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61. Seminar Details - Multi-University/Research Lab (MURL) Seminar Series Install NetShow. Seminar Details. Computational Design. Who Mihai Nadin (Universityof Wuppertal). Where Stanford University. When 4/16/1999 1230 PM (Pacific). http://murl.microsoft.com/LectureDetails.asp?260 |
62. Nabil Zarandi The Dawn-Breakers, Trans. By Shoghi Effendi (HTML HTML at LIBRO); Nadin, Mihai The Civilization of Illiteracy (1997) (Gutenbergtext; unofficial until 31 Jan 2001); Naftel, Scott Staffing http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/BookLibrary/books/internet_biblio/n.htm | |
63. Main Heading Goes Here cc to Dr. Masoud Nikravesh (Nikravesh@cs.berkeley.edu) SIG. Chairman.BISC SIG in Anticipation. Mihai Nadin. Nominate A New CoChair. http://www-bisc.cs.berkeley.edu/BISCProgram/Sigs.htm | |
64. Brand Eins Wirtschaftsmagazin Translate this page _Interview Mihai Nadin Der Geistesblitz des Tormanns vorm Elfmeter Das Reichder Freiheit ist nah, sagt der Philosoph und Computerexperte Mihai Nadin. http://www.brandeins.de/magazin/archiv/2002/ausgabe_03/was_wirtschaft_treibt/art | |
65. MIND Quotes from Nadin, Mihai, Mind, Anticipation and Chaos, Beseler Press, it seemsto me that minds can be appropriately described as as succeeding configuration http://www.mind.to/nadinmind.htm | |
66. Digital Horizons Welcome german version German. Executive Editor Mihai Nadin. Editorial Board George Landow(Providence, RI / Singapore). Mihai Nadin (Wuppertal). Frieder Nake (Bremen). http://www.dhorizons.org/english/welcome.htm | |
67. Digital Horizons Introduction Digital Horizons. Executive Editor Mihai Nadin. Editorial Board George Landow(Providence, RI / Singapore). Mihai Nadin (Wuppertal). Frieder Nake (Bremen). http://www.dhorizons.org/english/objectives.htm | |
68. CHI2000 Workshop On Semiotic Approaches To User Interface Design Semiotics for the HCI Community Mihai Nadin's spontaneous contribution. MihaiNadin Computational Design, University of Wuppertal (Germany). http://peirce.inf.puc-rio.br/chi2000ws6/ | |
69. Edupage: October 9, 1997 send mail to listproc@educom.unc.edu with the message subscribe edupage MihaiNadin (if your name is Mihai Nadin; otherwise, substitute your own name). http://www.educause.edu/pub/edupage/archives/97/edupage-1009.html | |
70. The NordiCHI Conference Mihai Nadin. Where is the HUMAN in HCI? From reaction to anticipation Keynote lecture at NordiCHI 2002. Computers are machines. http://www.nordichi.org/mihai.html | |
71. Semiosis-Index Translate this page Mihai Nadin The Repertory of Signs 29. Elisabeth 61. Semiotica folclorului,Editura Academiei, Bucuresti, 1975 (Mihai Nadin) 67. II. http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/semios/eins.html | |
72. Institutsbibliothek Informationswissenschaft - Handapparate Translate this page 1987), S. 21-34. Nadin, Mihai (1988) Interface design A semioticparadigm, in Semiotica 69 (1988) 3/4, S. 269-302. Norman, Donald A http://is.uni-sb.de/vibi/handapp/haidesig.php | |
73. Photo-Essay And Miscellaneous (Part 1) PhotoEssay and Miscellaneous (Part 1). ADVERTISING Nadin, Mihai andRichard D. Zakia. VISUAL ADUCATION (sic). Rochester RIT, 1989. http://www.cahanbooks.com/phessay1.html | |
74. Text Semiotics: Institutions Mann, Bill Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST). Nadin, Mihai Semiotics for theHCI Community. van Dijk, Teun A. Research in Critical Discourse Analysis. http://www.text-semiotics.org/english1.html | |
75. Anticipation: The End Is Where We Start From Prof. Dr. Mihai Nadin BISC Program, UC Berkeley and Chair of Computational DesignUniversity of Wuppertal, Germany. April 18, 2002 320 Soda Hall 400530pm. http://buffy.eecs.berkeley.edu/Seminars/2002/Apr/020418.nadin.html | |
76. SYNCHRON Wissenschaftsverlag Der Autoren Translate this page Peter Bøgh Andersen (Aarhus) Joseph Goguen (San Diego) George Landow (Providence,RI / Singapore) Mihai Nadin (Wuppertal) Frieder Nake (Bremen) C. Sieckenius http://www.synchron-publishers.com/texte/02-digital/02-ein.html | |
77. The Mad Cybrarian's Library: Free Online E-texts - Authors N-Nz Nadin, Mihai The Civilization of Illiteracy (Gutenberg Text Zip). Nagel,Bart Cyberpunk Fakebook (first 3 1/2 chapters) (Gutenberg Text Zip). http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/richmond/88/1libn.htm | |
78. Mattis Teutsch és A Der Blaue Reiter sz. 3. Nadin, Mihai Mattis Teutsch, prefata la catalogul expozitiei retrospective. Nadin,Mihai Mattis Teutsch vocatia pozitiva a nonconformismului. http://mattis.kfki.hu/fuggelek/bibliogr.html | |
79. 1 Buch 2 Bücher 3 Gedanken 4 Ideen : N Vorschläge Translate this page 1 Buch 2 Bücher 3 Gedanken 4 Ideen n Vorschläge Rolf Sachsse 15.02.2000Mihai Nadin erkundet das Leben 'Jenseits der Schriftkultur'. http://www.heise.de/tp/deutsch/inhalt/buch/5792/1.html | |
80. Semiotics Lacan. Jakob von Uexküll Jakob von Uexküll Centre. Mihai NadinNadin Home Page; The Civilization of Illiteracy Book Announcements http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~proedler/semiotik.htm | |
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