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Hamilton Clive: more detail |
21. Gopher.quux.org70/Archives/gutenberg/authors.txt 18891951 Hale, Edward Everett, 1822-1909 Hale, Lucretia P. (Lucretia Peabody),1820-1900 Hamilton, Alexander, 1757-1804 Hamilton, Clive, 1898-1963 AKA Lewis http://gopher.quux.org:70/Archives/gutenberg/authors.txt |
22. SF Och Fantasy: Författare Barker, Clive, 1952, Great Britain. Levin, Ira, 1929-, USA. Lewis, Clive Staples,1898-1963, Eire. Sturgeon, Theodore (Edward Hamilton Waldo), 1918-1985, USA. http://w1.311.telia.com/~u31115557/booklists/sf_authors.htm | |
23. 92 GUN F HAM. Hamilton, Virginia. The planet of Junior Brown. New York, c1997.F LEW. Lewis, CS (Clive Staples), 18981963. The horse and his boy;. http://m.cvms.jordan.k12.ut.us/ar8.htm | |
24. 92 BUR HAM 92 BUR HAM. Hamilton, Virginia. Anthony Burns the defeat and triumph of a. c1980.F LEW. Lewis, CS (Clive Staples), 18981963. The last battle;. New. http://m.cvms.jordan.k12.ut.us/ar7.htm | |
25. William Ready Division Of Archives And Research Collections s and Finding Aids. Lewis, CS (Clive Staples), 18981963....... University Library 1280 Main Street, West, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4L6 ArchivesFonds http://library.mcmaster.ca/archives/findaids/fonds/l/lewiscs.htm | |
26. LEWIS, C. S. - Educational Paperback Association Poetry(as Clive Hamilton ) Spirits in Bondage, 1919; Dymer A Biography, 1976; Griffin,W. Clive Staples Lewis The art of disagreement CS Lewis (18981963) . http://www.edupaperback.org/pastbios/Lewiscs.html | |
27. This List Has Been Downloaded From 18891951 Hale, Edward Everett, 1822-1909 Hamilton, Alexander, 1757-1804 Hamilton,Clive, 1898-1963 AKA Lewis, CS (Clive Staples), 1898-1963 Hamilton, Gail http://www.discip.crdp.ac-caen.fr/anglais/Carim/teaching activities/gutenberg.ht | |
28. AUTHORS Edward Everett, 18221909 BACK TO ORDER PAGE Hamilton, Alexander, 1757-1804 Hamilton,Clive, 1898-1963 AKA Lewis, CS (Clive Staples), 1898-1963 Hamilton, Gail http://www.avalondigitalpress.com/authors.htm | |
29. C. S. Lewis Translate this page Lewis, Clive Staples (1898-1963), crítico, académico y novelista Clive Staples Lewisfue bautizado el 29 de de su madre, Flerence Augusta Hamilton que hacía http://narnia.8bit.co.uk/cslewis.htm | |
30. Opracowania CSL pewnej historii i konczy poczatek wszystkich innych Clive Staples Lewis TeologiaCS Lewisa (18981963). The Diaries of Major Warren Hamilton Lewis, San http://www.fabryka.com/mb/inni/lewis/prace.html | |
31. Tam, Gdzie Zaczyna Siê Koniec Pewnej Historii I Koñczy. CS Lewis (18981963) pisarz, filozof, wykladowca literatury sredniowiecznej i Zbiórukazal sie pod pseudonimem Clive Hamilton (Hamilton to panienskie http://www.fabryka.com/mb/inni/lewis/artykul.html | |
32. C. S. Lewis CS Lewis (18981963) Clive Staples Lewis was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland onNovember 29 Brothers and Friends The Diaries of Major Warren Hamilton Lewis. http://www.theacademysite.org/lewis.html | |
33. Hooper, Walter McGehee Included are a few letters from Lewis and his brother, Warren Hamilton Lewis,to Hooper. Hooper, Walter. Lewis, CS (Clive Staples), 18981963. http://www.lib.unc.edu/mss/inv/h/Hooper,Walter.html | |
34. February 2000 Call FIC/LEWIS (LP). Author Lewis, CS (Clive Staples), 18981963. Title Themagician's nephew. Call MN/FIC/Hamilton. Author Hamilton, Jane, 1957 July 13-. http://www.hamdenlibrary.org/New Books/february00.html | |
35. Christian Quotation Of The Day Index 1903) bio Providentissimus Deus 1893 3/2/01 Lewis, Clive Staples (18981963)bio bio b. 1890) 6/12/96, 10/5/99 Mabie, Hamilton Wright (1846 http://www.gospelcom.net/cqod/cqodndal.htm | |
36. Christian Quotation Of The Day Index 4/97 Leighton, Robert (16111684) bio 2/12/96 Lewis, Clive Staples (1898-1963)bio bio b. 1890) 6/12/96, 10/5/99 Mabie, Hamilton Wright (1846 http://www.gospelcom.net/cqod/cqodindx.htm | |
37. Interrogantes.net Translate this page 97 Lewis, Clive Staples (1898-1963), crítico, académico y Ruiz (www.menteabierta.org)Clive Staples Lewis de su madre, Flerence Augusta Hamilton que hacía http://www.interrogantes.net/includes/documento.php?IdDoc=1200&IdSec=164 |
38. Buecher Suchen Hilfe Home Uebersicht Neu Links AGB Versand Translate this page Hamilton-Merritt, Jane, Wandlung durch Meditation. Mystik/ Mystics/ Clive StaplesLewis 1898-1963/ Anglikaner/ CHF 15.00 EUR 9.9, stapeln/ bestellen. http://buchantiquariat.com/buecher/linxuche.php3?Kennung=&suchstr=Meditation |
39. Books On Cassette And CD, Non-Fiction Lewis, CS (Clive Staples), 18981963, The screwtape letters, CASS, 248.4LEWIS. Jordan, Hamilton, No such thing as a bad day, CASS, 362.1969 JORDAN. http://library.ci.corvallis.or.us/corvallis/special/nonfiction.html | |
40. PLCMC - Catalog - Large Print Books the Case for Christianity, Christian Behaviour, and Beyond Personality, Lewis, CS(Clive Staples), 18981963. Miss Seeton By Moonlight, Crane, Hamilton. http://www.plcmc.org/catalog/largePrint.asp?alpha=M&typesort=title |
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