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81. Katherine Mansfield - Author Details And Biography - The Quotations Page Quotations by Author. Author details Katherine Mansfield (1888 1923).Full Name, Mansfield, Katherine (pseud. of Kathleen Mansfield Beauchamp). http://www.quotationspage.com/author.php?author=Katherine Mansfield |
82. New Zealand Museums On Line - View Museum Detail This is the birthplace of Kathleen Mansfield Beauchamp (18881923), who as KatherineMansfield, became one of the world's best know short story writers and New http://www.nzmuseums.co.nz/MuseumDetail.asp?MuseumID=132 |
83. Katherine Mansfield - Wikipedia Katherine Mansfield. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Katherine Mansfieldserved as the penname for Katherine Beauchamp (1888 - 1923). http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katherine_Mansfield | |
84. Biographien Von Schriftstellerinnen Mansfield, Katherine http://www.jiii.de/dichterinnen-2002/Mansfield/ |
85. Archives Hub: Papers Of John Middleton Murry Murry promoted the work of his wife, Katherine Mansfield, after her death in 1923,and his friendship with DH Lawrence inspired an autobiography of the great http://www.archiveshub.ac.uk/news/murry.html | |
86. Fiction 100: An Anthology Of Short Stories, Ninth Edition Chapter 65 -- Katherin Katherine Mansfield (18881923). Author Links. Katherine Mansfield(18881923) A biography with a bibliography of primary works. http://cwx.prenhall.com/bookbind/pubbooks/pickering/chapter65/custom1/deluxe-con | |
87. Menton Und Katherine Mansfield Translate this page Die neuseeländische Schriftstellerin Katherine Mansfield ( 1888 - 1923)verbrachte vom Frühjahr 1920 an ein ganzes Jahr in Menton. http://www.frankreich-sued.de/menton-server/mansfield.htm | |
88. Author : Katherine Mansfield @ Alto Poetry Meeting, The (by Katherine Mansfield (1888 1923)) Like a horse galloping on alonely road, As loud as a horse galloping past in the night. continue reading. http://www.altopoetry.com/author/katherine-mansfield/index-1.html | |
89. Katherine Mansfield`p¬ìÆ The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://web.kyoto-inet.or.jp/people/fuk-hyyu/writers/Katherine_Mansfield.html | |
90. Matt & Andrej Koymasky - Famous GLTB - Katherine Mansfield BIOGRAPHIES. Last update October 2 nd 2002, Katherine Mansfield (1888 1923) New Zealand Writer. Pen name of Kathleen Beauchamp, born http://andrejkoymasky.com/liv/fam/biom1/mans1.html | |
91. Katherine Mansfield Translate this page Free Lake Scene Screen Saver. Katherine Mansfield. 1888 - 1923. As aparênciasenganam. Por trás da máscara de frágil boneca japonesa http://www.kromuskronopius.freesites.com.br/katherine mansfield.htm |
92. Biography.com Mansfield, Jayne, 1933 1967. Mansfield, Katherine, 1888 1923. Mansfield,Richard, 1854 1907. Manship, Paul (Howard), 1885 1966. Manson, Charles, 1934. http://search.biography.com/bio_browse.pl?letter=M&num=250 |
93. Katherine Mansfield Sai Das Sombras Felicidade , teve a metade do sucesso eo dobro dos amantes de sua companheira http://www.revan.com.br/catalogo/0105c.htm | |
94. Katherine Mansfield Translate this page Katherine Mansfield. 1888 - 1923. Je länger ich lebe, umso überzeugter binich, dass man nur in der Arbeit seine Stärke und sein Heil finden kann. http://www.otium-bremen.de/autoren/a-mansfield.htm | |
95. Graduate Services - Modern Authors Collection Marnet, David 1947. Manifold, John Streeter 1915-. Mansfield, Katherine1888-1923. Marquand, John Phillips 1893-1960. Masefield, John 1878-1967. http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/GRAD/xmac.html | |
96. Xrefer - Content Not Available Content not available Sorry, but your account does not allow access to the requested page of content. Check out the titles available or try a search using the box above. If you have any questions, please give us your feedback. http://www.xrefer.com/entry/365968 | |
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