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Livingstone David: more books (47) | |||||||
61. Livingstone Why the name? Livingstone, the program, is named after David Livingstone(18131873), the 19th century medical missionary and explorer. http://ic.arc.nasa.gov/ic/projects/mba/projects/livingstone.html | |
62. Biographien - Archiv Translate this page de/test.php3?S_Sortie rName=6216 Livingstone, David http//www.heiligenlexikon.de/BiographienD/David_Livingstone.htm Livingstone, David (1813-1873) http//www http://www.biografien-im-netz.de/archiv.php?Letter=L&Page=1100 |
63. GROS - Hall Of Fame: Miscellaneous 1711 (685.1/15, Fr 4216). Livingstone or LIVINGSTON, David (18131873).Explorer and missionary in Africa. He worked in the local http://www.gro-scotland.gov.uk/grosweb/grosweb.nsf/pages/hall_mis | |
64. Bomis Search Results: Victoria And David Get admissions details. www.uvic.ca. 6. David Livingstone (18131873) Victoria Falls - Zimbabwe / Zambia - African Safari, July 1999. http://www.bomis.com/searchring.fcgi?request=Victoria and David |
65. Lancaster County Library System /All Locations Subject, Livingstone, David, 18131873 Juvenile literature. Livingstone, David,1813-1873. Explorers Africa, Southern Biography Juvenile literature. http://catalog.lancasterlibraries.org/search/dMissionaries, medical -- Alaska -- |
66. Tulsa City-County Library /All Locations Subject, Livingstone, David, 18131873 Juvenile literature. Explorers Africa,Southern Biography Juvenile literature. Livingstone, David, 1813-1873. http://opac.tulsalibrary.org:90/kids/11,377/search/dexplorers/dexplorers/1,152,1 | |
67. Tulsa City-County Library /All Locations 1 Livingston Parish Prospecting Louisiana 1992 1 Livingston Region Geology Montana1966 1 Livingstone Craig 1996 1 Livingstone David 1813 1873 12 Livingstone http://opac.tulsalibrary.org:90/kids/11,377/search/dLivingstone, David, 1813-187 | |
68. David Livingstone - AnsMe.com Dictionary (define) David Livingstone (noun) . 1. Scottish missionary and explorer who discoveredthe Zambezi River and Victoria Falls (1813-1873) Synonyms Livingstone. http://define.ansme.com/words/d/david_livingstone.html | |
69. The OSU Black Studies Library ISN/OTHER = 1571819886 (acidfree paper). ISN/OTHER = 1571813101 (pbk. acid-freepaper). CALL = DT731 .L79 2001. AUTHOR = Livingstone, David, 1813-1873. http://www.lib.ohio-state.edu/bslweb/March.html | |
70. Waukegan Public Library /All Locations Trusts United States Popular Works 2002 1 Living Wills see Right To Die 1Livingston David 1813 1873 see Livingstone David 1813 1873 1 Livingston http://catalog.waukeganpl.org:90/kids/0,10,376/search/dLivingstone, David, 1813- | |
71. Copyright 1996 Jarkko Karuranta imperiumiin. David Livingstone (18131873). D.Livingstone oli englantilainenlääkärilähetyssaarnaaja ja tutkimusmatkailija. Livingstone http://www.sci.fi/~ivanoff/imperial.htm | |
72. DAVID LIVINGSTONE David Livingstone (18131873), the Scottish missionary and explorer ofAfrica, personified for Britain the higher cause of imperialism. http://www.cooper.edu/humanities/classes/coreclasses/hss3/d_livingstone.html | |
73. Note: David Livingstone Livingstone, David (18131873) A Scottish doctor and missionary to SouthAfrica who explored the Zambezi river and later the Nile (1865-1871). http://courses.washington.edu/hum523/india/notes/livingst.html | |
74. May 01 - Articles - Missionary Spotlight - Zambia - Livingstone Planted The Seed except Livingstone. Zambias tourist capital is still named afterthe great missionary explorer, Dr David Livingstone (18131873). http://www.evangelical-times.org/Articles/May01/may01a06.htm | |
75. BBC - History - David Livingstone (1813 - 1873) One of seven children, Livingstone was raised in poverty which he escaped to become an explorer. His obsession with finding the source of the Nile led eventually to his death. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/livingstone_david.shtml | |
76. David Livingstone David Livingstone 1813 1873. David Livingstone was born the son of deeplyreligious but humble parents, who lived near Glasgow, Scotland. http://www.cantonbaptist.org/halloffame/livingstone.htm | |
77. Auszüge Aus Dem Buch ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA Livingstone Seitenübersicht. Bücherliste. Excerpt from the book ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICALivingstone, David (1813 1873). Printing 1969 Volume 14 Page Nr. http://members.aol.com/kitandililo/buch_britannica1969a.htm | |
78. David Livingstone And The Victorian Encounter With Africa (in MARION) David Livingstone and the Victorian encounter with Africa. Title David Livingstoneand the Victorian encounter with Africa / National Portrait Gallery. http://vax.vmi.edu/MARION/ABE-4506 | |
79. David Livingstone 1813 1873. David Livingstone was born on March 19, 1813 in Blantyre,Scotland to devout Christian parents. Listening to a celebrated http://www.teens-4-christ.com/Book Reports/DLivingstone.htm | |
80. Title Author Dewey Subjects DL Moody Harvey, Bonnie C. YOUTH 920 Janet, 1958, Youth 920, MissionariesAfricaJuvenile biography.\Christian biographyJuvenilebiography.\Livingstone, David, 1813-1873Juvenile biography. http://www.unioncenter.org/Library/SortedTitles/BooksByTitle_D.htm | |
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