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Ian Janis: more detail |
81. FortuneCity > Error Dwight Yoakam, Vocals, Performer. Joe Ely, Vocals. Janis Ian, Composer, Vocals,Performer. James McMurtry, Vocals. John Prine, Composer, Vocals, Performer. http://members.fortunecity.es/gonzalofontecha/falling_from_grace.htm | |
82. Adrian Pertout's Biography Ottmar Liebert, Mike Stern, Tom Coster, Bill Evans, Megadeth, Janis Ian (USA), INXS aswell as to record with Scottish singer and Performer Alan Stevenson in http://www.users.bigpond.com/apertout/Biography.htm | |
83. Am I Right - Names James Wright, Richard Wagner, singer/songwriter/Performer of alternative countrymusic, Janis Ian, Janis Eddy Fink, Her two biggest hits were Society's Child (60s http://www.amiright.com/names/pseudo/j.shtml | |
84. Index by Andersen, Hans ChristIan, 18051875 Snow-Bound at Eagle's, by Harte, Bret, 1836-1902Society's Child (audiofile), by Ian, Janis, Performer Society's Child http://www.elbooks.sk/angdieloS.html | |
85. Bands And Artists Website Results :: Linkspider UK Hop (3); Horowitz, Vladimir@ (4); Ian, Janis@ (4); Indigo John, Elton@ (33); Joplin,Janis@ (26); Liberace@ (4 listings, lyrics, composer and Performer biographies. http://www.linkspider.co.uk/Society/Gay,Lesbian,andBisexual/ArtsandEntertainment | |
86. Www.janisian.com : Official Home Page For Janis Ian Features the song "Searching for America" in RealAudio from Ian's album "Hunger." Check clips from many of her recordings. Articles by Janis (March 1). Awards Incorrect Facts. Bio. Contacts Janis/Press/Bookings. Discography. Free MP3s BBC Radio 2"Janis Ian AT 50" http://www.janisian.com/ | |
87. Janis Ian Articles Articles by Janis Ian Read Janis' follow up to this article FALLOUT a follow up to The Internet Debacle on the slagheap of history.". (Janis Ian during a live European radio interview, 9-1-98) http://www.janisian.com/article-internet_debacle.html | |
88. Feature Artist - November '97 - JANIS IANHer First Self-titled Album Came Out In TABU (by Janis Ian). Janis wrote this little number on Friday An original rewrite by Janis Ian herself . to the music of Janis Ian's "Tattoo", from her http://www.amzmusiczine.com/11_97/featr4.htm | |
89. AFTERTONES - The UK Home Of Janis Ian Song Re-writes A celebration of the art and the soul of Janis Ian, singersongwriter supreme, through the medium of respectful re-writes of some of her songs, inspired by events realised through her own Message Board great writer and singer Janis Ian, through the medium of my the Message Board of Janis' own website, along with those http://www.aftertones.flyer.co.uk/ | |
90. The Internet Debacle By Janis Ian OF GUITARS RIGHTEOUS MEN by Janis Ian http//www.JanisIan.com. One day anotherperformer mentioned that it was a Martin D18; when I got home I said Dad! http://www.acousticfingerstyle.com/RighteousMen.htm | |
91. Spying Janis When a Performer panders to an audience, there is an element of disdain in it, and JanisIan, Sat., June 23, 7 and 10 pm, $25, at the Point, 880 W. Lancaster http://www.citypaper.net/articles/062101/mus.janis.shtml | |
92. MSN Entertainment - Music: Joni Mitchell in the same numbers enjoyed by contemporaries like Carole King, Janis Joplin, or Backedby rockjazz Performer Tom Scott, Mitchell's music began moving into http://entertainment.msn.com/Artist/?artist=102275 |
93. Michael Camp: Michaelcamp.com - Songwriter - Publisher - Performer amount of fun. One of the many highlights of that experience wasworking with my friend Janis Ian's online auction. We sold her http://www.michaelcamp.com/bio.html | |
94. BBC Radio 4 - Factual - Desert Island Discs - Cornelia Parker A series 25 Years of Rock and Roll 1972 Track 11 Label Connoisseur CollectionRec No YRNR CD 72 3. Cry Baby Performer Janis Joplin Composer J http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/factual/desertislanddiscs_20030216.shtml | |
95. Musicians Tell It Like It Is By Shawn Medero - 79 Decibels sharing. You may not remember Janis Ian but she was the first performeron Saturday Night Live. Comments. Post a comment *. * I http://www.db79.com/archives/music/musicians_tell_it_like_it_is.php | |
96. A2Z Birthdays b. in New York City; RNJanis Eddy Fink; some esque), Dudley Do Right, Suddenly Susan'sIan, Pinocchio (voice b.3/26/1968 Alternative Rock Performer of Smashing http://a2z.davesdatebook.com/a2z/78a2z289.htm |
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