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41. John Singer Sargent's Kenneth Grahame Jpg local Kenneth Grahame (18591932) born in Edinburgh, he entered theBank of England in 1879 and would become its Secretary in 1899. http://www.jssgallery.org/Paintings/Mugs/Kenneth_Grahame.htm | |
42. Records For Gibson, Flo. (in MARION) Grahame, Kenneth, 18591932. cn The wind in the willows audio cassette/ by Kenneth Grahame. Charlotte Hall, Md. Recorded Books, c1980. http://www.ccpl.org/MARION/*GIBSON FLO/081a20000100/16 | |
43. Wacky Anne's Christmas Library: Author Information Christmas Storms and Sunshine , 1848 Kenneth Grahame (18591932) TheWind in the Willows , 1908 Ch.5 Dulce Domum Lucretia P. Hale (1820 http://www.geocities.com/wackyanne/library/xlinfo.htm | |
44. The Questors Theatre - Production Archives - Thye Wind In The Willows (2000) Kenneth Grahame (18591932) was born in Edinburgh, but spent most of his childhoodliving with relatives in Berkshire after his mother died and his father http://www.questors.org.uk/onstage/prod/prod00/witw00.html | |
45. US Gateway To Britain-Literary Britain GASKELL, Mrs Elizabeth (18101865), Novelist, 24. GERALD of Wales (1146-1220),Religious Chronicler, 77. Grahame, Kenneth (1859-1932), Children's Novelist, http://www.travelbritain.org/newhome/triplanner/seedo/activities/litbrit.htm | |
46. Authors ("G") Graham, Robert. Graham, Shirley. GrahamBonnalie, FE Grahame, Kenneth, 1859-1932.Gramont, Sanche de. Granatelli, Anthony, 1923- Granger, Bill. Granger, Edith. http://www.ardsleyschools.k12.ny.us/AHSL_WEB/AuthorList-G.htm | |
47. Literature British Arts Born Scotland. Grahame Kenneth (18591932) Children's books. Born Edinburgh;Graves Robert (1895-1985) Poet; Gray Simon (1936- ) Playwright and novelist. http://www.britisharts.co.uk/gi.htm | |
48. Blue Plaques In The Royal Borough: Writers Gissing, George (18571903) Novelist 33 Oakley Street, SW3. Grahame, Kenneth(1859-1932) Author of Wind in the Willows 16 Phillimore Place, W8. http://www.rbkc.gov.uk/OurHistory/BluePlaques/writers.asp | |
49. Swishweb.com : Arts & Culture : Literature : Novelists : Gaddis To Hartley of Klim Samgin (192536). Grahame, Kenneth, 1859-1932, Edinburgh,UK, The Wind in the Willows (1908). Grass, Günter, 1927-, Danzig,The http://www.swishweb.com/Arts_and_Culture/Literature/Novelists/artcult06n.htm | |
50. Www.rcls.org/chil/c12.txt Gardiner, John Reynolds. Stone Fox / 25. George, Jean Craighead, 1919 My side ofthe mountain / 26. Grahame, Kenneth, 1859-1932. The wind in the willows; 27. http://www.rcls.org/chil/c12.txt |
51. Literature On The Web - G Gordon, Charles William (Ralph Connor) 18601937. Gore, Catherine 1799-1861Author information only. Gorky, Maxim 1868-1936. Grahame, Kenneth 1859-1932. http://www.nku.edu/~gregoryj/lit/g/g.htm | |
52. Authors Children's Writers National Children's Book Week Find out more about Frances Hodgson Burnett. 3.Kenneth Grahame (18591932).Kenneth Grahame was a Scot, tracing his ancestry to Robert the Bruce. http://www.hibbert-assembly.org.uk/bookweek/bookwriters.htm | |
53. Records For Delacre, Lulu, Ill. (in MARION) Grahame, Kenneth, 18591932. The wind in the willows. The open road / by KennethGrahame ; illustrated by Lulu Delacre. New York Messner, c1985. http://wpalmb.pbclibrary.org:8002/MARION/*DELACRE LULU/c9ae00006100/0 | |
54. BUBL LINK: 808.899 Children's Literature ResourceType documents, images Location usa Kenneth Grahame Novels Full text ofnovels by Victorian writer Kenneth Graham (18591932), including Dream Days http://link.bubl.ac.uk/childlit | |
55. Monona Public Library Collection Fis) Fleischman, Sid, 1920 Jingo Django (+ BOC Fle) The 13th floor a ghost storyFolktellers Tales to grow on (+ CAS Fre) Grahame, Kenneth, 1859-1932 The wind http://www.scls.lib.wi.us/monona/av/bocjuv.html | |
56. The Quotations Home Page - A Rush Of Wings- Series 22 so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats. Mr. Toad inThe Wind in the Willows (1908) by Kenneth Grahame (18591932). http://www.theotherpages.org/quote-22.html | |
57. English Heritage - Vis_blueplaques_list_g Fairmount', Mottingham Lane, SE9 Bromley 1966 Grahame, Kenneth (18591932),Author of 'Wind in the Willows', lived here 1901-1908. http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/default.asp?wci=WebItem&WCE=175 |
58. Stories, Listed By Author Cover Story. Grahame, Kenneth (18591932) (chron.) * Carol fromThe Wind in the Willows, (pm) London Methuen 1908 Argosy (UK http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/fictionmag/s290.htm | |
59. Chronological List, Part 5 Phillips; GRAHAM, STEPHEN (18841975); Grahame, Kenneth (1859-1932);GRAINGER, FRANCIS EDWARD (1857-1927); see pseudonym Headon Hill; http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/msf/e5.htm | |
60. BETSY BEINECKE SHIRLEY COLLECTION OF AMERICAN CHILDREN'S LITERATURE expand/contract this heading, Grahame, Kenneth, 18591932. expand/contractthis heading, GRANT, ULYSSES S. (ULYSSES SIMPSON), 1822-1885. http://webtext.library.yale.edu/xml2html/beinecke.shirley.nav.html | |
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