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41. Oxford Professors Of Poetry Church; 1961 Robert von Ranke Graves MA (18951985); St John's College;1966 Edmund Charles Blunden MA (1896-1974); The Queen's College; http://www.people.vcu.edu/~dlatane/palgrave/pop.html | |
42. Mallorca 1 - Deià Und Der Graves-Mythos Translate this page Robert Graves (1895-1985). Ein Essay von Hartmut Ihnenfeldt Robert Graves, einNachfahre des berühmten deutschen Historikers Leopold von Ranke, hatte in http://www.baleares1.com/mallorca/deutsch/story/graves.html | |
43. NICHOLSON MSS. 19291973, consist primarily of letters from writer Robert Graves, 1895-1985, tohis present are Amalia Elizabeth Sophie (von Ranke) Graves, Beryl (Pritchard http://www.indiana.edu/~liblilly/lilly/mss/html/nicholso.html | |
44. Mallorca Translate this page Graves, Robert, eigentlich Robert von Ranke Graves, (1895-1985), englischer Schriftstellerund Publizist, der besonders durch seine historischen Romane und http://www.ricor.de/html/ricor7.htm | |
45. Brooklyn Public Library /All Locations 1887 1 Graves, Robert, 1895 119 Graves, Robert, 1895-1985. 2001 1 Graves, RobertL. 2 Graves, Robert Perceval. 2 Graves, Robert Ranke, 1895- See Graves http://catalog.brooklynpubliclibrary.org:90/kids/1899,1927/search/aGraves, Rober | |
46. Robert Graves Life 18951985 Robert von Ranke Graves; b. 24 July, Wimbledon, London; son ofAlfred Percival and Amy (née von Ranke), gd.-nephew of Robert Perceval Graves http://www.pgil-eirdata.org/html/pgil_datasets/authors/g/Graves,R(b1895)/life.ht | |
47. Classic Book Author Index, Plays, Religious Manuscripts, Historic Documents, And John, 13301408 Grahame, Kenneth, 1859-1932 Grammaticus, Saxo Grant, Ulysses S.(Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885 Graves, Robert Ranke, 1895-1985 Grayson, David http://classicscopy.com/authorindex.htm | |
48. THE HERON'S LEARNING LIBRARY A mark (`) indicating a pronounced e for the sake of meter in the usually nonsyllabicending ed in English poetry. Graves, Robert Ranke. 1895-1985. http://theheronlibraries.homestead.com/poetryg.html | |
49. Author Pseudonyms David J. Schow Graves, Clotilde Inez Mary Richard Dehan Graves, Keller KathrynDavenport, Evelyn Rogers Graves, Robert (Ranke) (18951985) John Doyle http://www.trussel.com/books/pseud_g.htm | |
50. Dictionary Of British Classicists Gow, Andrew Sydenham Farrar (18861978) ei Gow, James (1854-1923) cas Grant, Alexander(1826-1884) cp Graves, Robert Von Ranke (1895-1985) ge Greenidge, Abel http://www.thoemmes.com/dictionaries/class_entry.htm | |
51. Jiri Loewy - Wuppertal - SRN císarského Ríma se v moderní literature nevyskytuje poprvé.Této metody pouilnapríklad Anglican Robert von Ranke Graves (18951985) ve fiktivní http://www.aw-net.com/glosy/iso/ln261099_2.htm |
52. Lives Of War Poets Of The First World War Robert VON Ranke Graves, 18951985. Born in London. Educated at Charterhouse.His mother was German. As a child he spent five summer http://www.warpoetry.co.uk/biogs99.htm | |
53. Alliance Of Literary Societies, Gazetteer. London Wilfrid Gibson (18781962) Hampstead Nassington Rd 1934-9. Robert van Ranke Graves(1895-1985) born at Wimbledon, in London, and educated at Charterhouse. http://www.sndc.demon.co.uk/map/london.htm | |
54. L'astronomie Et La Poesie : Robert Graves Translate this page Nox Oculis. Robert Graves (1895-1985) Robert Ranke Graves, poète etromancier britannique, auteur notamment de biographies historiques. http://pages.infinit.net/noxoculi/graves.html | |
55. Mai 2002/2 -=- Reisebuch.de Translate this page Und viele davon beziehen sich auf Robert von Ranke Graves (1895-1985), einenNachfahren des berühmten deutschen Historikers Leopold von Ranke. http://reisebuch.de/mallorca/newsletter/2002-05-24.html | |
56. Graves, Robert Ranke. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 Graves, Robert Ranke. 18951985, English poet, novelist, critic; son of Alfred Percival Graves. He established his and highly prolific writer, Graves considered himself primarily a http://www.bartleby.com/65/gr/Graves-R.html | |
57. Graves, Robert Ranke. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English Language The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language Fourth Edition.2000. Graves, Robert Ranke. PRONUNCIATION gr vz. DATES 18951985. http://www.bartleby.com/61/3/G0240300.html | |
58. GRAVES, ROBERT RANKE. The Columbia Encyclopedia Sixth Edition. 2000 Columbia Encyclopedia Graves, Robert Ranke The Columbia Encyclopedia Sixth Edition. 2000. Graves, Robert Ranke and critic; son of Alfred Percival Graves. He established his http://www.bartleby.com/aol/65/gr/Graves-R.html |
59. Graves, Robert Ranke encyclopediaEncyclopedia Graves, Robert Ranke. Graves, Robert Ranke, 18951985,English poet, novelist, and critic; son of Alfred Percival Graves. http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/CE021663.html | |
60. Robert Graves Robert Graves was born in Wimbledon, south London, into a His father, Alfred PercivalGraves, was a school His mother, Amalie von Ranke Graves, was a great http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/rgraves.htm | |
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