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21. Index Bird (18691938) Indian Why Stories Lindsay, David (1876-1945) A Voyageto Arcturus Lindsay, Vachel (1879-1931) The Chinese Nightingale http://www.changanyouth.xahu.edu.cn/pages/novel/L/ | |
22. Architectural Archives Of The University Of Pennsylvania Cret, Paul Philippe 18761945; Cunningham, Warren William b. 1922; DACP (David A.Crane Alexander b. 1921; Eyre, Wilson 1858-1944; Falck, Lindsay b. 1934; http://www.upenn.edu/gsfa/archives/archives/collection.htm |
23. Authors J-L 18091865 Lincoln, Joseph Crosby, 1870-1944 Lincoln, Natalie Sumner, 1885-1935 Linderman,Frank Bird, 1869-1938 Lindsay, David, 1876-1945 Lindsay, Vachel, 1879 http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/j-l.htm | |
24. Publice Domain E-Books By Title Project Gutenberg, 1999. A Voyage To Abyssinia, Lobo, Father Jerome. Project Gutenberg,1999. A Voyage To Arcturus, Lindsay, David, 18761945. Project Gutenberg, 1999. http://library.morgan.edu/electron/ebook/public.htm | |
25. Index Translate this page Natalie Sumner, 1885-1935 Gutenberg Linderman, Frank Bird, 1869-1938 Gutenberg Lindlahr,Henry, 1862-1924 Gutenberg Lindsay, David, 1876-1945 Gutenberg Lindsay http://www.elbooks.sk/angautL.html | |
26. Index The, by Darwin, Charles, 18091882 Voyage to Abyssinia, A, by Lobo, Jeronimo, 1596?-1678Voyage to Arcturus, A, by Lindsay, David, 1876-1945 Voyager's Tales http://www.elbooks.sk/angdieloV.html | |
27. Cantillon / Cantlin INDEX 18281904) John (1785- ) John John (1860- ) John William (1862-1918) Julia (1860-) Julia (1876-1945) Julia ( - ) Margaret David Lindsay M Michael R http://www.wrhine.com/gen/cantillon/fowndx.html | |
28. Netlibraryfreebooks A Voyage To Abyssinia, Lobo, Father Jerome, Project Gutenberg, 1999.A Voyage To Arcturus, Lindsay, David, 18761945. Project Gutenberg, 1999. http://www.tam.itesm.mx/informatica/belectronica/Netlibraryfreebook.htm | |
29. Index; HTML: Frigault Translate this page 1957) Lilly May (1881-1957) Lindsay (1980- ) Line Louis-David (1863-1934) Louis-David(1863-1934 Peter Laurent (1962- ) Philarome (1876-1945) Philarome (1876 http://www.mouseworks.net/frigault/genealogy/frign00i.htm | |
30. Athelstan Cemetery James Russell Tully 18761945 age 69. Mary A Munro wife 1839-1874 age35, David Watson 1839-1923 age 84. Lindsay D Watson 1872-1957 age 85. http://www.rootsweb.com/~qchuntin/athcem.htm | |
31. Visual Resources Files: One Person Shows: ---L--- LINDROTH, LINDA. Lindsay, ARTURO 1946. LINDSTROM, GAELL. LODATO, PETER. LOEB, David.LOEBELL, ROBERT. LONDON, EDITH. LONDON, FRANK MARSDEN 1876-1945. LONENTZEN, IDA. http://www.lib.uconn.edu/art/VisualResourcesFiles/shows_l.htm | |
32. The SF Site Featured Review: Lives Of The Monster Dogs imagination and writing quality, numerous other imaginative literature authors, fromEdgar Rice Burroughs (18751950) to David Lindsay (1876-1945) and some http://www.sfsite.com/10b/dogs43.htm | |
33. JMH Contents: Vol. 67, No. 2 David HARRIS SACKS. 437, Lindsay Wilson, Women and Medicine in the French Monnet,Refaire la République André Tardieu, une dérive réactionnaire, 18761945. http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/JMH/v67n2toc.html | |
34. INDEX Herbert ( ) Jill ( - ) Jonathon ( - ) Lindsay ( - ) Mamie ( - ) Sanford Lillie(1876-1945) Morris David Gordon ( - ) Isabel Julian ( - ) Lauren Rose Ryan http://www.pacificnet.net/~faigin/ftree/fowndx.html | |
35. Holy Trinity Anglican Cemetery, Country Harbour Mines - Guysborough County, NS Grace E. 18981954 HENDERSON, Felix David 1880-1958 HUDSON, Billy 1876-1945 HUDSON,William 1876-1945 Stella May 1911 HUDSON, John Rd 1956 Lindsay Ad 1971 http://www.angelfire.com/ca4/Patsy/holytrin.html | |
36. Book People: Additions To The IPL Online Texts Collection 05-17-01 Pt 2/3 www.litrix.com/mainstrt/mains001.htm Dewey Subjects 813.083 American and CanadianSociological, Psychological, Realistic Fiction Lindsay, David, 18761945. http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/bplist/archive/2001/2001-05-21$2.html | |
37. Project Gutenberg: Authors List Lincoln, Natalie Sumner, 18851935. Linderman, Frank Bird, 1869-1938. Lindsay,David, 1876-1945. Lindsay, Vachel, 1879-1931. Ling, Princess Der. http://www.gwd50.k12.sc.us/PG-Authors.htm | |
38. INDEX Albert James (18761945) Alexzandra Alfred Charles (1874- ) Alfred Henry (1856-1856 Lindsay. BrianColin Joseph Connell Narran (1899-1974) David Barrie David http://www.tyetree.com/anc/T10/fowndx1.html | |
39. British & Irish Authors On The Web Divided by time period.Category Arts Literature Poetry Directories...... Greg (18751959); Hubert Henry Davies (1876-1917); David Lindsay(1876-1945); Frank Richards (1876-1961); George Macaulay Trevelyan http://www.lang.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~matsuoka/UK-authors.html | |
40. Great Books: Author-Title Index (See also Lincoln, Abraham) Debates. Recommended by Aquinas. Lindsay,David, English, 18761945. A Voyage to Arcturus. Recommended http://www.interleaves.org/~rteeter/grtabc3.html | |
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