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81. Experience Literature - Poetry Back to List Amy Lowell (18741925) Patterns LINKS Poetry of Amy Lowell http//www.sappho.com/poetry/historical/a_Lowell.htmlThis page on Lowell includes a http://www.bedfordstmartins.com/experience_literature7e/poetry/lowell.htm | |
82. Amy Lowell Amy Lowell. All books are either dreams or swords, You can cut, or you candrug, with words. Amy Lowell (from Sword Blades and Poppy Seed). http://www.angelfire.com/mi2/rainbowhaven/lowell.html | |
83. Amy Lowell Holly. Click here for more info. Amy Lowell. From sappho.com. Amy Lowell, ImpressionistPoet. From American Solons, Case Western Reserve University. Excerpt http://www.queertheory.com/histories/l/lowell_amy.htm | |
84. AMY LOWELL Translate this page Amy Lowell. 1874- 1925. Io vorrei essere il rosa el'argento. Iovorrei essere il rosa e l'argento nel correre lungo i sentieri, ed http://digilander.libero.it/xlisabeth/valentinolowell.htm | |
85. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection To the lobby of the Internet Public Library. Online Literary Criticism Collection.Amy Lowell (1874 1925). Nationality American, Periods American 20th Century. http://www.ipl.org.ar/cgi-bin/ref/litcrit/litcrit.out.pl?au=low-167 |
86. Amy Lowell Amy Lowell 1874 1925. Biography. Born into the powerful Lowell familyof Massachusetts, Amy Lowell chose not to become a complacent http://www.wwnorton.com/college/english/naal5/explore/alowell.htm | |
87. Amy Lowell Quotes - The Quotations Page Us. Quotations by Author. Amy Lowell (1874 1925) US critic poetmore author details. Showing quotations 1 to 1 of 1 total, Art http://www.quotationspage.com/quotes/Amy_Lowell/ | |
88. Amy Lowell - Author Details And Biography - The Quotations Page Quotations by Author. Author details Amy Lowell (1874 1925). Full Name,Lowell, Amy. Biography, US critic poet; sister of Percival Lowell. http://www.quotationspage.com/author.php?author=Amy Lowell |
89. Amy Lowell Translate this page Amy Lowell 1874 - 1925. Frühlings Tagundnachtgleiche. Der Duft vonHyazinthen, wie ein blasser Nebel, liegt zwischen mir und dem Buch. http://mitglied.lycos.de/beschka/inhalt/lowell.htm | |
90. Amy Lowell Amy Lowell (Ýìè Ëîóýë, 1874 1925). American Poet,Editor, and Critic, winner of the 1926 Pulitzer Prize http://members.tripod.com/poetry_pearls/ePoets/LowellA.htm | |
91. Amy Lowell The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://members.tripod.com/poetry_pearls/Poets/LowellA.htm | |
92. GIGA Quote Author Page For Amy Lowell GIGA QUOTES BY AUTHOR Amy Lowell Americanpoet, critic and lecturer (1874 1925), http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/quautlowellamyx001.htm | |
93. AMY LOWELL vetro multicolore , 1912; Lame di spada e semi di papavero , 1914; Uomini http://www.la-poesia.it/stranieri/inglesi/americani/vari/lowell_modelli.htm |
94. Rutgers University Press Amy Lowell (18741925) was one of the most influential and bestknownwriters of her era. As a herald of the New Poetry, she saw http://rutgerspress.rutgers.edu/acatalog/__Selected_Poems_of_Amy_Lowell_1013.htm | |
95. Ǩըѹ·Ãìà´×͹µØÅÒ¤Á You came to me in the pale starting of Spring, And I could not see the world Forthe blue mist of wonder before my eyes Amy Lowell Amy Lowell. (1874 1925) http://faylicity.com/verse/amy/install.html | |
96. Isle Of Lesbos We're sorry; the page you've tried to reach is no longer on this site. The page may have been moved to another location, or it may be part of a section that was removed. You can use the navigation bar above to jump to a specific section of the Isle http://www.sappho.com/poetry/a_lowell.htm | |
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98. KataLibri | Oblita Carmina http://www.kwlibri.kataweb.it/oblita/oblita_051202.shtml | |
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