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41. Hermann Hesse - Highly Recommended Books Hermann Hesse (18771962), the German novelist and poet, was awarded theNobel Prize in Literature in 1946 The Glass Bead Game (Magister Ludi). http://www.a-ten.com/art/hesse.htm | |
42. Encyclopædia Britannica The Web's Best Sites. Hermann Hesse (18771962) Brief biography of this Germanpoet and novelist, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1946. http://search.britannica.com/search?query=hermann hesse |
43. Hermann Hesse Hermann Hesse (18771962) Nemecký humanistický a antimilitaristickýprozaik, lyrický básník a esejista. Usadil se ve výcarsku http://literatura.kvalitne.cz/hes.htm | |
44. List Of Links To Hermann Hesse And Learning To Laugh The Steppenwolf's Perception Of The Bourgeoisie and His EscapeFrom It Hermann Hesse (18771962). Hermann Hesse. Hesse's Steppenwolf. http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/local/suminst/bbi01/projects/dalton/HesseSites.html | |
45. LitSearch: An Online Literary Database Keyword Search Motif Search Custom Search Browse Authors BrowseTitles. Hesse, Hermann (18771962) Works by this author Siddhartha http://daily.stanford.edu/litsearch/servlet/DescribeAuthor?name=Hesse, Hermann |
46. ZIOLKOWSKI THEODORE (in MARION) Records 1 to 15 of 18. Hesse, Hermann, 18771962. Holdings at other locationsSee the additional holdings for this title. Hesse, Hermann, 1877-1962. http://js-catalog.cpl.org:60100/MARION?A=ZIOLKOWSKI THEODORE |
47. Hermann Hesse - Nalanda Digital Libray Hermann Hesse (18771962) More classic literature of the renowned writer will beadded soon to further enhance its popularity. Hermann Hesse (1877-1962) http://www.nalanda.nitc.ac.in/resources/english/etext-project/hermannHesse/herma | |
48. Hermann Hesse - Acapedia - Free Knowledge, For All Hermann Hesse. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Hermann Hesse (18771962)was a German author, and the winner of the 1946 Nobel Prize in literature. http://acapedia.org/aca/Hermann_Hesse | |
49. Hermann Hesse Hermann Hesse (18771962), winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1946,is worldwide the mostly read German author of the twentieth century. http://www.germany-tourism.de/e/8546.html | |
50. Hennepin County Library - Online Catalog Previous 10 Next 10. Author, Count. Hesse, Hermann, 1. Hesse, Hermann, 18771962,16. Hesse, Karen, 24. Hessel, Dieter, 1. Hessel, Ingo, 1. Hessel, John,1. http://www.hclib.org/pub/ipac/link2ipac.cfm?term=Hesse Hermann&index=AA |
51. NB - ÖLA - Bestände - H. Hesse Translate this page Österreichisches Literaturarchiv Bestände. Hermann Hesse 1877-1962.Hermann Hesse (Pseudonym Emil Sinclair), geboren am 2. 7. 1877 http://www.onb.ac.at/sammlungen/litarchiv/bestand/sg/nl/hesse.htm | |
52. Vier Letzte Lieder Translate this page posth. (1948). 1. Frühling (Spring). Text by Hermann Hesse (1877-1962). Indämmrigen Grüften, In dusky vaults. träumte ich lang, I have long dreamt. http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/merge.cgi?55 |
53. Hermann Hesse Hermann Hesse. go to books by this author. Hermann Hesse (18771962) wasa German author, and the winner of the 1946 Nobel Prize in literature. http://www.abacci.com/books/authorDetails.asp?authorID=673 |
54. First World War.com - Prose & Poetry - Hermann Hesse Prose Poetry Hermann Hesse Updated - Saturday, 11 August, 2001. German poet andnovelist (1877-1962), who has explored in his work the duality of spirit and http://www.firstworldwar.com/poetsandprose/hesse.htm | |
55. AllNacht.de - Hermann Hesse - Gedichte & Texte Translate this page Hermann Hesse. Home » Autoren » Hermann Hesse. Hesse, Hermann (1877-1962),in Deutschland geborener Schweizer Romanautor und Dichter. http://www.allnacht.de/autoren/hesse/ | |
56. Hesse Translate this page Hermann Hesse - Ein Jahrhundertschriftsteller swr Seine Wirkung ist immens unduntrennbar mit seiner Person verbunden. Hesse 1877-1962 - Rückblick auf die http://home.arcor.de/br-sbs/myfav3.htm | |
57. Hermann Hesse. Editorial Seix-Barral, Hermann Hesse. Editorial Seix-Barral Translate this page Hesse, Hermann. Biografía. Herman Hesse (1877-1962) es un nombre capitalde la literatura de nuestro siglo. Obras como Demian (1919 http://www.seix-barral.es/fichaautor.asp?autor=118 |
58. Switzerland, Herman Hesse Hermann Hesse 18771962. Switzerland 1979. Hermann Hesse, poet andauthor, awarded the Nobel Prize 1946. Hesse was originally German http://literature.school.dk/frame_SwitzerlandHesse.htm | |
59. Biographie Translate this page Quelle Roman-Zeitung 292. Encarta. Hesse, Hermann (1877-1962), in Deutschlandgeborener Schweizer Romanautor und Dichter. Hesse wurde http://mitglied.lycos.de/Yumeko/biographie.html | |
60. Anthologie.de - Hermann Hesse: Im Nebel Hermann Hesse (1877-1962) erschien 1911 imGedichtband Unterwegs . Eingereicht von Johanna am 01.10.2002. http://anthologie.de/lg-005.htm | |
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