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Munro Hector Hugh: more detail |
41. Gopher.quux.org70/Archives/gutenberg/authors.txt John, 18381914 Mulford, Clarence Edward, 1883-1956 Munk, JA (Joseph Amasa), 1847-1927Munro, HH AKA Saki, 1870-1916 Munro, Hector Hugh, 1870-1916 AKA Saki http://gopher.quux.org:70/Archives/gutenberg/authors.txt |
42. Names Index William Morris (18341896) Toni Morrison John Mortimer (1923- ) Edwin Muir (1887-1959)Alice Munro Hector Hugh Munro Saki (1870-1916) Mysteries Mythology http://home.teleport.com/~mgroves/LitResources/names.htm | |
43. 20th Century Sturge Moore (18701944) Toni Morrison (1931- ) John Mortimer (1923- ) Edwin Muir(1887-1959) Alice Munro Hector Hugh Munro Saki (1870-1916) N Vladimir http://home.teleport.com/~mgroves/LitResources/20thCentury.htm | |
44. British Poets M - R Hector Hugh Munro (pseud. Saki ) (18701916). When war broke out enlistedin the Army. Refusing a commission, he served in the ranks. http://www.scuttlebuttsmallchow.com/listbri3.html | |
45. Dr. Anne Simpson's Author Links - M Milton (16081674) Jean Baptiste Moliere (1622-1673) Sir Thomas More (1478-1535)Jane Morgan (1789-1851) John Muir (1838-1914) Hector Hugh Munro (1870-1916). http://www.csupomona.edu/~absimpson/links/authorlinks/simplinkaum.html | |
46. Dr. Anne Simpson's Author Links - S Saki, 18701916 AKA Munro, Hector Hugh, 1870-1916 Sand, George, 1804-1876Carl Sandburg (1878-1967) Sands, George W., ca. 1824-1874 http://www.csupomona.edu/~cmkaplan/links/kaplinkaus.html | |
47. Quotes Of The Day - Qotd.org Buy books by George Santayana; He's simply got the instinct for being unhappy highlydeveloped. Hector Hugh Munro (1870-1916) Send this E-Quote to a friend! http://www.qotd.org/search/search2.phtml?keywords=instinct |
48. Séc. XIX London, Heinemann, 1931. 01606/1. Munro, Hector Hugh (18701916). Death-trap,The. In Munro, Hector Hugh. Penguin Complete Saki, The. http://www.culting.com/crcthe/crcthe09.htm | |
49. Home Page - Saki.com.ar Translate this page Bienvenido. Este sitio está dedicado por entero a Saki, seudónimode Hector Hugh Munro (1870-1916), escritor inglés. Siguiendo http://ar.geocities.com/fernando_niro/saki/home.htm | |
50. This List Has Been Downloaded From 1873 Muir, John, 18381914 Mulford, Clarence Edward, 1883-1956 Munk, JA (JosephAmasa), 1847-1927 Munro, Hector Hugh, 1870-1916 AKA Saki, 1870-1916 Munro, J http://www.discip.crdp.ac-caen.fr/anglais/Carim/teaching activities/gutenberg.ht | |
51. Back All decent people live beyond their incomes nowadays, and those who arent respectablelive beyond other peoples. Saki (Hector Hugh Munro) (18701916). http://www.cfpg.com/common/quotes/ | |
52. Pamyatnye Daty 2000 G. (noyabr'). 130 let nazad rodilsya Gektor H'yu MONRO (SAKI) Hector Hugh Munro (SAKI) (18701916),angliiskii pisatel' i zhurnalist, avtor romana Kogda prishel Uil'yam http://www-lat.rusf.ru/fc/d0012.htm | |
53. Literature On The Web - Saki Home. Literature on the Web. Saki. (Hector Hugh Munro). 18701916.Last updated on February 5, 2003. Texts. For more information about http://www.nku.edu/~gregoryj/lit/s/saki.htm | |
54. Maás Sobre Fucvam Y Los Tiras : Uruguay Indymedia Translate this page absurdo y cómico del hecho bien podría integrar Cuentos de soldados de AmbroseBierce o algunos de los libros de Hector Hugh Munro (1870-1916), más conocido http://uruguay.indymedia.org/news/2003/01/9416_comment.php | |
55. Project Gutenberg: Authors List Munro, Hector Hugh, 18701916 AKA Saki, 1870-1916. Munro, J., 1849-1930. Murray,John. Saki, 1870-1916 AKA Munro, Hector Hugh, 1870-1916. Salza, Giuseppe. http://www.gwd50.k12.sc.us/PG-Authors.htm | |
56. Project Gutenberg Munro, Hector Hugh, 18701916 AKA Saki, 1870-1916. Munro, J., 1849-1930. Saki,1870-1916 AKA Munro, Hector Hugh, 1870-1916. Saltus, Edgar, 1855-1921. http://www.surfsteve.com/gutenberg/authors.htm | |
57. The Lost Continent Of Clarence Edward, 18831956 Munk, JA (Joseph Amasa), 1847-1927 Munro, HH AKA Saki,1870-1916 Munro, Hector Hugh, 1870-1916 AKA Saki, 1870-1916 Munro, J., 1849 http://www.lost.co.nz/main/library/gutenauth.html | |
58. Victorian And Edwardian Collection The return of Mary O'Murrough. London Sands, nd Munro, Hector Hugh, 18701916.Mrs. Elmsley London Constable, 1911. Munro, Neil, 1864-1930. http://www.statelibrary.tas.gov.au/vande/mvande.htm | |
59. City Hall Park Revealed QUOTATION OF THE DAY A little inaccuracy sometimes saves tons of explanation. Saki,aka Hector Hugh Munro (18701916), Scottish Author, The Square Egg End of http://lists.gardencity.net/pipermail/acra-l/1999-September/005805.html | |
60. 47935. Saki, [H.H. (Hector Hugh) Munro]. The Columbia World Of Quotations. 1996 ATTRIBUTION HH (Hector Hugh) Munro Saki (18701916), Scottish author.Reginald, in Reginald at the Carlton, Reginald (1904). http://www.bartleby.com/66/35/47935.html | |
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