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Plaatje Sol: more books (63) | ||
81. Knipsel Taalvorming En Taaldrukken; Familieverhalen uit Zuid Afrika. Een foto vermoedelijk gemaakt in Mafeking,eind 1902 laat Sol Plaatje zien. Hij zit vooraan tweede van links. http://www.taalvorming.nl/Nieuwsbrief/KN30.htm | |
82. Arts & Culture Trust - Contents Publishing in African languages Publication of the Setswana books of Sol T Plaatje(published by the Sol Plaatje Educational Trust) the books, originally http://www.artsculturetrust.co.za/awards3.htm | |
83. Wits University, Department Of African Literature, Academic Staff Profiles Sol Plaatje, orality and the politics of cultural representation. CurrentWriting Text and Reception in Southern Africa, 11.2(1999) (forthcoming). http://www.wits.ac.za/fac/arts/african/staff.html | |
84. Project BookRead - FREE Online Book Native Life In South Africa 1996; definitive edition. Brian Willan, Sol Plaatje South AfricanNationalist, 18761932 , London Heinemann, 1984. Brian Willan http://tanaya.net/Books/nlisa10/index1.html |
85. AIM25: School Of Oriental And African Studies: Plaatje, Solomon Tshekisho He died on 19 June 1932. Further reading B Willan, Sol PlaatjeSouth African Nationalist 18761932 (Heineman, 1984). . CONTENT. http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/search2?coll_id=98&inst_id=19 |
86. An A-Z Of African Studies On The Internet Nr2 Bibliography. Plaatje, Sol(OMON TSHEKISHO) (1876 1932) http//www.uovs.ac.za/engl/bibliog/P/PLAA1.htm. SolPlaatje SELECTED WRITINGS BRIAN WILLAN, ED. http://www.lib.msu.edu/limb/a-z/az_nr2.html | |
87. Sunday Times - Millennium - 02 January 2000 2000. Sol Plaatje. Writer STANDING THEIR GROUND Sol Plaatje, bottom right, with SANative National Congress delegates who went to England in 1914. DID YOU KNOW? http://www.suntimes.co.za/2000/01/02/millennium/mil11.htm | |
88. Bolerium Books - South Africa weapon. Plaatje, Solomon. Tshekisho, Mhudi, an epic of SouthAfrican native life a hundred years ago. Namibia the facts. Pan http://www.bolerium.com/cgi-bin/bol48/find/keywords/South Africa.html | |
89. Centre For Electronic Education And Regional Learning Centres operates four Regional Learning Centres in Sol Plaatje, Moqhaka, Matjabeng and MalutiA-Phofung,where prospective learners can enrol for part-time education. http://www.tofs.ac.za/tofs/centres/distance/index.asp |
90. Title Peacock , Thomas Love 17. Prevost , the Abbe 18. Paterson , Andrew Barton 19.Plaatje , Sol. T. 20. Parkman , Francis 21. Proudhon , PierreJoseph 22. http://www.d-library.com.cn/wstsg/e_index.php?pageauthor=P |
91. Familie Plaatje - Tentoonstelling - Familieverhalen Uit Zuid-Afrika 11 maart 2001 Klik hier voor een grotere afbeelding. Paul Faber, BieVenter en fotograaf Ruth Motau bij het graf van Sol Plaatje. http://www.kit.nl/tropenmuseum/tentoonstellingen/zuidafrika/tentoonstelling/plaa | |
92. African Literature And Language Studies A Introduction to key issues in South African literature and culture Prescribed textsPlaatje, Sol Mhudi Schreiner, Olive Story of an African Farm Coetzee, JM http://www.uct.ac.za/depts/english/courses/e207f.htm | |
93. Santa Antao - NL suikerriet, cassave, aardappelen, diverse soorten bonen en vele soortenfruit zoals mango's en bananen. Klik hier voor een groter Plaatje. http://homepage.cistron.nl/~bobd/SA-nl.html | |
94. SAFUNDI: The Journal Of South African And American Comparative Studies evaluation. Peter Midgley. Pariahs in the Land of Their Birth Sol Plaatjeand Frederick Douglass in the Search for Identity. Scholarly http://www.safundi.com/issue5.asp | |
95. Bwana Mitch's Safari-Portal: Lodges & Camps (& Ausgewählte Hotels) Im Nördlich http://www.safari-portal.de/Lodging.ZA.NorthernCape.d.html | |
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