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Harper Frances Ellen Watkins: more detail | ||||||||||
41. Discarded Legacy - Politics And Poetics In The Life Of Frances E. W. Harper, 182 and Poetics in the Life of Frances EW Harper, 18251911 Melba Joyce Boyd, Vines andStately Palms The Radical Vision of Frances Ellen Watkins Harper 3. Mosaic http://wsupress.wayne.edu/africana/afrliterature/boyddl2.htm | |
42. WorldBook General Reference Encyclopedia > History > United States > 1877 - 1897 Valencia West LRC Harper , Frances Ellen Watkins Harper , Frances Ellen Watkins(1825-1911). 8. PAL Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1825-1911), 21. http://surfablebooks.com/worldbookgeneral/History/United States/1877 - 1897/Harp | |
43. WorldBook General Reference Encyclopedia > History > United States > 1877 - 1897 .. Harper , Frances Ellen Watkins (18251911). All sites Options. Frances EWHarper, 14. Frances EW Harper Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1825-1911). http://surfablebooks.com/worldbookgeneral/History/United States/1877 - 1897/Harp | |
44. AapAuthors02 Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute (Va.) Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins,18251911. Harris, E. Jeff. Harris, Edward F., former owner. http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/aap/aapAuthors02.html |
45. Miscellaneous Items In High Demand: Subjects: 223 Harness racingCaliforniaPalo Alto18701880. Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins,1825-1911.Harper, John,1811-1891. Harpers Ferry (W. Va.)1860-1870. http://memory.loc.gov/pp/cphSubjects223.html | |
46. Harper, "Woman's Political Future," 1893 Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (18251911), poet, anti-slavery lecturer and suffragist,alone among the African American women who delivered speeches and http://womhist.binghamton.edu/ibw/doc12.htm | |
47. African-American Women And The Chicago World's Fair, Bibliography Frances Ellen Watkins Harper Abolitionist and Feminist Reformer, 18251911, pp. 41-65 in African American Women and the Vote, 1837-1965. http://womhist.binghamton.edu/ibw/anobib.htm | |
48. Africana.com: Gateway To The Black World.Screen Name Service Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (18251911). Raised in a free black family in Maryland,Harper grew up reading the Bible as well as studying Greek and Latin. http://www.africana.com/moments/page2_3.htm | |
49. Maryland Writers, Editors, Newspaperpersons, Authors Harper, Frances EW (18251911) (Author, Orator, Social Reformer) FrancesEW Harper Frances Ellen Watkins Harper was born in Baltimore, MD. http://www.sailor.lib.md.us/maryland/famous/wri.html | |
50. Directory :: Look.com Frances Ellen Watkins Harper Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (18251911) Frances HarperFrancis Ellen Watkins Harper (1825-1911) Poems by Frances EW Harper The http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=84358 |
51. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Authors > H Hardy, Thomas, 18401928; Hardy, Thomas, 1840-1928. Hargrave, John, 1894-;Hariot, Thomas, 1560-1621; Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 1825-1911; http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&cat=Au |
52. Teachers Talk -- Brown Quarterly -- V. 3, No. 3 -- Winter 2000 Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (18251911) Frances Ellen Watkins was the best-knownand respected 19th century African American poet and novelist. http://brownvboard.org/brwnqurt/03-3/03-3f.htm | |
53. Part 1 1450-1750 Part 2 1750-1805 Part 3 1791-1831 -Part 4 Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (18251911) Frances Ellen Watkins was the best-knownand most respected nineteenth century African American poet and novelist. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part4/4p4439.html | |
54. Sojourner Truth (ca. 1797-1883) Library Of Congress Citations Subjects Harper, Frances Ellen (Watkins) 18251911 Technique. Englishlanguage United States Rhetoric. Women orators United States. http://www.malaspina.edu/~mcneil/cit/citlctruth.htm | |
55. James M. Whitfield's America And Other Poems: Contexts Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (18251911) was one of the most prolific and popularAfrican American writers of the nineteenth century, authoring four novels http://www.iath.virginia.edu/fdw/volume1/levine/harper.html | |
56. LitSearch: An Online Literary Database Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins (18251911) Works by this author Poems.Copyright 2001 Keith Ito. All Rights Reserved. Admin Control Panel. http://daily.stanford.edu/litsearch/servlet/DescribeAuthor?name=Harper, Frances |
57. LitSearch: An Online Literary Database Keyword Search Motif Search Custom Search Browse Authors Browse Titles.Poems by Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins (18251911). Copyright 2001 Keith Ito. http://daily.stanford.edu/litsearch/servlet/DescribeWork?work=698 |
58. Abolition Movement In America And Maryland Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (18251911) photograph or print DESCRIPTION Printof Frances Ellen Watkins Haprer (1825-1911), Columbus, Ohio poet, anti http://mdhistoryonline.net/workshop4/html/t12_documents.html | |
59. Zeal.com - United States - New - Lifestyle - Books - By Country - North America 6. Harper, Frances The Frances EW Harper Page http//www.accd.edu/sac/english/bailey 7.Harper, Francis Ellen Watkins - 1825-1911 http//www.hmco http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=887987 |
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