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81. Ken Adelman Former Director Of Arms Control And Disarmament Agency Ken Adelman Former Director of Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Former USAmbassador to the United Nations. I want to thank Chancellor Al Carnesale. http://www.lawac.org/speech/adelman.htm | |
82. CFR Members In Nixon Administration Dr. Harold Brown, General Advisory Committee of the US Arms Controland Disarmament Agency. Comm US Arms Control Disarmament Agency. http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/2807/CFRnixon.html | |
83. Arms Control - College Library Undergraduate Research Guide UN Disarmament. Gateway from the University of North Dakota. US Arms Control Disarmament Agency. International Atomic Energy Agency. Return To Top. Statistics. http://college.library.wisc.edu/resources/subject_guides/armscontrol.htm | |
84. Non-Proliferation, Arms Control & Disarmament Division - Links Missile Technology. Conventional Weapons (Including small Arms). European RegionalArms Control and Disarmament. Links. Talk To US. Links. Conference on Disarmament. http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/arms/links2-en.asp | |
85. Nuclear Non-Proliferation Conference 1997 Agenda Atomic Energy Agency Michael ROSENTHAL, US Arms Control and DisarmamentAgency; Richard HOOPER, International Atomic Energy Agency; http://www.ceip.org/programs/npp/np97agen.htm | |
86. Almanac Of Policy Issues: Arms Control US Department of State Arms Control and International Security; Nuclear UnitedNations Disarmament; United Nations Department for Disarmament Affairs. http://www.policyalmanac.org/world/arms_control.shtml | |
87. USIA - Arms Control And Disarmament -- The U.S. Commitment - Pt. 2 November 27, 1991 The US Congress passes the Nunn missile defenses, and the StrategicArms Limitation Talks Baruch Plan for the international Control of atomic http://www.usembassy.de/usa/etexts/his/armscontrol.htm | |
88. Links London). Governmental organizations. United States US Arms Control Disarmament Agency (ACDA); US Department of Defense (DOD); http://www.iijnet.or.jp/JIIA-CPDNP/e-links.html | |
89. SEA Board Profile - Cathleen Lawrence Prior to this post, she was Director of Administration for the US Arms Control andDisarmament Agency and Deputy Director of Administration from 1987 to 1992. http://www.seniorexecs.com/board bios/lawrence.htm | |
90. Disarmament Diplomacy Opinion Analysis Alternative Approaches to Arms Control in a Changing World By Kerry M. Kartchner and George R. Pitman I. Introduction The Appeal of NonBinding Initiatives http://www.acronym.org.uk/dd/dd62/62op1.htm | |
91. 38 Former Government Officials, Retired Military, Scientists And Nobel Laureates Program, Harvard University. Anne Cahn, Former US Arms Control and DisarmamentAgency and Defense Department official. James Jay Carafano http://www.clw.org/election/38support.html | |
92. Arms Trade Links - Arms Trade Web Links - Arms Trade Oversight Project US Department of State Home Page US State Department The Arms Control and DisarmamentAgency (till April 1999) US Department of State Bureau of Arms Control http://www.clw.org/atop/links.html | |
93. Arms Control And The Revolution In Military Affairs Speakers, Author and Defense Analyst; former Assistant Director, US Arms Control and DisarmamentAgency; former Senior Fellow at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. http://www.ciaonet.org/conf/dsw01/dswa01speak.html |
94. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Index - US Arms Control Copyright© 19711998 Project Gutenberg PROMO.NET - All rights reserved.Web Site Designed and Administered by Pietro Di Miceli http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_us_arms_control_and_dis |
95. Inactive Or Discontinued Items ... List - 2002 (June) HTML Edition 0125A-12, AC 1.1 ACDA Annual Report (MF) (EL), Arms Control andDisarmament Agency. 0126-C, C 1.57/4 Access, US Dept. http://www.du.edu/bdld/idi105.htm | |
96. The Henry L. Stimson Center - Cooperative Threat Reduction, Missiles Defense, An He previoUSly worked at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the US ArmsControl and Disarmament Agency during the Carter Administration, and the US http://www.stimson.org/?sn=SA20030203468 |
97. GSI - Programs Ambassador Grey also served as Acting Deputy Director of the Arms Control and DisarmamentAgency as well as Counselor for Political Affairs, US Mission to NATO http://www.gsinstitute.org/programs/bsg_members.shtml | |
98. Message To The Congress Transmitting The Annual Report Of The http://www.reagan.utexas.edu/resource/speeches/1983/20983a.htm | |
99. Nominations, October 17, 1983 http://www.reagan.utexas.edu/resource/speeches/1983/101783c.htm | |
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