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Galba Marti Joan De: more detail |
1. Mid-Hudson Library System /ALL 2 Grainger Sylvia 1942 2 Grajnert Paul 2002 1 Grak Zilijen 1910 See Gracq Julien1910 1 Gralla Martin Juan De See Galba Marti Joan de d 1490 1 Gralla http://gigcat.midhudson.org:90/kids/1899,1927/search/aGralla, Preston./agralla p | |
2. Mid-Hudson Library System /ALL Hurley Children, Woodstock Children 2002 Grak Zilijen 1910 See Gracq Julien1910 Gralla Martin Juan De See Galba Marti Joan de d 1490 Gralla Preston http://gigcat.midhudson.org:90/kids/1899,1927/search/aGralla, Preston./agralla p | |
3. SWAN /All Libraries Tiberius Sempronius 1 Grala Maria 2 Gralapp Leland W 1961 1 Grall Eloise See Mancebo1 Gralla Martin Juan De See Galba Marti Joan de d 1490 1 Gralla http://swan.sls.lib.il.us:90/kids/0,11,154/search/aGralla, Preston./agralla pres | |
4. Tulsa City-County Library /All Locations Mark Nearby AUTHORS are Year Entries Gralapp Leland 1965 1 Grall Timothy S 5 GrallaMartin Juan De See Galba Marti Joan de d 1490 1 Gralla Milton 1996 1 http://opac.tulsalibrary.org:90/kids/6,992/search/aGralley, Jean./agralley jean/ | |
5. Tirante El Blanco (in MARION) AUTHOR Rudder, Robert S. Galba, Marti Joan de, d. 1490 . TITLE White Knight Tirant Lo Blanc, The C http://library.ncsu.edu/marion/ABA-1751 | |
6. The Mad Cybrarian's Library: Free Online E-texts - Authors M-Md AUTHOR Rudder, Robert S. _ Galba, Marti Joan de, d. 1490 (SUBJECT Fiction) (GutenbergText Zip) Gutenberg FTP UITXT 854 Kb ZIP332 Kb SLTXT - ZIP http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/richmond/88/1libm.htm | |
7. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Title - W AUTHOR Rudder, Robert S. _ Galba, Marti Joan de, d. 1490 LANGUAGE EnglishSUBJECT Fiction PG ENTRY 378 POSTING DATE dec 1995 ZIP. http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_w3.html |
8. Listing Of Authors Galba, Marti Joan de, d. 1490 Gardiner, Laetitia Jane, Translator Garnett, ConstanceBlack, 18621946, Translator Gilbert, Clinton W. (Clinton Wallace), 1871 http://www.e-text.worldwide-library.org/editors_translators.htm | |
9. Editors And Translators F-M G. Galba, Marti Joan de, d. 1490 Gardiner, Laetitia Jane, Translator Garnett, ConstanceBlack, 18621946, Translator Gilbert, Clinton W. (Clinton Wallace), 1871 http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/editors_f-m.htm | |
10. FortuneCity > Error 1413 1468;. Marti J. de Galba. Sor Isabel de Villena. 1490 -1554;. Rafael Martide Viciana. Joan de Timoneda. 1518 -1583; Joan LiuTs Vives, 1492 - 1540;. http://www.fortunecity.es/conjuntos/solidaridad/63/escritors.html | |
11. HL G. (Hugh Gerard), died 1924, Translator FitzGerald, Edward, 18091883, TranslatorFreud, Sigmund, 1856-1939 Galba, Marti Joan de, d. 1490 Gardiner, Laetitia http://digilander.libero.it/lazzi/cur.html | |
12. AUTHORS White, Hugh G. (Hugh Gerard), died 1924, Translator FitzGerald, Edward, 18091883,Translator Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939 Galba, Marti Joan de, d. 1490 BACK TO http://www.avalondigitalpress.com/authors.htm | |
13. List Of Ebook Authors John Benjamin, 18681943, Translator FitzGerald, Edward, 1809-1883, Translator Freud,Sigmund, 1856-1939 Galba, Marti Joan de, d. 1490 Gardiner, Laetitia Jane http://www.irqpa.org/lphs/1948/library/AUTHORS.HTM | |
14. Untitled Document Desta novela de lescritor Joanot Martorell i Mompalau (Gandia, 14131468),digue Aço ho diu lescritor Marti Joan de Galba (Valencia, ¿ -1490), el http://club.telepolis.com/morigirv/cultura/doc/rvdemos.htm | |
15. PROJECT GUTENBERG ETEXTS AUTHORS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER 18091883, Translator Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939 Froude, James Anthony, 1818-1894Fuller, Hamilton Brock Galba, Marti Joan de, d. 1490 Gardiner, Laetitia Jane http://www.sign-lang.uni-hamburg.de/fb07/GermS/Project-Gutenberg-Authors.html | |
16. Untitled Marti Joan de Galba Tirant lo Blanch http://www.universia.es/contenidos/bibliotecas/exlibris/contido/catalogo/cuna/63 | |
17. Project BookRead - FREE Online Book: The White Knight: Tirant Lo Blanc By Johano The White Knight Tirant lo Blanc Johanot Martorell and Marti Johan d'Galba Editedand Translated by Robert S Another writer, Marti Joan de Galba, adds his http://tanaya.net/Books/whitk10/ | |
18. Listado De Obras Obres o trobes en laors de la Verge Maria / (d. 25 marzo 1474) Tirant lo Blanch / Martorell, Joanot ; (Galba, Martí Joan de?) / (20 noviembre 1490) http://bv2.gva.es/pages/listado_doc.php?&id_tipo=1 |
19. BookRags E-Book: The White Knight: Tirant Lo Blanc Another writer, Marti Joan de Galba, adds his entire section (which this present translationomits) is taken from Ramon Lull's Libre del Orde d'Cauayleria.(8 http://www.bookrags.com/books/whitk/PART1.htm | |
20. Joan Perujo La Coherencia Estructural Del Tirant Lo Blanch No doubt, the recent announcement by Marti' de Riquer that he now believes thatthe moneylender Galba had done nothing to the Joan Roi's de Corella! http://parnaseo.uv.es/Tirant/Joan_perujo.html | |
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