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41. ÌÕÔ¨Ã÷µÄ New Naturalism and Tao YuanMings Confucian Thought. JING Suihui. KeywordsTao YuanMing; Confucianism; Taoism; Xuan Xue or metaphysics; New Naturalism. http://home.zsu.edu.cn/journal/chinese/society/2002/4/1.htm | |
42. Southern China Zen Ancestors Tour, Sept. - Oct. 2000: Day 10: Donglin Temple, Xi Huiyuan was a friend of two other notables of the era, the Confucianpoet Tao YuanMing and the Taoist Lu Xiujing. One day, the Buddhist http://www.rebanderson.org/day10.html | |
43. Literature 220420) were a great period for the production of poetry, with end uring worksproduced by Cao Cao, Cao Pi, Cao Zhi, Yuan Ji, Ji Kang and Tao YuanMing. http://www.chinese-embassy.org.uk/eng/13949.html | |
44. Poetry Magazine FEATURED POET ARCHIVES DANIEL HALPERN Careless Perfection According to Lin Yutang,both Po Chuyi and Su Tungpo desperately admired Tao YuanMing, a poet of http://www.poetrymagazine.org/featured_poet_082599.html | |
45. Subject Index Page 75. 2001. The Encyclopedia Of World History The Encyclopedia of World History. 2001. Subject Index. Page 75. Tao YuanMing, Chineseauthor 158. Tapia, Primo, Mexican leader 2296. Tapti River 333. Tara 425. http://www.bartleby.com/67/s75.html | |
46. Tradukoj De Guozhu a. v. o. Tao YuanMing (365427)/LA SINJORO DE KVIN SALIKOJ*. Wu Jun (469-520)/INSTRUITULODE YANGXIAN *. Penseo 10. Tao YuanMing (365-427). LA SINJORO DE KVIN SALIKOJ. http://zfmao.users4.50megs.com/penseo/tradgz3.htm |
47. GET YOUR DOMAIN .com .net .org .biz .info Tao YuanMing(365 427 ). REVENO EN KAMPARO. En 405( la 1-a jaro de Yixi-erao dela Orienta Jin-dinastio) Tao YuanMing funkciis en urbo Pengze, kiel prefekto. http://zfmao.users4.50megs.com/penseo/9901.htm |
48. Tao Qian Index Tao Qian (or Tao YuanMing) is the most famous preTang Chinese poet.His best known works deal with his retirement from public life. http://www.chinese-poems.com/tao.html | |
49. Ancient Chinese Literature - Poetry: An Anthology Of Ancient Chinese Poetry And An Anthology of Ancient Chinese poetry and Prose, rendered into English by Sun Dayu,Chinese Painting Illustrations ( Tao YuanMing Drinking, Li Bao Holding http://www.china-guide.com/b00po2.html | |
50. Nan Hai Co.,Inc.,U.S.A. - Chinese Culture Lectures CCL083). 84. The Pastoral Poet Tao YuanMing - Sun Jing (CCL-084).85. The Poems of Tao YuanMing - Sun Jing (CCL-085). 86. Zhang Fei http://www.nanhai.com/Videos/culturelectures.html | |
51. La Littérature Translate this page Les figures les plus représentatives sont celles de Cao Cao, Cao Pi,Cao Zhi, Ruan Ji, Ji Kang et Tao YuanMing. Tao YuanMing, qui http://www.chinaembassy-org.be/fra/12219.html | |
52. [Culture Story Title Here] - [Culture] - CRI Online An Eastern Jin Dynasty poet named Tao YuanMing who lived from 365 to 427 AD wasthe first to eulogize its splendor. The soul of Eastern poetry, Tao YuanMing,. http://english.cri.com.cn/english/2002/Oct/74381.htm | |
53. Chinese Homepage @ PENN STATE Tao YuanMingPastoral Poet. Click HERE. for the Audio. It will be playedin the above order. You can use RealAudio Player to control playing. http://tiger.coe.missouri.edu/~wang/portfolio/pages/chinpa.html | |
54. Taz 14.9.02 Der Himmel Und Die Differenz Translate this page Eines der vielen Rätsel, auf die Jullien während seiner Studienzeit stößt,ist die biografisch-fiktionale Geschichte von Tao YuanMing aus dem 4. bis 5 http://www.taz.de/pt/2002/09/14/a0193.nf/text | |
55. A Biographical Dictionary For Early Medieval China Western sources Tao YuanMing ³³ ²W ©ú (Tao Qian ³³ ¼ç) 372427. Westernsources Web link Wang Bi ¤ý ´ 226-249. Biography in San Guo Zhi (Wei) 28. http://www.usc.edu/isd/locations/international/eastasian/wjbio.htm | |
56. Untitled Tao, Dao Taoism, Daoism TaoTe Ching Daode Jing. Tao Chien,Tao Yüan-ming, Tao YuanMing, Tao Qian. Tarim Basin, Tarim Pendi. http://www.tkline.freeserve.co.uk/Webworks/Website/AllwaterNamesandTerms.htm | |
57. Õszibarack (tao) - Terebess Ázsia Lexikon Tao YuanMing, a híres költo Az oszibarackvirágos forrás címu történeteegy varázslatos taoista ihletésu csodálatos mese a boldogság http://www.terebess.hu/keletkultinfo/lexikon/oszibarack.html | |
58. Krizantém (ju) - Terebess Ázsia Lexikon A krizantém legnagyobb szerelmesének, a híres költot, Tao YuanMinget(365-427) tarják, aki több versét is a krizantémnak szentelte. http://www.terebess.hu/keletkultinfo/lexikon/krizantem.html | |
59. China Arts And Culture Great Chinese Poets poems by Li Bai, Du Fu, Wang Wei, Bai Juyi, Tao YuanMing,Han You, Li Qingzhao and others. Olive Tree - devoted to Chinese poetry. http://www.asiadragons.com/china/arts_and_culture/ | |
60. CHN 110 Chinese Litarature Links Chinese Writers covered this quarter top. CND has Tao YuanMing (Tao Qian)'s proseintroduction to Peach Blossom Spring in a separate section from the poetry. http://trc.ucdavis.edu/msjacob/chn110/chn110links.htm | |
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