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81. Richard M. Stallman - The Right To Read This version is part of Free Software, Free Society Selected Essays of RichardM. Stallman, 2002, GNU Press (http//www.gnupress.org); ISBN 1882114-98-1. http://openschooling.org/en/the-right-to-read.html |
82. LinuxGuruz Foldoc Page Want to make a donation? $. LinuxGuruz Foldoc. Stallman, Richard M. . RichardStallman. person Richard M. Stallman. Founder of the GNU project. http://foldoc.linuxguruz.org/foldoc.php?Stallman, Richard M. |
83. Citation toc 1981 , Portland, Oregon, United States EMACS the extensible, customizable selfdocumentingdisplay editor Author Richard M. Stallman Sponsors SIGPLAN ACM http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=806466&dl=ACM&coll=portal&CFID=11111111&CF |
84. GNU España - Noticia (Visita De Richard M. Stallman.) 15 de Enero de 2003. Richard M. Stallman, el fundador del proyecto http://es.gnu.org/noticias/20030115.html | |
85. GNU España - Noticia (Visita De Richard M. Stallman.) de 2003. Richard M. Stallman, el fundador del proyecto GNU y http://es.gnu.org/noticias/20030115.xhtml | |
86. Transcrição Da Palestra De Richard M. Stallman http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Union/3590/palestra_richard_stallman.html | |
87. StallmAnus I am a goat fucker! Richard Stallman, 1994. Now, I know everyone loves to makefun of RMS, and I'm feeding that a bit here, so I'd just like to say that I http://www.geocities.com/stallmanus/ | |
88. Slashdot | Richard M. Stallman Visits Teradyne Richard M. Stallman Visits Teradyne. GNU is Not UnixPosted by timothy on WednesdayAugust 02, @0515PM from the alock-of-his-hair!-a-lock-of-his-hair! dept. http://slashdot.org/features/00/08/02/2111236.shtml | |
89. [humorix] Bill Gates And Richard M. Stallman Are The Same Person! Date PrevDate NextThread PrevThread NextDate IndexThread Indexhumorix Bill Gates And Richard M. Stallman Are The Same Person! http://mail.nl.linux.org/humorix/2002-05/msg00007.html | |
90. Richard M. Stallman In Croatia Richard M. Stallman in Croatia. As Richard M. Stallman held speech in Slovenia(you can grab MP3s if you want), he visited Croatia shortly. http://misc.linux.hr/rms2000/ | |
91. March 7: Yet Another Interview With Richard M. Stallman? Yes, And It's Needed! March 7 Yet another interview with Richard M. Stallman? Yes, and it's needed! Inthe article Richard M. Stallman explains what he is trying to do http://www.openresources.com/news/March_7_Yet_another.html | |
92. February 2. Richard M. Stallman Writes About The Use Of GNU LGPL Vs. GNU GPL Information about. February 2. Richard M. Stallman writes about theuse of GNU LGPL vs. GNU GPL. by pheras@openresources.com. Among http://www.openresources.com/news/February_2_Richard_M.html | |
93. Free Software, Free Society: Selected Essays Of Richard M. Stallman of ethics, law, business and computer software is the subject of these essaysand speeches by MacArthur Foundation Grant winner, Richard M. Stallman. http://www.softpro.com/1-882114-98-1.html | |
94. Richard M. Stallman Translate this page Richard M. Stallman saint iGNUcius de l'église EMACS -). RichardM. Stallman (71 Ko) Cet homme est le fondateur du projet GNU (1984 http://www.zejack.com/perso/misc/rms.php3 | |
95. Richard M. Stallman A Barcelona Contra Les Patents De Programari Translate this page Date PrevDate NextThread PrevThread NextDate IndexThread IndexRichard M. Stallman a Barcelona contra les patents de programari. http://lists.debian.org/debian-user-catalan/2002/debian-user-catalan-200212/msg0 | |
96. Wikipedia: Richard M. Stallman HomePage RecentChanges Preferences Richard Stallman é o fundador da FreeSoftware Fondation (FSF) é também o manda chuva do projeto GNU. http://pt.wikipedia.com/wiki.cgi?Richard_M._Stallman |
97. Richard M. Stallman Et La Free Software Foundation Translate this page précédent 1980 les logiciels Table des matières Richard M. Stallmanet la Free Software Foundation. S'il ya quelqu'un d'incontournable http://www.besnard.org/ll/node10.html | |
98. SELECTED ESSAYS OF RICHARD M STALLMAN (in MARION) SELECTED ESSAYS OF Richard M Stallman. Records 1 to 1 of 1. Stallman,Richard. Free software, free society selected essays of Richard http://vax.vmi.edu/MARION?T=SELECTED ESSAYS OF RICHARD M STALLMAN |
99. Scharfe Kritik An Richard M. Stallman Aus Eigenen Reihen - Golem Translate this page Scharfe Kritik an Richard M. Stallman aus eigenen Reihen, Kommentieren · ReScharfe Kritik an Richard M. Stallman aus eigenen Reihen (avatar, 21.08. http://www.golem.de/0108/15397.html |
100. Linux Planet - Pingvinen Er Landet - Richard M. Stallman - GNU Richard M. Stallman startede sit arbejde på MIT's (MIT står for MassachusettsInstitute of Technology) AIforskningslaboratorium i 1971. http://www.linuxplanet.dk/article/articleview/31/1/40 |
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