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Okakura Kakuzo: more detail | |||||
21. A Tribute To Hinduism - Quotes On Hinduism 201-220 201.Professor Kakuzo Okakura (18621913) a Japanese philosopher, art expert, curatorand author of The Book of Tea and The Ideals of the East, with Special http://www.atributetohinduism.com/quotes201_220.htm | |
22. Volume Thirty-Nine 1997 Essays In History Okakura Kakuzo's (18621913) works, published in the first decade of the twentiethcentury both in the United States and Great Britain, sought to address the http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/journals/EH/EH39/reinho39.html | |
23. JFKU Libraries - Acquisitions List - SEPTEMBER 2002 CALL = GT2910 .O6182 2001. AUTHOR = Okakura, Kakuzo, 18621913. TITLE= The book of tea / Kakuzo Okakura ; introduction by Sam Hamill. http://watson.jfku.edu/lib/acqlist/2002/september/anth.html | |
24. Asian TXT ZIP. Okakura, Kakuzo, 1862-1913 The Book of Tea GutenbergFTP UITXT 116 Kb - ZIP46 Kb SLTXT - ZIP ENTXT - ZIP. Soseki http://www.saxakali.com/youth/asian1.htm |
25. Journal [2001 Jan/Feb - Japan At The Gateway To The 21st Century (by : Wakamatsu A short time later, in 1903, the nation's leading art critic, Okakura (Tenshin)Kakuzo (18621913), wrote the book, The Ideals of the East with Special http://www.jef.or.jp/en/jti/200101_011.html | |
26. The Ohio State University Libraries - The Education, Human Ecology, Psychology, 23 cm. GT2910 .O618 2000. Okakura, Kakuzo, 18621913. THE BOOK OF TEA / OkakuraKakuzo ; INTRODUCTION, LIZA DALBY ; PHOTOGRAPHY, DANIEL PROCTOR. http://www.lib.ohio-state.edu/ehsweb/g24.htm | |
27. The Ohio State University Libraries -- The Education, Human Ecology, Psychology, c2001. viii, 286 p. GT2910 .O618 2000 The book of tea. Okakura, Kakuzo,18621913. Boston Tuttle Pub., 2000. 113 p. GT3404 .I57 http://www.lib.ohio-state.edu/ehsweb/g25.htm | |
28. Campus Library New Books - 3/18/2002 B35 1989 Bailey, Beth L., 1957 FROM FRONT PORCH TO BACK SEAT COURTSHIP IN TWENTIETHCENTURYAMERICA GT2910 .O618 2001 Okakura, Kakuzo, 1862-1913 THE BOOK OF http://www.bothell.washington.edu/library/newbooks/new020318.html | |
29. 403obituary Okakura, grandson of the Japanese art authority Okakura Kakuzo Tenshin (18621913),left behind a lot of studies on US world strategy and the nonaligned http://www.japan-press.co.jp/2231/403obituary.html | |
30. The Mad Cybrarian's Library: Free Online E-texts - Authors O-Oz O'Reilly, Augustine J. Alvira The Heroine of Vesuvius (Gutenberg Text Zip).Ogden, Ruth Tattine (Gutenberg Text Zip). Okakura, Kakuzo, 18621913. http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/richmond/88/1libo.htm | |
31. Mills College: Letters 9, Introduction To Comparative Literature, Arturo Dávila London Verso, 1984. Okakura, Kakuzo (18621913). The Book of Tea. Edited andintroduced by Everett F. Bleiler. New York, Dover Publications. 1964. http://www.mills.edu/LDIV/let.9.agabriel.html | |
32. ResAnet Results Summary RecordOkakura, Kakuzo, 18621913. Les idéaux de l'Orient. Le réveil du Japon /Okakura (Kakuzo) ; traduction de Jenny Serruys ; préf. de Auguste Gérard. http://www.amicus.nlc-bnc.ca/wbin/resanet/resultsm/l=0/d=1/r=1/e=0/s=s/n=SK/h=10 | |
33. Religion And Philisophy Titles From ASBS of the East With Special Reference to the Art of Japan by Kakuzo Okakura. Okakura(18621913) worked with Ernest F. Fenollosa to found the Tokyo Fine Art School http://www.asianstudiesbooks.com/religion.htm | |
34. Index English Classics 3000 O ( Listed by Author ) Ogden, Ruth (18531927) Tattine Okakura,Kakuzo (1862-1913) The Book of Tea Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret (1828-1897) http://www.changanyouth.xahu.edu.cn/pages/novel/O/ |
35. Religion All altars, some people, have crumbled under our eyes ; only one stay, eternal,that on which praise our supreme idol ourselves Okakura Kakuzo (18621913) http://mokona.land.free.fr/religion2.htm | |
36. Fenollosa, Ernest Francisco, 1853-1908. Papers: Guide. (1p.). Fragment only. (106108) Okakura, Kakuzo, 1862-1913. C. Other compositions(109) Okakura, Kakuzo, 1862-1913. Outline of art schools. A.MS.; Tokyo ca. http://oasis.harvard.edu/html/hou00842.html | |
37. Antiques And Collectibles From Kaleden We find the proposition put forth by Okakura Kakuzo (18621913), Curator of OrientalArt at the Boston Museum of Art, in The Book of Tea, a 1906 treatise on http://www.kaleden.com/articles/2924.html | |
38. Agulha - Revista De Cultura Translate this page El Libro del Té, del filósofo japonés Kakuzo Okakura (1862-1913), inspiró ala artista a escribir un texto en homenaje a su bisabuelo Eduardo Schilling y http://www.revista.agulha.nom.br/ag27riera.htm | |
39. Gen Translate this page Inviato in Italia dopo la morte di Edoardo Chiossone (11 Aprile 1898), il patrimoniofu riordinato da Okakura Kakuzo (1862-1913) e allestito in museo da http://www.fondazione-delbianco.org/accademici/DFailla_IT.htm | |
40. Index.html Japanilainen, Yhdysvalloissa loppuelämänsä työskennellyt Kakuzo Okakura (18621913)oli aikansa merkittävimpiä japanilaisen ja kiinalaisen taiteen http://www.artists.fi/taide-kustannus/kustantamo/vanhat.html | |
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