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41. Ancestors On The Web -- Genealogy And Family History Smith, James Edward, 18511908, Big Horn River, WY, Henrieville, Garfield,UT. Smith, Joseph Jr, 1805-1844, Windsor, VT, IL. Smith, Margaret Lucinda,1909-, http://www.lofthouse.com/history/ | |
42. Dictionary: Smith 18941937) syn {Smith}, {Bessie Smith} 6 religious leader who founded theMormon Church in 1830 (1805-1844) syn {Smith}, {Joseph Smith} 7 English http://www.hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/Smith | |
43. Parallels In Ellen White's And Joseph Smith's Writings - James Walters (May/Jun Parallels between the writings of Adventisms Ellen White (18271915) and JosephSmith(1805-1844), founder of Mormonism, have been discovered by Phyllis http://www.atoday.com/magazine/archive/1996/mayjun1996/news/Parallels.shtml | |
44. Biographien - Archiv Smith, Joseph http//www.weltchronik.de/bio/cethegus/s/Smithj.html Smith, Joseph (1805-1844) http//www http://www.biografien-im-netz.de/archiv.php?Letter=S&Page=2350 |
45. Messaggero Nazionale Dicembre 1996 Translate this page mormonismo. La storia delle origini del mormonismo si confonde con labiografia del suo fondatore, Joseph Smith Junior (1805-1844). Gli http://www.mormoni.it/Messaggero96.htm | |
46. The Essential Joseph Smith (in MARION) The essential Joseph Smith. Title The essential Joseph Smith / forewordby Marvin S. Hill. Author Smith, Joseph, 18051844. Published http://vax1.memphis.lib.tn.us/MARION/AFG-8950 | |
47. Western Americana - Princeton University Library Page Number Main Entry Smith, Joseph, 18051844. Secondary EntryA Book of Commandments. Date Zion Independence, Missouri, 1833. http://libserv3.princeton.edu/rbsc2/portfolio/wa/00000005.htm | |
48. Mormon Hierarchy: Origins Of Power - Book Review and theocratic hierarchy during the lifetime of its founder Joseph Smith (18051844),through the transfer to Utah in 1847 following his assassination. http://www.irr.org/mit/quinnbk.html | |
49. HyperDic, Online English Dictionary > Smith Meaning Religious leader who founded the Mormon Church in 1830 (18051844).Broader Latter-day Saint; Mormon. Synonyms Joseph Smith. http://www.hyperdic.net/dic/S/Smith.shtml | |
50. Mormons Missionaries (1995) 48,631. The Church of Jesus Christ of LatterdaySaints was founded by Joseph F. Smith Jr. (1805-1844). Smith http://www.namb.net/evangelism/iev/Mormon/bbmormon.asp | |
51. CULTS AND SECTS: MORMONS Missionaries (1998) 58,700. The Church of Jesus Christ of LatterdaySaints was founded by Joseph F. Smith Jr. (1805-1844). Smith http://www.namb.net/resources/beliefbulletins/cults/mormons.asp | |
52. Smith, Joseph Biography Joseph Smith (18051844) was the man who founded the Church of JesusChrist of Latter Day Saints, otherwise known as the Mormon Church. http://atheism.about.com/library/glossary/mormon/bldef_smithjoseph.htm | |
53. Mormonism Definition Officially known as Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints, theMormon church was established by Joseph Smith (1805-1844) in 1830 in upstate http://atheism.about.com/library/glossary/western/bldef_mormonism.htm | |
54. Three Flawed U.S. Frauds, Basil Conrad Joseph Smith (18051844) was a magnetic leader, carrying his Mormon flockthrough mass migrations and rebirth in Ohio, Missouri and Illinois. http://www.ffrf.org/fttoday/jan_feb01/conrad.html | |
55. ÉGLISES, COMMUNAUTÉS ET SECTES, Par Dr. Wilbert Kreiss - L'EGLISE DE JESUS-CHR Translate this page Cette secte fut fondée le 6 avril 1830 par Joseph Smith (1805-1844) qui prétenditavoir eu des visions lui révélant que toutes les Eglises prêchaient l http://www.egliselutherienne.org/bibliotheque/doctrine/symbolique/Symb_19.htm | |
56. Institute For Christian Service 2. Mormon History. A. Joseph Smith (18051844). In 1820 there was areligious revival in Palmyra, New York, where Joseph Smith lived. http://members.tripod.com/Didaskalia/MormonHistory.htm | |
57. Profeetta Joseph Smithin Lyhyt Historia 1835 helmikuu Julkaisee Opin ja Liittojen Kirjan; alkaa työskennellä Aabrahaminkirjan parissa (29). Kuva Joseph Smith, 18051844. 1836 27. maaliskuuta. http://www.mormonit.fi/smith/smith.htm | |
58. JOSEPH SMITH Translate this page fermer. Joseph Smith. Chef religieux américain (1805-1844). En 1830,il est l'initiateur de la secte des mormons. Il établit d'abord http://www.ifrance.com/jose1010/smith_joseph.htm |
59. Mormon Books And Leaders Joseph Smith (18051844) Founder of the LDS Church, 1st President and Prophet,led church members to Nauvoo, IL, where he was killed while imprisoned. http://wri.leaderu.com/mormonism/mormon-books.html | |
60. Missions For The Lord denominations. ***. Background on the Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDaySaints by Trisha Bridges Founded by Joseph Smith (1805-1844); http://www.mftl.net/resources/beliefs/lds.htm | |
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