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Swinburne Algernon Charles: more books (77) | ||
41. Find A Poet: The All-poetry Encyclopedia. Submit A Site!: Poets : S : Algernon C Links Selected Poetry of Algernon Charles Swinburne (18371909) (Added 2-Apr-2001Hits 122 Rating 0 Votes 0) Rate It. Search. Search for a poet or resource. http://www.everypoet.com/links/pages/Poets/S/Algernon_Charles_Swinburne/ | |
42. Find A Poet: The All-poetry Encyclopedia. Submit A Site!: Poets : S 0) Alan Seeger (18881916) Alexander Scott (0) Alexander Scott (1920-1989) AlgernonCharles Swinburne (1) Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837-1909) Andrew Salkey http://www.everypoet.com/links/pages/Poets/S/ | |
43. AAC Database - Full View Of Document System No, 1358785. Author, Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 18371909. Title, The lettersof Algernon Charles Swinburne / edited by Edmund Gosse, and Thomas James Wise. http://valeph.tau.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/TAU/AAC/AAC/FULL/1358785 | |
44. A Collection Of Poems By Algernon C. Swinburne A Collection of Poems by Algernon Charles Swinburne. Algernon Charles Swinburne(18371909) is one of the most important poets of the Victorian era. http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Cafe/2492/ | |
45. Algernon Charles Swinburne Itylus Itylus. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. 18371909 SWALLOW, my sister,O sister swallow, How can thine heart be full of the spring? http://www.daypoems.net/poems/759.html |
46. Algernon Charles Swinburne Chorus From 'Atalanta' Further Reading You can help keep DayPoems on the Web Click here to learnhow Chorus from 'Atalanta'. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. 18371909 http://www.daypoems.net/poems/756.html |
47. Chapter Algernon Charles Swinburne. Of Collected English Verse By Collections Algernon Charles Swinburne. 18371909. 812 Chorus from Atalanta.WHEN the hounds of spring are on winters traces, The mother http://www.bibliomania.com/0/2/277/133/20587/1.html | |
48. Thomas Middleton (1580-1627) Library Of Congress Citations The witch. A fair quarrel. The mayor of Queenborough. The widow. Other authorsEllis, Havelock, 18591939, ed. Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 1837-1909. http://www.mala.bc.ca/~mcneil/cit/citlcmiddleton.htm | |
49. Literary Links: Beyond The MLA Biography Steinbeck, John, 19021968. Sterling, Bruce, 1954-. Swinburne, Algernon Charles,1837-1909. Tennyson, Alfred, 1809-1892. Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel, 1892-1973. http://fb14.uni-mainz.de/author/biobib.htm | |
50. Historical Manuscripts Commission | National Register Of Archives | List Of Pers 1874) Antiquary (1) Swift, William Thomas (18411915) Schoolmaster ArchaeologistLocal Historian (1) Swinburne, Algernon Charles (1837-1909) Poet (38) Swinburne http://www.hmc.gov.uk/nra/browser/person/page/personSW.htm | |
51. Associates And Influences Of Clark Ashton Smith Summers, Montague (18801948) Biography; Swinburne, Algernon Charles(1837-1909) SELECTED POETRY OF Algernon Charles Swinburne; http://www.eldritchdark.com/misc/associates.html | |
52. Antiquarian Books Catalogue 157, SWIFT, JONATHAN (16671745) SWIFT, J. / W. POGANY 158, Swinburne,Algernon Charles (1837-1909) Swinburne, W. / CY LANG 159, SYMONS, A. http://www.kitazawa.co.jp/ANTIQU/386/I02E.htm | |
53. Antiquarian Books Catalogue Swinburne, Algernon Charles (18371909) Swinburne, W. / CY LANGThe Swinburne Letters, 1854-1909. Edited by CY Lang. In 6 Vols. http://www.kitazawa.co.jp/ANTIQU/386/C02005E.htm | |
54. THE OXFORD BOOK OF ENGLISH VERSEAlgernon Charles Swinburne Algernon Charles Swinburne. 18371909. 812 Chorus from Atalanta.WHEN the hounds of spring are on winters traces, The mother http://www.bootlegbooks.com/Poetry/OxfordEnglishVerse/obev249.html |
55. Shenandoah By Randy Wang Algernon Charles Swinburne (18371909), When the Hounds of Spring Are on Winter'sTraces. Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837-1909), The Garden of Proserpine. http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~rywang/mm5/shenandoah/ | |
56. Swinburne Algernon Charles Swinburne (18371909). Song Texts. O weary fa' the eastwind, and weary fa' the west Walton (The winds); The winds Walton. http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/s/swinburne/ | |
57. Internet Resources For The Victorian Age Algernon Charles Swinburne (18371909). The Swinburne Project. A searchable electronicedition of the works of Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837-1909). http://www.northharriscollege.com/departments/clh/links/Vict.html | |
58. Treasures Of Lauinger Library Early poems by AC Swinburne. Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 18371909. Poems.Autograph manuscript. Oxford? ca. 1858-59? 180 pages (on 91 leaves). http://www.library.georgetown.edu/dept/speccoll/treasures/items3new.htm | |
60. The Broadview Anthology Of Victorian Poetry And Poetic Theory 1882); Warren, John Leicester (Lord de Tabley) (1835 1895); Braddon, Mary Elizabeth(1837-1915); Swinburne, Algernon Charles (1837-1909); Webster, Augusta http://www.usc.edu/dept/LAS/english/19c/books/book-1-55111-100-4.html |
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