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81. Eliade, Mircea Translate this page Loti, Pierre Pseudònim de Julián Viaud (1850 - 1923). Escriptor iperiodista. Biografia Obres *1879 - Aziyadé. Extrait des notes http://personal.redestb.es/fglezr/Loti.htm | |
82. KALÝD-KÜLTÜR TURU 20 Ekim Pazar Günü Eyüp-Balat Kültür Pierre Loti Yasadigi sürede belki hiçbir yazar Pierre Loti (1850 1923) kadarövülüp göklere çikarilmamistir; asil adi Julien Viaud olan Loti http://www.kalid.org/showmessage.asp?messageID=415 |
83. Paul's Gay Stamps: "Out Of The Closet" The Victorian Age, Page 1 Pierre Loti. (1850 1923). NOVELIST. Octagonal ship cancel. Postedaboard the Isle de France,. Lehavre to New York, 15 February 1939. http://www.paulsgaystamps.com/The Victorian Age/The_Victorian_Age_Page_1.htm | |
84. About France: Lod - Loz Translate this page Mehr Info. Loti, Pierre frz. Schriftsteller (1850 - 1923). Mehr Info.Loudun Gemeinde im Departement Vienne (Poitou-Charentes). Mehr Info. http://www.about-france.de/l/lod.html | |
85. The 19th Century - Page 12 Act IV. Pierre Loti 1850 1923. Art, literature and music in the secondhalf of the 19th. century were much influenced by Eastern exoticism. http://home.prcn.org/~pauld/opera/19cent12.htm | |
86. 2xenkel De wandeling naar het café is een zalige klim doorheen een fascinerende islamitischebegraafplaats. Pierre Loti (1850 1923) was een succesvol schrijver. http://www.tvdewereld.be/2Xenkel/archief/istanbul/top.html | |
87. IUB Libraries: French Contemporary Authors Approval Plan - Author List - Born Be Translate this page LITTRE, Emile, 1801, 1881. LORRAIN, Jean, 1855, 1906. Loti, Pierre, 1850, 1923.LOUYS, Pierre, 1870, 1925. LUBAC, le P. Henri Sonier de, 1896, 1989. LUNEL, Armand,1892, 1977. http://www.indiana.edu/~libmps/ap/fauthor.html | |
88. Untitled Document Deniz subayi ve yazar Ünlü Fransiz romanci Pierre Loti, 18501923yillari arasinda yasadi. Gerçek adi Louis Marie http://www.eyup-bld.gov.tr/sayfalar/ajanda/piyerloti.htm | |
89. Azalay E.V.- Literaturtipps 3 (Belletristik) Translate this page die Gelegenheit dazu. Pierre Loti (1850 - 1923), mit bürgerlichemNamen Julien Viaud, war Marineoffizier. Reisen nach Nord- und http://www.azalay.de/literaturtipps3.html | |
90. Matt & Andrej Koymasky - Famous GLTB L-2 Lorne, Marquis of, * 1845 + 1914 UK, ? Lorrain, Jean, * 1855 + 1906 - France,Writer. Loti, Pierre, * 1850 + 1923 - France, Writer. Loud, Lance, * ? + ? http://andrejkoymasky.com/liv/fam/faml2.html | |
91. Riedl Frigyes: Arany János állatai író. Természetleírásai új színnel gazdagították az oroszprózát. Loti, Pierre (18501923) francia író. Kemény http://www.iif.hu/~visontay/ponticulus/hidveres/riedl-arany.html | |
92. Buchkategorien @sec52 http://www.sec52.ch/ | |
93. Fédération Nationale Du Patrimoine http://www.patrimoine.asso.fr/francais/promo/ | |
94. Oscar Wilde Collection http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/research/fa/wilde.html | |
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