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Mackay Charles: more books (22) | |||
21. C. Mackay Charles MacKay (18141889). Texts. How oft along the woodland way Elgar (Thewoodland stream); O streamlet, swiftly flowing Elgar (The rapid stream); http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/m/cmackay/ | |
22. When Swallows Fly When swallows fly. Text by Charles MacKay (18141889) Set by Sir EdwardElgar (1857-1934), 1922. boys' choir, piano When swallows http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/m/cmackay/s.html | |
23. Charles MacKay At The Mad Cybrarian's Library The Mad Cybrarian's Library. Charles MacKay. 18141889. Memoirs ofExtraordinary Popular Delusions (SUBJECT Impostors and imposture http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/richmond/88/MacKay-Charles.html | |
24. The Mad Cybrarian's Library: Free Online E-texts - Authors M-Md TXT ZIP. MacKay, Charles, 1814-1889. MacKay, Isabel Ecclestone (1875-1928).Biography at Celebration of Women Writers Macleod, Fiona http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/richmond/88/1libm.htm | |
25. BrothersJudd.com - Review Of Charles MacKay's Extraordinary Popular Delusions & Extraordinary Popular Delusions the Madness of Crowds (1841). AuthorInfo Charles MacKay 18141889 Well, I haven't yet been able http://www.brothersjudd.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/reviews.detail/book_id/1127/Ext | |
26. BrothersJudd.com - Books By Charles MacKay Reviewed Extraordinary Popular Delusions the Madness of Crowds (1841) Charles MacKay(1814-1889) (GradeA) Copyrighted 1998-2003 by BrothersJudd.com Compare new http://www.brothersjudd.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/reviews.authlist/author_id/943 | |
27. Www.pdmusic.org/russell/hr43tdotr.txt Sung by Mrs. Howard Paul, in her popular entertainment Words by Charles MacKay Esqre.,18141889. The Music by Henry Russell, 1812-1900. New York, NY Wm. http://www.pdmusic.org/russell/hr43tdotr.txt |
28. EBooks2Go :: Charles Mackay :: Extraordinary Popular Delusions Charles MacKay,(18141889).Poet and journalist, son of a naval officer, was bornat Perth, and ed. at the Royal Caledonian Asylum, London, and at Brussels http://www.ebooks2go.com/book.cfm?bookid=VPGI1050 |
29. EBooks2Go :: Charles Mackay Charles MacKay,(18141889).Poet and journalist, son of a naval officer,was born at Perth, and ed. at the Royal Caledonian Asylum, London, and...... http://www.ebooks2go.com/author.cfm?authorid=VPGI149 |
30. George Augustus Sala Correspondence 3, 242, MacFarland, WW. 2, 157, Macgregor, John, 18251892. 2, 91, MacKay, Charles,1814-1889. 2, 125, . 3, 274, Madden, Edward Cummings. 2, 106, Mannins, Marie,1821-1849. http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/aids/sala.html |
31. OSB MSS FILE expand/contract this heading, MacKay, A. expand/contract this heading, MacKay,Charles, 18141889. expand/contract this heading, MacKay, HUGH, 1640-1692. http://webtext.library.yale.edu/xml2html/beinecke.osbflm.nav.html | |
32. ResAnet Results Summary RecordMacKay, Charles, 18141889. Life and liberty in America, or, Sketchesof a tour in the United States and Canada in 1857-8 / by Charles MacKay. http://www.amicus.nlc-bnc.ca/wbin/resanet/resultsm/l=0/r=1/e=0/d=1/s=s/n=SK/h=10 | |
33. Listing Of Authors Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron, 18001859, Translator Mackail, JW (John William),1859-1945, Translator MacKay, Charles, 1814-1889, Editor Macphail, Andrew http://www.e-text.worldwide-library.org/editors_translators.htm | |
34. Stedman, Edmund Clarence, 1833-1908. Victorian Poets, Extra-illustrated: Guide. ANs (EB Lytton) to; London, nd 1l. Inserted in *451361. (vI,p. 274). (29) MacKay, Charles, 1814-1889. ALs (Chas. MacKay) to http://oasis.harvard.edu/dfap/html/hou01523.html | |
35. Hoar, George Frisbie, 1826-1904, Collector. Autograph Collection: Guide. (134) MacKay, Charles, 18141889. The lost day. A.MS.s.; London, 17Oct 1884. 1s.(2p.). (135) Macready, William Charles, 1793-1873. http://oasis.harvard.edu/html/hou00676.html | |
36. Manuscripts Catalogue Charles MacKay 18141889, 6 entries. The kelpie. Dramatic cantata for soli, chorusand orchestra. Poem by Charles MacKay. Set to music by Learmont Drysdale. http://special.lib.gla.ac.uk/manuscripts/search/resultsn.cfm?NID=156&RID= |
37. Resources MacKay, Charles (18141889). 1841. Extraordinary Popular Delusions andthe Madness of Crowds. 1980 Edition. New York, NY Crown Publishers. http://www.robertburgoyne.com/books.htm |
38. Index Translate this page MacClure, Victor, 1887- Gutenberg MacDonald, George, 1824-1905 Gutenberg MacGrath,Harold, 1871-1932 Gutenberg MacKay, Charles, 1814-1889 Gutenberg Macaulay http://www.elbooks.sk/angautM.html | |
39. Index Volume 30 Old Age And Death, by Casanova, Giacomo, 17251798 Memoirs Of ExtraordinaryPopular Delusions Volume 1, by MacKay, Charles, 1814-1889 Memoirs Of http://www.elbooks.sk/angdieloM.html | |
40. Index MacKay, Charles (18141889) Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions http://www.changanyouth.xahu.edu.cn/pages/novel/M/ | |
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