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61. James Madison James Madison (17511836) 4th President (1809-1817) A descendant of the planteraristocracy, Madison was born in 1751 at Port Conway, King George County http://www.looklistenlearn.org/learn/uspresidents/bio.php?president=4 |
62. Crane Collection Of James And Dolley Madison collection, 78. VIII. Folders used by Jasper E. Crane, 9. Box/FolderListing. I. Works of James Madison (1751-1836). Box/Folder. 1, 1, Original http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/aids/crane.html | |
63. Madison, James The Web, Index. Help. Encyclopaedia. Madison, James. 17511836, 4th Presidentof the United States (1809-17), b. Port Conway, Va. http://www.slider.com/enc/33000/Madison_James.htm | |
64. JAMESMADISON Madison, James (17511836) Statesman, 4th President of the US Madison grew up inVirginia, studied at the College of New Jersey, now Princeton, and returned http://www.multied.com/Bio/RevoltBIOS/MadisonJames.html | |
65. James Madison James Madison (17511836), the Father of our Constitution and our fourth presidentwent to Princeton at 18 with the idea of becoming an Anglican minister, and http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/john_murphy/jamesmadison.html | |
66. James Madison - Founding Fathers - Gallery Of Historical Figures James Madison 17511836. click on photos for a large version-. http://www.galleryhistoricalfigures.com/figures-pages/americans/founders/madison | |
67. Internet Public Library: POTUS James Madison. Father James Madison Mother Nelly Conway Madison MarriedDolley Payne Todd (17681849), on September 15, 1794 Children None. http://ipl.si.umich.edu/div/potus/jmadison.html | |
68. Internet Public Library: POTUS Reference guide provides a summary of the founding father's career. Includes a list of his cabinet members and a collection of important facts. Internet Biographies James Madison from The Presidents of White House. James Madison from The American Presidency further reading. James Madison from The American http://www.ipl.org/ref/POTUS/jmadison.html | |
69. Presidentes De Los Estados Unidos-James Madison Translate this page PRESIDENTES. James Madison. http://www.proyectosalonhogar.com/us_presidents/james_madison.htm | |
70. Biography Of James Madison Short biography from the official White House site.Category Society History Presidents Madison, James......Home History Tours Past Presidents James Madison. James Madison.At his inauguration, James Madison, a small, wizened man, appeared http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/presidents/jm4.html | |
71. In The Liberal Tradition: A History Of Liberty 17291797); Charles Carroll of Carrollton (17371832); ThomasJefferson (17431826); James Madison (17511836); Fisher Ames http://www.acton.org/research/libtrad/ | |
72. 37336. Madison, James. The Columbia World Of Quotations. 1996 QUOTATION Liberty may be endangered by the abuses of liberty as well as by theabuses of power. ATTRIBUTION James Madison (17511836), US president. http://www.bartleby.com/66/36/37336.html | |
73. 37316. Madison, James. The Columbia World Of Quotations. 1996 ATTRIBUTION James Madison (17511836), US president. Madison to GeorgeTucker, June 27, 1836. Madison Papers, Library of Congress. http://www.bartleby.com/66/16/37316.html | |
74. James Madison, 1751 - 1836 Shop for Books. Back, 18C.net Home Texts Links Log Essays Email Index Search, Forward. http://www.18c.net/jammad1718.html | |
75. President James Madison, 1751 - 1836 http://www.morriskatz.com/MuseoNav/presidents/pres4.htm |
76. President James Madison, 1751 - 1836 http://www.morriskatz.com/MuseoEXP/presidents/pres4.htm |
77. Madison, James encyclopediaEncyclopedia Madison, James. Madison, James, 17511836,4th President of the United States (180917), b. Port Conway, Va. http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0831073 |
78. World Almanac For Kids Madison, James (17511836), fourth president of the US (180917).Known as the father of the Constitution because of his central http://www.worldalmanacforkids.com/explore/presidents/madison_james.html | |
79. Paul Jennings, B. 1799. A Colored Man's Reminiscences Of James University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Libraries. Paul Jennings, b. 1799A Colored Man's Reminiscences of James Madison. Brooklyn GC Beadle, 1865. http://docsouth.unc.edu/neh/jennings/menu.html |
80. James Madison - Quotes And Quotations Author James Madison, 1751 1836, - A pure democracy is a - A well regulatedmilitia - Democracy is the most vile - Do not separate text from http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/j/a128552.html | |
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