn het laatst bijgewerkt op 04-11-2002. http://www.obsjulesverne.nl/ | |
71. Zvi HarâElâs Jules Verne Collection Zvi HarEls Jules Verne Collection In Memoriam of My Beloved Son Gilead HarEl (19771996) Copyright © Zvi HarEl $Date 2003-03-12 155133+02 $ Jules Verne Forum. An Internet mailing list, discussing Jules Verne related subjects. Jules Verne Virtual Library comprehensive library of Jules Verne works in electronic http://jv.gilead.org.il/ | |
72. BDHL - Fiche Complète D'un écrivain Translate this page De Bornier, Henri vicomte, 1825, 1901. Chatrian, Charles, 1826, 1890.Verne, Jules, 1828, 1905. Taine, Hippolyte, 1828, 1893. About, Edmond,1828, 1885. http://michel.bernard.online.fr/bdhl/auteurcomplet.php?recherche=227 |
73. ABU - AUTEUR Jules Verne http://abu.cnam.fr/BIB/auteurs/vernej.html | |
74. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection To the lobby of the Internet Public Library. Online Literary Criticism Collection.Jules Verne (1828 1905). Nationality French, Periods French 1789-1900. http://www.ipl.org.ar/cgi-bin/ref/litcrit/litcrit.out.pl?au=ver-725 |
75. Jules Verne Bibliography Fantastic Fiction, Click here to visit our sponsor. Home Awards Etexts New releasesTop 250 Authors Series Years. Jules Verne France (1828 1905). Search Authors. http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/authors/Jules_Verne.htm | |
76. Jules Verne Jules Verne was born and raised in the port of Nantes. His fatherwas a prosperous lawyer. To continue the practice, Verne moved http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/verne.htm | |
77. Jules VERNE (1828 1905) Translate this page Jules Verne (1828 1905). Bibliographie. 1 Chronologies. 2 Histoire, contexte.3 Biographies rédigées. 4 Genèse de luvre. 5 Luvre. 6 Iconographie. http://www.ifrance.com/mp1000/Verne.htm | |
78. Lesson Tutor : Introducing Jules Verne Children's Digest. Jules Verne 1828 1905 By Elaine Ernst Schneider April 2, 2001.Jules Verne was a French author. He loved exploring the why of things. http://www.lessontutor.com/eesVerne.html | |
79. Verne, Jules encyclopediaEncyclopedia Verne, Jules, vûrn; zhül vern Pronunciation Key. Verne,Jules , 18281905, French novelist, originator of modern science fiction. http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0850714.html | |
80. Jules Verne - MasterTexts(TM) Jules Verne. 1828 1905. Jules Verne was born in 1828, in Nates, France. Jules'parents were of a seafaring tradition, one factor which influenced his writings. http://www.mastertexts.com/Verne_Jules/Index.htm | |
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