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81. I25343: Carlos Hubert Browning (5 Feb 1883 - 20 Mar 1950) Chengweeth, Camborne, Cornwall, England. Father James Piper Mother Unknown Mr Smith. 1742 1799) _Elias Spurgeon _ (1775 - 1839) _Rebecca Robinette http://www.gendex.com/users/bobspu/spurgeon/d0009/g0000065.html | |
82. I76128: Ora Anderson" (____ - ____) May 1949. Doris Jean (do James Dewey 1926) m 1888 _Nancie Grey Smith (1887 1799) _Elias Spurgeon _ (1775 1839) _Rebecca Robinette http://www.gendex.com/users/bobspu/spurgeon/d0000/g0000089.html | |
83. Southern Forneys The Carpenters were neighbors of Peter Forney and Ann Smith in Lancaster County,PA and ver much 3 James Harvey Forney Christian Reinhardt 1775 1839 http://home.earthlink.net/~waterworld2/southern.html | |
84. Siddle Abigail 2 James Siddall 1700 Polly Smith .. Polly Head .. 4 Martha Patsey Siddle1775 1839 b 1775 in Fauquier Co., VA d 1839 in Madison Co., KY .. http://home.att.net/~taquinn/siddle.html | |
85. Laura's Reinhardt Ancestors (17751839) who married Mary Polly Forney, through their 7 29 1879, father DavidSmith, mother Elizabeth Mary Elizabeth Reinhardt and James Edgar Reinhardt. http://www.mindspring.com/~wsgriffi/reinrsch.htm | |
86. Kirchenlexikon von Fritzlar; neu Wigglesworth, Smith(1859-1947 Windischmann, Karl Josef Hieronymus (1775-1839); Windschild, Karl http://www.bautz.de/bbkl/w/h_i.shtml | |
87. WebGED: Parker Family Data Page Carolina spouse Strickland, Lewis (~1775 1839) child Strickland 1792- ) -child Smith, Louisa (*1792 child Gresham, James Harry (private http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~twparker/Javatree/wga54.html | |
88. WebGED: Edward Hands's Tree Data Page 1825 1825) child Smith, Elizabeth ( 1825 1826 - ) -child Muse,James (1829 - ) -child Muse, John(1775 - 1839) mother Henderson http://www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/kings/537/wga19.html | |
89. Index Mae) (1908 2002) Mathias (1775 - 1839) Mathias (1857 Marvin Altha (1915 - 1991)Mason James Douglas ( - 1986 Elmer Kylah Kimberly (1993 - ) Smith Irma Potter http://www.lamperts.com/webcards/WC_IDX/IDX001.HTM | |
90. OLD GORTON CEMETERY COOPER, Lois P, 1820, 1850. CORNELL, Hannah, 1775, 1839. COURTNAUGHT, Mary, 1774,1841. DEAN, James, 1805, 1843. SHARP, Mary, 1769, 1829. Smith, Adelaide, 1841,1842. http://www.paintedhills.org/STEUBEN/OldGortonCem.html | |
91. I66459 Willard Allen Tyler (24 FEB 1904 - 4 OCT 1968) _ _Milton James Tyler _ 1865) m 1807 (1775 1839) _CatherineCozzens m 1869 _ _Stephen Smith http://genweb.whipple.org/d0239/i66459.html |
92. I66626 Robert Vogel Tyler (28 FEB 1913 - 30 APR 1979) 1865) m 1807 (1775 1839) _Catherine Cozzens _ _ _Nancy Smith _ chart of James Robertson Tyler http://genweb.whipple.org/d0239/i66626.html |
93. Www.mit.edu/afs/athena/project/oxq/work/oeqd/authors ÓPHILIP ¨MASSINGER©¥15831640 ÓLORD JUSTICE SIR James ¨MATHEW©¥1830 Smith©¥18731944ÓF.E. ¨Smith© ÓJames ¨Smith©¥17751839 ÓLANGDON ¨Smith http://www.mit.edu/afs/athena/project/oxq/work/oeqd/authors |
94. Www.mit.edu/afs/athena/project/oxq/vaxsrc/oxq/authors SPHILIP %(MASSINGER%)%%1583%1640 %SLORD JUSTICE SIR James %(MATHEW%)%%1830 Smith%)%%1873%-1944%SF.E. %(Smith%) %SJames %(Smith%)%%1775%-1839 %SLANGDON %(Smith http://www.mit.edu/afs/athena/project/oxq/vaxsrc/oxq/authors |
95. SMITH, HENRY PRESERVED Smith, HENRY PRESERVED (1847 ), American Biblical scholar, was born in Troy, Ohio, on the 23rd of October 1847 He graduated at Amherst College in 1869 and studied theology in Lane Theological Seminary in 1860-1872, in Berlin in 1872-1874 and in http://29.1911encyclopedia.org/S/SM/SMITH_HENRY_PRESERVED.htm | |
96. Bright Sparcs Function Browse List - F and Manufacturer Henty, Thomas (1775 1839), Farmer Hopson and Meteorological observerSmith, WTP (Bill 1976), Forensic pathologist Neild, James Edward (1824 http://www.asap.unimelb.edu.au/bsparcs/bs_brf_function.htm | |
97. 'Gone But Not Forgotten'-Missouri Pioneers WEBER, Frederick ?, Elizabeth 1832 1867 Cold Springs RO Micky Hills WEESE, GeorgeSMITH, Nancy Ann CL Linda McKay WHITELOCK, James COSTIN, Harriet 1775? http://www.rootsweb.com/~mopionee/pionvz.html | |
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