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41. Chapter Smith to Smith Of S By Biographical Dictionary Of English Literat Smith, Sydney (17711845).Miscellaneous writer, born at Woodford, Essex, theson of a gentleman of independent means, and educated at Winchester and Oxford http://www.bibliomania.com/2/3/259/1262/23970/1.html | |
42. Christian Quotation Of The Day Index 9/12/96 Smith, Hannah Whitall (18321911) 7/16/02 Smith, Miles (d. 1624) Prefaceto the King James Bible 1611 7/22/96 Smith, Sydney (1771-1845) 9/27 http://www.gospelcom.net/cqod/cqodndan.htm | |
43. Fiber: Zen Food And Internal Cleanser Sydney Smith (1771-1845), British clergyman and author. Few issues in medicineand nutritional science evoke general consensus among the experts. http://www.renewalresearch.com/con_ren_chapts_fiber.htm | |
44. Food Quotes: Beer more inseparable than Beer and Britannia? Sydney Smith (17711845) English writerand Anglican clergyman, quoted in Hesketh Pearson's 'The Smith of Smiths'. http://www.foodreference.com/html/qbeer.html | |
45. Food Quotes: Dining Serenely full, the epicure would say, Fate cannot harm me, I have dined today. Sydney Smith (17711845) English writer, quoted in Lady Holland's Memoir . http://www.foodreference.com/html/qdining.html | |
46. Historical Manuscripts Commission National Register Of Archives Charles Kaines (d 1958) Art Historian (1) Smith, Stanley Patrick James (19151979)journalist (1) Smith, Sydney (1771-1845) Canon of St Paul's Wit (16) Smith http://www.hmc.gov.uk/nra/browser/person/page/personSM.htm |
47. Proud To Be A Lawyer train. . Sydney Smith Anglican Minister and Humorist, 17711845 A Memoir of the Reverend Sydney Smith. More About Sydney Smith http://www.wsba.org/proud/sydneysmith.htm |
48. SoupBasics: THE PLEASURES AND USES OF SOUP crossword puzzles. . Sydney Smith, 17711845, English clergyman and wit Soup and fish explain half the emotions of life . Mme. Seignobos http://www.soupsong.com/bquotes.html | |
49. Cafe Nation From Round About Our CoalFire, 1731 If you want to improve yourunderstanding, drink coffee. -Sydney Smith, 1771-1845. Reading http://www.cafenation.net/tradcoffeediv.shtml | |
50. Cafe Nation From Round About Our CoalFire, 1731. If you want to improve yourunderstanding, drink coffee. -Sydney Smith, 1771-1845. Reading http://www.cafenation.net/turkish.shtml | |
51. Al-Ahram Weekly | Limelight -- Limelight: Anytime Is Tea-time Sydney Smith, British clergyman and essayist (17711845), wondered how the worldhad existed without his favourite beverage and thanked his God for tea. http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2002/613/pe2.htm | |
52. Hemenway, Amy, Collector. Autographs: Guide. Cut signature; np, nd. 1s.(1p.). (123) Smith, Sydney, 17711845. ALs to ; np14 Dec 1831. 1s.(2p.). (124) Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866. ALs to ; np, nd. http://oasis.harvard.edu/html/hou00456.html | |
53. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : SMI Peinture 1; Smith (Sydney)(17711845) Peinture 1 (4); Smith (Theobald)Photo 1; Smith (Thomas, Evêque de Carlisle)(1615-1702) Peinture http://www.onlipix.com/personnages/smi.htm | |
54. Quotes - Writing Self-Improvement Every day sends to their graves obscure men whose timidity prevented them from makinga first effort. ~ Sydney Smith {17711845 English Clergyman Writer}. http://www.creativityforlife.com/page1020.html | |
55. 12th Century - Indirect And Assessed Taxes : Virtual Museum - Millennium Exhibit placed on the foot taxes upon everything on earth and in the watersunder the earth. Sydney Smith (1771-1845). Find Out More. http://www.pro.gov.uk/virtualmuseum/millennium/piperoll/indirect_tax/default.htm | |
56. Entering A New Millennium Sydney Smith (17711845) An expert is someone who knows some of the worstmistakes that can be made in his subject and how to avoid them. . http://www.calresco.org/lucas/millen.htm | |
57. Organic Welsh Mountain Mutton Range How I shall dine ! Sydney Smith 17711845. Sizes packs Most similar to lamb,but generally slightly larger (eg whole legs shoulders 5lbs, cf 4lbs in lamb). http://www.graigfarm.co.uk/pkmutton.htm | |
58. Untitled (Sydney, Smith, 17711845). In the eighties, Van Halen came out with a song that,to this day, gives me Goosebumps. Jump! To me, this is not just a song. http://www.angelfire.com/id/joanmarques/Articles/Jump.html | |
59. Exhibiting Sponsoring Opportunities - FileMaker Developer ADVISORAMA Poverty is no disgrace, but it is confoundedly inconvenient. Sydney Smith (17711845) Refresh (F5) for more Contribute. http://filemakeradvisor.com/CFF0208p.nsf/w/Exhibiting |
60. Meet The Columnists At Internet Daily News Background and Bio. The writer does most who gives his reader the most knowledge,and takes from him the least time. Sydney Smith (1771-1845) http://www.tvpress.com/idn/bio/biopub.html | |
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