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21. St. Paul's Presbyterian, Church, Simcoe, Ontario LADIES Aid Annual Report 2001. The Ladies Aid reports a successful year.We donated monies to the Church, the Bible Society, the St. http://www.stpaulssimcoe.com/aid.htm | |
22. St. Paul's Presbyterian, Church, Simcoe, Ontario, If you live in Alberta, today is Family Day! 18 730 pm Finance Maintenance.19, 20 200 pm Ladies Aid. 730 pm Senior Choir. 21 700 pm Family Skate. St. http://www.stpaulssimcoe.com/calendar.htm | |
23. Project BookRead - FREE Online Book Recipes Tried And True By The Recipes Tried and True. the Ladies' Aid Society. of the First Presbyterian Church of Marion, Ohio. http://www.tanaya.net/Books/tandt10 |
24. Victorian Photographs: Ladies' Aid Society Of The Second Presbyterian Church, Sa Ladies' Aid Society. Second Presbyterian Church. Saratoga Springs, New York. Clickon the photograph to see a larger image. Information about this Photograph. http://theoldentimes.com/ladies_aid_presby.html | |
25. Presbyterian Church Board THE FIRST Presbyterian BOARD AND THE LADIES Aid. The ladies Aid of the Presbyterianchurch met at the home of Mrs. HE Kelley, February 4th, 1910. http://www.telusplanet.net/public/mtoll/prespsc.htm | |
26. Presbyterian And United Church In 1924 a group of members of the Presbyterian church gathered to get a The WoolfordLadies Aid was very active in the church and without it the minister could http://www.telusplanet.net/public/mtoll/presp.htm | |
27. First United Presbyterian Church and womens organizations records for the First United Presbyterian Church. andprogram books, minutes books, treasurers books for the Ladies Aid and Women http://www.rbhayes.org/mssfind/lh_coll/firstprschrch.htm | |
28. Project Gutenberg Edition Of Recipes Tried And True Project Gutenberg Presents. Recipes Tried and True. by Marion (Ohio)First Presbyterian Church Ladies' Aid Society. Project Gutenberg http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=1084 |
29. Riverside Presbyterian Church - 130th Anniversary The annual report in 1897 makes note of a new Young Ladies' Aid Society with22 members, who made garments for Presbyterian Hospital and the city's poor http://www.rpcusa.org/rpc/anniver6.htm | |
30. United Presbyterian Church Of Ridgewood--A Brief History of 1862 to petition the Presbytery of Nassau to organize a Presbyterian church in itsthriving congregation and, with the help of the Ladies Aid Society, the http://home.att.net/~upcridgewood/history.htm | |
31. P p. pj proudhon. palgrave. percival lowell. phillis wheatley.plato. Presbyterian ladies´Aid. princess der ling. http://www.snerpa.is/net/gutenberg/p.htm | |
32. ChurchUnion Church of Canada, and on August 23rd, 1927 the Squamish Presbyterian Church decidedto In 1930, the Ladies Aid under the presidency of Mrs. DD Morrison bravely http://www.squamishunitedchurch.org/history4.htm | |
33. Church History concerts and other activities the Ladies Aid Society and the Board of Managers wereable to purchase the land (where the Memorial Presbyterian Church stands http://www.sylvanlake.com/presbyterian/history.html | |
34. Presbyterian Women Special Events And Small Groups (Circles) For Officers of Presbyterian Women Judy Omweg, President Ethel Mills, VicePresidentJoanne The Ladies Aid Society The Ladies Aid Society was formed prior to 1914. http://www.championpres.org/women/women.html | |
35. St. Paul's Church Groups Sunday School. Lucy Baker Auxiliary. Christina Mills Presbyterian Women.Ladies Aid. Presbyterian Men. Outreach Committee. As God sent Christ to us,. http://ca.geocities.com/stpaulspa/groups.htm | |
36. First Presbyterian Church Of Stillwater, Minnesota 1905 the Missionary Society began meeting with the Ladies Aid. The ladies came upwith everything from ice picnics to furnishings for the Presbyterian Room at http://www.fpc-stillwater.org/about/church_history6.htm | |
37. Pioneer History Index L 28, 1981 Ladies Aid Ladies Missionary Society Apr. Lake Prairie Presbyterian Church see ChurchesPresbyterian ChurchesLake Prairie Presbyterian Church. http://www.lowellpl.lib.in.us/pioneerl.htm | |
38. Microfilm (Also see under Presbyterian Church). Halfway Brook Womens Institute1916-1924. Halfway Brook - Ladies Aid Society 1926-1930, 1937-1961. http://colarc.chebucto.org/microfilm.html | |
39. The First Presbyterian Church A Century's Record The First Presbyterian Church Chester, NY 17981898 Pastors ThePresent Board of Deacons The Board of Trustees The Ladies Aid Society The http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ny/county/orange/fpc/id33.htm | |
40. The First Presbyterian Church A Century's Record The First Presbyterian Church Chester, NY 17981898 TheLadies Aid Society. Mrs. Fred B. Seely, Mrs. Frank Durland,, President. http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ny/county/orange/fpc/id67.htm | |
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