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41. Ask Jeeves: Search Results For "Detective Lupin" Popular Web Sites for Detective Lupin . Search Results 1 10 Ranked by Popularity,Next . 1. Arsne Lupin Created by Maurice LeBlanc (1864-1941). http://webster.directhit.com/webster/search.aspx?qry=Detective Lupin |
42. Caxtonian: March 2002 notes Bob Cotner told me that a Caxtonian asked whether I would care to writean essay about Arsene Lupin and its creator, Maurice LeBlanc (18641941). http://www.caxtonclub.org/reading/2002/Mar/lupin.htm | |
43. Index Psychology of Revolution LeBlanc, Maurice (18641941) The CrystalStopper Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan (1814-1873) The Purcell Papers http://www.changanyouth.xahu.edu.cn/pages/novel/L/ | |
44. Stories, Listed By Author LeBlanc, Maurice (Marie Emile) (18641941) Arsène Lupin in Prison *ArseneLupin, (nv) The Exploits of Arsène Lupin, New York Harper, 1907 http://contento.best.vwh.net/mags/s62.html | |
46. Maurice Maurice Maeterlinck (18621949) Belgian playwright. Maurice LeBlanc (1864-1941)French author. Maurice Denis (1870-1943) French artist. http://www.geocities.com/edgarbook/names/m/maurice.html | |
47. Maurice Seymour .. by birthday from the calendar. Credits and feedback Maurice LeBlanc(18641941) French author and journalist, Lupin a fait cela. http://www.mykristi.org/printer-ink.htm |
48. Le Roman Policier Translate this page LeBlanc, Maurice (1864-1941). A connu un immense succès dès la parution deson premier roman en 1908 Arsène Lupin , gentleman cambrioleur. Mais aussi http://www.ac-versailles.fr/pedagogi/gep-documentation/polar.htm | |
49. Listing Of Authors Lamb, Mary, 17641847 Landsat Pathfinder, US Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912 Lang, Andrew,1844-1912, Translator LeBlanc, Maurice, 1864-1941 Legge, James, 1815-1897 http://www.e-text.worldwide-library.org/editors_translators.htm | |
50. Libération - Cahier Livres Translate this page LeBlanc, Maurice (1864-1941) Arsène Lupin - Tout sur Arsène Lupin et sonauteur la maison de l'auteur, les adaptations cinématographiques. http://www.liberation.com/livres/sites/auteur/auteurl.html | |
51. Catalogo Sf, Fantasy E Horror, A Cura Di Ernesto VEGETTI ( Translate this page st. vedi/see *** vedi René REBETEZ-CORTES ps. Maurizio (Maurice) LeBlanc(1864-1941) Rif./1st Pub. = 1929 = 1) L'isola delle Trenta Bare, tr. http://www.fantascienza.com/catalogo/A0349.htm | |
52. FranceGenWeb - Seine-Maritime - Communes Dont Le Nom Commence Par Un J Translate this page Maurice LeBlanc (1864-1941), le père d'Arsène Lupin, vint souventen vacances à Jumièges, il résidait face à l'abbaye. Roger http://lpessiot.free.fr/normandiegw/76/communes/communesJ.htm | |
53. Francia - Guida Di SuperEva Translate this page Fontenelle (1657-1757). Bosquet, Amélie (1815-1904). Flaubert, Gustave(1821-1880). LeBlanc, Maurice (1864-1941) Padre di Arsenio Lupin. http://guide.supereva.it/francia_/interventi/2001/11/78107.shtml | |
54. Arsenio Lupín, Caballero Ladrón, Arsenio Lupín, Caballero Ladrón Translate this page más información sobre este autor. Arsène Lupin Más datos sobreeste personaje literario creado por Maurice LeBlanc (1864-1941). http://galeon.hispavista.com/arseniolupin/ | |
55. Who's Who In Duckburg - Arpin Lusène There is no doubt that Don Rosa was inspired by the novels of the famous Frenchauthor Maurice LeBlanc (18641941) when he invented Arpin Lusène. http://duckman.pettho.com/characters/lusene.html | |
56. Thomas.clavier : Maurice Leblanc Translate this page elle est en construction. Merci de votre indulgence. LeBlanc, Maurice(1864-1941), écrivain français. Il doit essentiellement sa http://thomas.clavier.free.fr/LITERATURE/lupin.html | |
57. Forthcoming Books, September 2001 Toronto Penguin, 2001. ISBN 0-14-100169-0 I. Title. PR6062 E42C66 2001b 823'.914 0110. LeBlanc, Maurice, 1864-1941. The Arsène http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/forthbks/2001-09/en/e800.htm | |
58. The SF Site Featured Review: Great Ghost Stories/Great Horror Stories Pamela Hansford Johnson, Ghost of Honour, 228. DH Lawrence (18851930), The Womanwho Rode Away, 335. Maurice LeBlanc (1864-1941), Arsène Lupin in Prison, 323. http://www.sfsite.com/05a/gh127.htm | |
59. Kalendar' Fantastiki: Pamyatnye Daty 2001 G. (noyabr'). sobytie . Dopolnitel'nye ssylki Maurice LeBlanc (18641941) MauriceLeBlanc Maurice LeBlanc Books Central. 7 NOYaBRYa. Mark ALDANOV, http://www-lat.rusf.ru/fc/d0111.htm | |
60. The U Of MT -- Mansfield Library LangFing French Pt. 34 Translate this page Paris RID - ITEM fre03314 448.6421 LeBlanc, Maurice, 1864-1941 L445cLes confidences d'Arsene Lupin RID 39-16778 ITEM fre00971 791.50944 Le http://www.lib.umt.edu/guide/lang/fren34h.htm | |
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