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81. Persival Lowell Translate this page Astronomía Autodidacta, PRINCIPAL. Percival Lowell. © 2001. Carlos AndrésCarvajal T. Astrónomo Autodidacta. Percival Lowell (1855 - 1916). http://almaak.tripod.com/biografias/Lowell.htm | |
82. Arts/Literature/Authors/L/Lowell,_Percival,_the_Astronomer that way. URL HTTP//www.bibliomania.com/NonFiction/Lowell/Mars/index.htmlPercival Lowell (18551916) Short biography. URL http http://www.arts-entertainment-recreation.com/Arts/Literature/Authors/L/Lowell,_P | |
83. Une Petite Histoire De L'observation Martienne : Les Canaux De Mars Translate this page la vie martienne. Ces théories auront beaucoup d'influence sur CamilleFlammarion et bien sûr, Percival Lowell (1855 - 1916). http://www.nirgal.net/canaux.html | |
84. Percival Lowell Translate this page Percival Lowell (1855 - 1916). http://www.pianeta-marte.it/nasce_aerografia/lowell/percival_lowell.htm | |
85. Lowell Translate this page Lowell Percival (1855 - 1916). Astronome américain.Il a fondé àFlagstaff dans l'Arizona un observatoire spécialement consacré http://perso.wanadoo.fr/planetica/astro_dico/lowell.htm | |
86. Marmot Library Network /Marmot Edwin P 1889 1953 1998 1 12 Astronomers Discoveries In Science Lowell Percival 18551916 Planetology Comparative Pluto Planet Tombaugh Clyde 1907 1997 1998 1. http://www.millennium.marmot.org:90/kids/10,376,499/search/d?astronomers |
87. Astronomie24.info - Vorträge/Entdeckungen Am Rande Des Sonnensystems Translate this page Neptun verblieb. Es gab da also noch ein Problem. Und es gab einen,der sich dieses Problems annahm Percival Lowell (1855 - 1916). http://www.astronomie24.info/vortraege/v_0003/pluto.php | |
88. Astro-Lexikon L Lowell, Percival (18551916); Luftschleuse; Luftturbulenz;Lunar Orbiter; Lunochod. Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Andreas Bergweiler. http://www.space-odyssey.de/lexl.htm | |
89. Lexikon A12 Translate this page Darstellung der kinetischen Wärmetheorie. Lowell, Percival (18551916).Amerikanischer Astronom und Schriftsteller. Er vertrat die http://www.space-odyssey.de/al12.htm | |
90. The Nine Planets Glossary a year. linea elongate marking. liter = 1000 cm3 = 1.06 US quartsLowell, Percival 18551916. American astronomer. He founded the http://www.deepspace.ucsb.edu/ia/nineplanets/help.html | |
91. IntheBeginningIX14.html longperiod comets 1, 2, 3. Lorenzi, Rossella 1. Love, SG 1. Løvtrup, Soren 1. Lowell,Percival (18551916) 1. Lowenstein, J. 1. Lucipara Ridge 1. Lucy 1, 2, 3, 4. http://www.creationscience.com/onlinebook/IntheBeginningIX14.html | |
92. Mars: The Martian Mystique - History - 1800's 1894 Percival Lowell (1855 1916) begins observation of Mars at hisobservatory in Flagstaff, Arizona. That same year, Edward Emerson http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/mystique/history/1800.html | |
93. Los Canales De Marte Translate this page La leyenda adquirió mayor fuerza en manos de un diplomático estadounidense llamadoPercival Lowell (1855-1916), quien, al enterarse de los supuestos canales http://lectura.ilce.edu.mx:3000/sites/3milenio/vidaex/htm/sec_10.htm |
94. Untitled Document Collection of astronomical links.Category Science Astronomy Personal Pages......Mr. C's Science World of Astronomy! /http//www.ac.wwu.edu/~stephan/Astronomy/planets.html ,Our Solar System, The Nine Planets. BEYOND http://members.aol.com/dcammaro/mrc_s_universe/satrs.html | |
95. Scientists, In Alphabetical Order http://outreach.as.utexas.edu/eso/slides/aa.html | |
96. ü¯¬@¯Ìf[^x[X The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.town.bisei.okayama.jp/stardb/dat/jinmei/dat_j_ro.html | |
97. ËÎÂÅËË, ÏÅÐÑÈÂÀËÜ The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.krugosvet.ru/articles/39/1003957/1003957a1.htm | |
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