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Maturin Charles Robert: more detail | |||||||
21. Index Poe, Edgar Allan, 18091849 Melmoth Reconciled, by Balzac, Honore de, 1799-1850Melmoth The Wanderer a tale, by Maturin, Charles Robert, 1780-1824 Memoir Of http://www.elbooks.sk/angdieloM.html | |
22. Classic Book Author Index, Plays, Religious Manuscripts, Historic Documents, And 18181883 Masefield, John, 1878-1967 Mason, Amelia Ruth Gere Mason, Mary MurdochMasters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950 Maturin, Charles Robert, 1780-1824 Maugham, W http://classicscopy.com/authorindex.htm | |
23. HL d. 1468 Marx, Karl, 18181883 Masefield, John, 1878-1967 Mason, Mary Murdoch Masters,Edgar Lee, 1868-1950 Maturin, Charles Robert, 1780-1824 Maugham, W. http://digilander.libero.it/lazzi/cur.html | |
24. ProQuest Learning: Literature - Online Curriculum Teaching Resources For English Mitchell, Adrian, 1932, Murray, Les A., 1938-. Maturin, Charles Robert, 1780-1824,Moat, John. Maugham, W. Somerset (William Somerset), 1874-1965, Moir, George, N, http://www.lion-schools.co.uk/marketing/author.htm | |
25. Publications Translate this page Université Paul Valéry, Cahiers victoriens et édouardiens, 1992, 200 p. Fierobe,Claude Charles Robert Maturin (1780-1824) L'homme et l'oeuvre. http://www.univ-paris3.fr/recherche/sites/edea/gall-ghael/publications.html | |
26. Records For Gothic Fiction. (other) (in MARION) Maturin, Charles Robert, 17801824. Melmoth the Wanderer a tale;by Charles Robert Maturin ; introduction by William F. Axton. http://vax1.memphis.lib.tn.us/MARION/@GOTHIC FICTION/03273000e000/0 |
27. Literature - France (US Pub Before 1999) Charles Robert Maturin (17801824) L'homme et L'oeuvre / Claude Fierobe1974 /Humanities Press International, Incorporated. Morality http://www.find-out-of-print-books-online.info/french-literature_B-b499.htm | |
28. Kellermeister's Phantastik-FanSite : Fan-Stories Translate this page schreiben sollte. Als wordgewaltigster in unserem Dreigestirn erwiessich jedoch der Ire Charles Robert Maturin (1780-1824). Sind seine http://www.phileas-fogg.de/KMneu/body_fanfiction.html | |
29. RoN - The Coleridge Bulletin standardisation did not prevail in the case of Robert Burns (the O The foundingfatherof Irish gothic is Charles Maturin (1780-1824), a protestant clergyman http://users.ox.ac.uk/~scat0385/bulletin11mays.html |
30. 19th Century Fiction Bibliography London Saunders and Otley 1834 3 v. Preliminaries and contents pages omitted.Charles Robert Maturin, 17801824, Melmoth The Wanderer A Tale. http://setis.library.usyd.edu.au/ncf/browse.html | |
31. Food For Thought Biographies 944. Maturin, Charles Robert (Irish novelist, dramatist), 17801824. Matveyev,Artamon Sergeyevich (Russian politician), 1625-1682. Matzeliger http://www.evcom.net/~tourette/bio/bio_M.htm |
32. Guide Introduction: Southern Women And Their Families In The 19th Codrington (17701851), Felicia Dorothea (Browne) Hemans (1793-1835), the Marquisde Lafayette (1757-1834), Charles Robert Maturin (1780-1824), Hannah More http://www.lexisnexis.com/academic/guides/womens_studies/southern_women/swmnd4.h | |
33. Templeman Library-Special Collections-Playbills-Theatre Royal, Hull author Maturin, Charles Robert, Mr, 17801824. actor Powrie, Thomas,Mr Pritchard, John Langford, Mr Bower, -, Mr O'Brien, -, Miss. http://library.ukc.ac.uk/library/special/Development Area/hulltheatreroyal.htm |
34. New Titles List, Melmoth the wanderer Maturin, Charles Robert, 17801824. Publisher London, England; New York Penguin Books,, 2000. Call Number Fiction Matur.C 2000. http://www.evanston.lib.il.us/library/new-titles/April-02-2001.html | |
35. Gothic - Complete translation came out in 1786); James Wyatt (17461813), the architect of Beckford'sFonthill, among many others; Charles Robert Maturin (1780-1824), author of http://dubnglas.tripod.com/bk_davenport-hines_cp.html |
36. Project Gutenberg Titles Poe, Edgar Allan, 18091849 Melmoth Reconciled, by Balzac, Honore de, 1799-1850Melmoth the Wanderer a tale, by Maturin, Charles Robert, 1780-1824 Memoir of http://www.ncsu.edu/it/open_source/pg-titles.html | |
37. Amazon.co.uk: : Explore Similar Items Fiction. Literature Classics Maturin, Charles Robert, 17801824 ie,each book must be in subject 1 AND subject 2 AND Comment http://www.book-expert.co.uk/r/ukisbn/014044761X.html | |
38. Melmoth The Wanderer (in MARION) Title Melmoth the wanderer / Charles Maturin ; edited with an introductionand notes by Victor Sage. Author Maturin, Charles Robert, 17801824. http://catalog.evanston.lib.il.us/MARION/ACO-7143 | |
39. SWAN /All Libraries Maturana Humberto R 1928 1 Mature Adult Corp 1990 1 Mature Victor 16 Maturi MaryBuckingham 3 Maturi Richard J 11 Maturin Charles Robert 1780 1824 2 Maturin RC http://swan.sls.lib.il.us:90/kids/0,11,13/search/aMaturi, Richard J./amaturi ric | |
40. Browse Nineteenth Century Fiction of contents c=ncf cc=ncf bbidno=NCF2101 bbc=ncf bbaction=add', false) add tobookbag Maturin, Charles Robert, 17801824 Melmoth The Wanderer A Tale. http://www.dlxs.org/products/archive-by-CDROM/8/TextClass/src/web/n/ncf/browsem. | |
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