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Norton William Harmon: more detail |
81. Thomas Holcombe Of Connecticut - Name Index 51 Norton (cont.) John Austin b. 15 Mar 1830, d. 06 Dec b. 1851 Philo Edward b. 1843,d. 1899 William b. 1803 b. 26 Feb 1843, d. 15 Oct 1931 Georgina Harmon b. 1822 http://www.holcombegenealogy.com/data/i51.htm | |
82. Daviess County Marriages, 1855-1859 Campbell, Amanda, Harmon, Jacob, 21, Feb, 1856. Norton, Elizabeth Jane,Crall, David, 8, Nov, 1859. Jennings, Mary, Wilson, William Thomas,10, Nov, 1859. http://www.34hotrod.com/genealogy/daviess-co/date55.htm | |
84. Presbyterian Church Cemetery R-Z RAYNSFORD, Norton T.Aug 9, 1817 - May 4, 1856 SEEBER, William C. 1875-1961H SLINGERLAND, Harmon-d. July 25, 1828, age 50 yrs., 1 mo., 3 days. http://www.bettyfink.com/pcc0002.htm | |
85. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Authors > N Norris, WE (William Edward), 18471925; NorthWestNet; Norton, WilliamHarmon, 1856-. Terms, Privacy, Copyright Contact Us Internet http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&cat=Au |
86. I12922 Edith Huntington HOYT (6112) (16 OCT 1864 - ) HOYT _ (1856 . m 1894 _ _ Edmund Harmon HOYT (1817 BIRTH 25 FEB 1919, Norton Co., KS; DEATH 3 http://www.gendex.com/users/pthree/hoyt/d0011/g0001150.html |
87. No 2 CEMETERY Aka WESTVIEW CEMETERY, HARMON COUNTY, OKLAHOMA No 2 aka WESTVIEW CEMETERY. HOLLIS, Harmon COUNTY, OKLAHOMA. McCUTCHEON, JohnWilliam, Sep 19 1869, Dec 29 1949. Norton, Tennie, Aug 12 1913, Jan 1905. http://freepages.books.rootsweb.com/~coaly/okharmno2westview.html | |
88. CERES COMMUNITY CEMETERY 27, 1919, . Son of Fredrick Hannah Harmon, A95. Dau. of Philip C. Mildred HolcombNORTON, D15-1. MAXSON, Carrie E. Tucker, William MAXSON, 1874, Aft. 1932, . Dau. http://www.paintedhills.org/MCKEAN/Ceres.html | |
89. Modified Register She died 25 JUL 1971 at Wise County, Virginia and was buried at Laurel Grove Norton. WilliamJ. is the son of James Harmon BEVERLY and Susanna POWERS. http://webpages.charter.net/pcxprt/hamilton/mr0005.html | |
90. Tennessee Marriages - Genealogy - Http://maxpages.com/ourlostfamily/Tennessee Martha B. Bible 10/21/1865 Greene Harmon Wisecarver / Mariah Snider 03/03/1878 WilliamH. Parrett / Leety J. Snider 08 Neel 03/18/1878 David C. Norton / Sarah E http://www.maxpages.com/ourlostfamily/Tennessee | |
91. Genealogy Of The BROWN FAMILY no issue) (3)24Oct1733 Mary Norton (d/o Edward Norton) d.10Apr1745 m.never; John Harmonb.1811 Loudoun Co,Va. b.1761 d.1763; Mercer b.1763 d.1769; William b.1766 m http://www.angelfire.com/me3/families/beckler/brown.htm | |
92. 1880 HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON COUNTY MICHIGAN - Chapter 4 Part C. Pages 47-50 CIRCUIT COURT COMMISSIONERS Henry H. Harmon elected in November, 1852. WilliamYounglove Charles S. Norton elected in November, 1842. http://www.livgenmi.com/1880chapter4c.htm | |
93. ArtLex On Portraits By Artists Born After 1850 of John Marin, 1928, bronze, Norton Museum, West was dedicated to the artist's friendWilliam Carlos Williams of Rupp, 1949, oil painting, Harmon Foundation, NY http://www.artlex.com/ArtLex/p/portrait.1851-.html | |
94. I690: Joseph Chase (2) (ABT 1760 - 1724) _Louisa M. Harmon _ _Deborah Norton_ available through William Kinsman http://kinsmans.com/genealogy/Kinsman/D0001/G0000098.html | |
95. Yerkes Cemetery - Wayne County, Michigan 7 mos, s/o A. H. Marsh McFarlin, Harmon C., b 12, 1823, d. Sep 24, 1862, same plotNorton, Lucy Salome 4, 1835, d. Jan 15, 1897, His wife Renwick, William D., b http://www.interment.net/data/us/mi/wayne/yerkes/ | |
96. Stanley Milton Stanley (1819) m. Leah Harmon Stanley (1821 Stanley (1810-1892) m. Anna NortonElmina Stanley H. Canaday Margaret Stanley (1835) William Stanley (1839 http://www.fmoran.com/stanley.html | |
97. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Randall To Randlett of Wisconsin state assembly, 1855; circuit judge 2nd Circuit, 1856; Governor of Randall,Bill See William Joseph Randall; Randall, Blanchard of Baltimore, Md. http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/randall-randlett.html | |
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