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Harper Frances Ellen Watkins: more detail | ||||||||||
21. Harper, Frances EW Br B Iola Leroy /b Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 18251911. ca. 443 kilobytes. Iola Leroy, or, Shadowsuplifted. Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 1825-1911. Garrigues Brothers. http://digilib.nypl.org/dynaweb/digs/wwm97248/@Generic__BookTextView |
22. Frances Ellen Watkins Harper , MSA SC 3520-12499 Archives of Maryland (Biographical Series). Frances Ellen Watkins Harper(18251911) MSA SC 3520-12499 African American writer. Biography, Images. http://www.mdarchives.state.md.us/msa/speccol/sc3500/sc3520/012400/012499/html/m | |
23. Maryland Literature & Writers Grimes, Martha; Grossman, Allen (1932 ); Hammett, Dashiell (1894-1961);Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins (1825-1911) Born in Baltimore, Maryland; http://www.mdarchives.state.md.us/msa/mdmanual/01glance/html/lit.html | |
24. The San Antonio College LitWeb Frances E.W.Harper Page The Frances EW Harper Page ( 18251911 ) Major Works Minnie's Sacrifice, Sowing andReaping See also A Brighter Coming Day A Frances Ellen Watkins Harper Reader http://www.accd.edu/sac/english/bailey/fharper.htm | |
25. Untitled Document Britannica Online Frances Harper. Gonzaga.edu Frances Harper. Archives ofMaryland (Biographical Series) Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (18251911). http://www.reed.edu/~failort/journal12.html | |
27. The Genealogy Forum: African American Resource Center: Frances Ellen Watkins Har Welcome to the Genealogy Forum African American Resource Center! Frances Ellen WatkinsHarper 18251911. Name France Watkins Harper Birthplace Baltimore MD. http://www.genealogyforum.rootsweb.com/gfaol/resource/AfricanAm/Harper.htm | |
28. Civil War References showfullrecord=ON. Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, 18251911, Letter fromFrances Ellen Watkins Harper, May 13, 1867. http//colet.uchicago http://www2.arts.gla.ac.uk/CAS/Civil/readings.htm | |
29. Annotated Discarded Legacy Politics in the Life of Frances EW Harper, 18251911. AfricanAmerican Review. Lauter, Paul. Is Frances Ellen Watkins Harper Good Enough http://www.wcenter.spelman.edu/English323/Casonji_Edwards/Annotated.html | |
30. African American Literature African American Literature African Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (18251911), was an American authorand lecturer. She was the leading black poet of her time. Most http://www2.worldbook.com/features/aawriters/html/harper.html | |
31. Documenting The American South (1) Hardy, Mary. (1) Harewood, JB (1) Harmon, George W. (1) Harmon,John, b. 1861. (1) Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 18251911. http://docsouth.unc.edu/church/tgm/tgm15.html | |
32. The Desk Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (18251911) was born to a free black woman, who diedwhen Harper was three. In 1850, Harper moved to Ohio and taught school. http://www.mith.umd.edu/courses/amvirtual/women/desk.html | |
33. Project Gutenberg Author Index Hargrave, John, 1894. Hariot, Thomas, 1560-1621. Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins,1825-1911. Harraden, Beatrice, 1864-1936. Harrington, James, 1611-1677. http://www.ibiblio.org/gutenberg/authors/author_index_H.html | |
34. Project Gutenberg Author Record Project Gutenberg Author record. Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 18251911. Titles.Poems. To the main listings page. Main Project Gutenberg Web page (online). http://www.ibiblio.org/gutenberg/authors/harper__frances_ellen_wat.html | |
35. Early 19th Cent.American Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (18251911) Frances Ellen Watkins Harper Frances EllenWatkins Harper Atlanta Offerings Poems @ Humanities Text Initiative Iola http://www.colorado.edu/English/amlit/e19c.html | |
36. Teoma Search: Frances E. W. Harper www.gonzaga.edu/faculty/campbell/enl413/ha More results from www.gonzaga.eduFrances Ellen Watkins Harper (18251911) Boyd, Melba J. Discarded Legacy http://s.teoma.com/search?q=Frances E. W. Harper |
37. Ohiohistory.org / The African American Experience In Ohio, 1850-1920 / Colored A information about them, click the appropriate image. Frances Ellen WatkinsHarper (18251911). Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1825-1911). http://dbs.ohiohistory.org/africanam/photo/american.cfm | |
38. Untitled to an outstanding individual by the name of Frances Ellen Watkins Harper. Forthose who are unfamiliar with her name, Watkins Harper (18251911) was an http://www.firstuu-philly.org/Web Pages- Beacon/2001 Beacons/06 & 07 June-July/F | |
39. Abolitionists Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (18251911) Lucretia Coffin Mott (1793-1880) WilliamLloyd Garrison Harriet Tubman (1820?-1911) Sarah Douglass (1806-1882) Grace http://www.pinn.net/~sunshine/whm2002/abolitn.html | |
40. Frances E. W. Harper 562 Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (18251911). American LiteratureSites Foley Library Catalog Selected Bibliography on Iola Leroy. http://guweb2.gonzaga.edu/faculty/campbell/enl311/harper.htm | |
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